Monthly Committee of the Great Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna for the provision of charitable assistance to families of persons d...

Monthly Committee of the Great Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna for the provision of charitable assistance to families of persons designed to war.- Moscow, 1915-1916.-It comes instead of journal.: Weekly of the Committee of the Grand Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna for the provision of charitable assistance to the families of persons designed to war..I. Russia.Committee of the Great Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna for the provision of charitable assistance to families of persons designed to war.Weekly of the Committee of the Great Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna for the provision of charitable assistance to the families of persons designed to war.2. People (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: RGPU them.A.I.Herzen1915. No. 2. September 1.- [Type.A.N.Ivanova], 1915. -82 p.: Il., Table .. -StoodPrize: monthly committee of its imperial highness of the Great Princess Elizabeth Feeodorovna for the provision of charitable assistance to the families of persons designed to war.StoodMODE: The monthly of the High Employees established under the August of the Imperial Majesty of the Empress Aleksandra Feodorovna is the patronage of the Committee of Her Imperial Highness of the Great Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna for the provision of charitable assistance to the families of persons designed to a substrateNote..1. People (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: RGPU them.A.I.Herzen
Publisher [Типография А. Н. Иванова]