The state of the Russian state and the Grand Duchy of Moscow [at the beginning of the 17th century], with the addition of news o...

Margaret, Jacques (1550s after 1618).
The state of the Russian state and the Grand Duchy of Moscow [at the beginning of the 17th century], with the addition of news of the memorable events that occurred in the reign of the four sovereigns, from 1590 to September 1606 / the composition of Captain Margaret [captain of the Guard Demetrius the Pretender]; translation from French; [Foreword and notes by NG Ustryalov]. - Sankt-Petersburg: in the printing department of the General Directorate of Railways, 1830 cm. -XXVI, 122, 61 p., 2 l. front. (fax and gravure tit.). 18 cm. -
The abridged translation came out with the title: Historical notes containing the narrative of the most famous incidents that occurred in the reign of the five sovereigns, such as John Vasilyevich Grozny, his son Theodore Ioannovich, Boris Feodorovich Godunov, False Dimitry and Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky, from 1590 to 14 September 1606 with the addition of a description of the customs and customs of the Russian court and customs at that time.
Bibliography in the notes.
I. Ustryalov, Nikolay Gerasimovich (1805-1870) .1. Russia and the countries of the world (collection). 2. Power (collection). 3. Territory (collection). 4. Rossica (collection). 5. Russia - History - Reviews of foreigners - 17th .. 6. Russia - History - Reviews of foreigners - 16th .. 7. Russia - Description and travel - 17th .. 8. Russia - - Description and travel - 16 in ..
ББК 63.3 (2) 44
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original storage: Tula OUNB
Publisher в типографии Главного управления путей сообщения
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