Genuine jokes about Peter Great, heard from the mouth of the famous Persons in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and removed from the o...

Schlyten, Ya.y.backgroundGenuine jokes about Peter Great, heard from the mouth of the famous Persons in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and removed from the oblivion of Jacob Schlyanna: now newly translated from German to Russian with adding many others in the Russian language unnecessary jokes: with the addition of engraved portraits.- Moscow: B. and., 1793. -.I. Peter Great (Imp.; 1672-1725) .1Power (collection).Electronic Source: PBOriginal storage place: Russian Academy of Arts.ScientificlibraryPart 1. - free type.A. Reshetnikova, 1793. - [326] p.section.Pag.: Il .. -.1. Power (collection).Electronic Source: PBOriginal storage place: Russian Academy of Arts.Scientificlibrary
Publisher Печатано в вольной типографии А. Решетникова
Catalogue object