A note by the Russian National Committee in Japan about the situation in the Russian Far East, the appeal of Ataman Semyonov aft...

Identifier 43c5ed5e-c6bd-4862-86b5-66b991070de9
Title A note by the Russian National Committee in Japan about the situation in the Russian Far East, the appeal of Ataman Semyonov after the evacuation from Transbaikalia in 1920 and the "Appeal of the Extraordinary Delegation from the Cossacks, Buryats, Peasants, Petites and Foreigners of the Transbaikal Region to Ataman Semyonov of March 11, 1921 . ". General Wrangel's telegram to Ataman Semyonov of October 21, 1920, greeting the decision of Semenov to join Wrangel and other documents reflecting the activities of General Semenov
Dates 1920

Часть текста на английском языке

Листы: 1а-3, 4-5, 23-25, 60, 63, 64-65, 67 - повреждены

Машинописный текст

Level Case
Call number ГА РФ. 5793 / 1 / 107
Cataloguing source GA_RF
Series 1875-1932 years.
Extent 69 листов
Fonds Ryabikov Pavel Fedorovich, general, professor of the General Staff Academy
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