Diary of the presence of the Tsar liberator in the Danube Army in 1877

Seraphim (Chichagov, Leonid Mikhailovich; 1856-1937).Diary of the presence of the Tsar liberator in the Danube Army in 1877 / Sost.L [Eonid] M. Chichagov.- 2nd ed.-Sanct-Petersburg: Type.V.S.Balasheva, 1887. -XXVI, 518 p.;25. -On Smuntie: the memory of the tsar-martyr.Bibliogr.in preface..I. Alexander II (imp.; 1818-1881).II.Chichagov, Leonid Mikhailovich (1856-1937) .1Power (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of storage of the original: Cultural and historical Foundation "Communication of Times".Museum of Faberge
Publisher Тип. В.С. Балашева

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