Fomenko, Stanislav Alexandrovich
Strengthening the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation in the constitutions and charters of the subjects of the Russian Federation: the author's abstract of the dissertation. ... Candidate of Juridical Sciences: 12.00.02 / Fomenko Stanislav Aleksandrovich; [Place of protection: Mosk. humanitarian. un-t]. - Moscow, 2013. -24 .. -
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1. The Russian Federation. Constitution. 1993 - Abstracts of dissertations. 2. Power (collection). 3. Territory (collection). 4. Constitution - Basic Law (collection). 5. Constitutions - Subjects - Russian Federation - Abstracts of dissertations. 6. Constitutional law - Russian Federation - Abstracts of dissertations. |
BBK 67.400.11 (2Ros) i031 BBK 67.3 (2) 64y031
Source of electronic copy: Moscow State University. Website |