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Contemporary: Literary and Socio -Political Journal -1836 T 1 -1846 T 44, 1847 T 1 -1866 T 113 (No. 3/4) -SANKT -Petersburg, 1836-1866 -Nadzagolovka: T 1-4 (1836) Literary magazine published by Alexander Pushkin;T 5 (1837) Literary magazine A from Pushkin, published by death of his Knemsky, in the Zhukovsky, and a Kraevsky, in the festivsky and Pletnev;T 6-8 (1837) Literary magazine A from Pushkin, published after his death, in favor of his family of the Knemsky, in the Zhukovsky, and the Kraevsky, in the Febutovsky and P and Pletnev;T 9 (1838) - 44 (1846) published by Pletnev;T 1-73 (1847-1859) a literary journal, published from 1847 and Panaev and N Nekrasov;T 74 (1859) - 91 (1862) Literary magazine and (since 1859) political, published from 1847 and Panaev and N Nekrasov;T 92/93 (1862) Literary magazine and (since 1859) political;T 94 (1863) - 113 (1866) Literary and political magazine, published by NekrasovThe literary and socio-political magazine, founded and Pushkin published in St. Petersburg from April 1836 to May 1866 during 1837, after death and from Pushkin, the magazine was published by a group of writers, led by Vyazemsky, then Pletnevov(1837-1846) On January 1, 1847, the magazine moved to the editorial office of N Nekrasov in 1847-1848 the official editor was a historian of literature, professor of St. Petersburg University, the censor of the St. Petersburg Censorship Committee in 1848, the journal and Panaev became the editor of the magazine, and the programThe magazine has been identified by articles in Belinsky since 1853, along with N Nekrasov, the head of the magazine became N G Chernyshevsky and since 1856 - Dobrolyubov from January 1859 - to April 1863 in the magazine "Contemporary" published a satirical application "whistle",Which consisted of humorous literary works and critical articles, notes and cartoons on May 28, 1866, the magazine was closed by the personal order of Emperor Alexander II1 people (collection) 2 Russian language (collection) 3 domestic serial and ongoing publications (collection) 4 Russian literature-19 in 5 magazines-coverage of issues of socio-political life-Russia 6 socio-political literature-history-history-historyRussia-periodicals 7 Literary magazines-Russia-19 in 8 socio-political magazines-RussiaBBK 633 (2) 52-72y52BBK 833 (2 = 4112) 52y52Electronic copy source: PBT91 - to the printing house of Karl Wulf, 1862 - [1172] from Section Pag: Table -Tom's title on the title sheet: a contemporary: a literary journal published since 1847 and Panaev and Nekrasov, edited by Tom LxxxxiBibliography in Settings and in the text is a defective instance: there are no one with 215-216 (the story "From Italy")I Nikitenko, Alexander Vasilievich (1804-1877) II Nekrasov, Nikolai Alekseevich (poet; 1821-1877) III Panaev, Ivan Ivanovich (1812-1862) 1 people (collection) 2 Russian language (collection) 3 domestic serial and continuing editions (Collection) 4 N A Nekrasov (collection) 5 Russian literature-19 in 6 literary magazines-Russia-19 in 7 socio-political magazines-RussiaBBK 633 (2) 52-72y52BBK 833 (2 = 4112) 52y52BBK 84 (2 = 4112) 5ya52Electronic copy source: PBThe place of storage of the original: RSPU they and Herzen
Publisher | В типография Карла Вульфа |
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