A detailed description of the origin and state of the Manjur people and troops, in the system of banners consisting.[T.17].Notes...

A detailed description of the origin and state of the Manjur people and troops, in the system of banners consisting.- [St. Petersburg]: B., 1784. -.1. People (collection).Electronic Source: PBOriginal storage place: Russian Academy of Arts.Scientificlibrary[T.17]: Notes on all the Manjur and Chinese words, names, titles, Hana Chinese titles, also on all the advantages of noble and ordinary people, in a thorough description of the origin and state of the entire Manjur people and troops.- [IMP.Acad.Science, 1784].- [2], 323 p.: Tab .. -.1. People (collection).Electronic Source: PBOriginal storage place: Russian Academy of Arts.Scientificlibrary
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