Identifier a9ac5b77-7eae-4409-9631-6ef4f0107d3e Title Cases of the Department of People's Enlightenment in the Nezhinskaya Gymnasium Dates 1818 Text language Русский Level Lists Call number РГИА. 733 / 94 Cataloguing source РГИА Extent 59 ед.хр. Fonds Department of Education of the Ministry of Education File РГИА. 733 / 94 / 1. The case of the establishment in the city of Luchery of the Gymnasium of Higher Sciences Prince Lesborodko РГИА. 733 / 94 / 10. The case of awarding the architect of the 12th grade of Ivan de Lukini for the works incurred by him in the structure of the buildings of the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of higher sciences Prince Bezborodko, a gift, diamond min РГИА. 733 / 94 / 11. The case of the movement of the teacher of Novgorod-Seversk gymnasium Mikhail Bylevich professor in the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of the highest sciences Prince Lesborodko РГИА. 733 / 94 / 12. The case of the definition of the Stat adviser Ivana Orel Orel Director to the gymnasium of higher sciences Prince Bezborodko in Nezhin.Immediately reporting on his entry into this position РГИА. 733 / 94 / 13. The case of the division of pupils of the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of higher sciences Prince Bezborodko for three branches and schedule of training items РГИА. 733 / 94 / 14. The case on the approval of the rules for the distribution of time for the pupils of the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of higher sciences Prince Bezborodko РГИА. 733 / 94 / 15. The case on the approval of the Junior Professor of the French language to the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of the highest sciences of Prince Bezborodko Ivan Landrogin and the dismissal of the Teacher of August Aman from this post with the definition of gymnasium wages РГИА. 733 / 94 / 16. The case of an institution in the Nezhinsk gymnasium of a scientific society on the assumption of the Honorary Trustees of Count Alexander Kusheleva-Bezborodko РГИА. 733 / 94 / 17. The case of an approval to the Nezhinskaya gymnasium younger professor of the Latin Literature Teacher of the Kiev Gymnasium Seeds Andruschenka РГИА. 733 / 94 / 18. The case of the permission to some officials of the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of higher sciences Prince Bezborodko to enjoy a gymnasium table and about issuing all the gymnasium officials candles РГИА. 733 / 94 / 19. The case of approval of the order who was committed to the director of the Nezhinsky gymnasium regarding the management of the activities of this gymnasium РГИА. 733 / 94 / 2. The case of taking from a bank of 370 thousand rubles for the purchase of bonds for increment through the income of the Nezhinsk gymnasium of higher sciences Prince Lesborodko.Immediately: 1) on the dismissal of Professor of St. Petersburg University of Vasily Kuzolman from the University for РГИА. 733 / 94 / 20. The case of the Junior Professor of the Nezhinskaya Gymnasium of the Higher Sciences of Prince Bezborodko Kirill Moyseeva in the rank of inspector over the pupils of the gymnasium with leaving at this post РГИА. 733 / 94 / 21. The case on the distribution of pupils of the Nezhinsky gymnasium for five classes.Immediately on the definition of the Third Teacher for the Lower Class РГИА. 733 / 94 / 22. The case on the proposal of the Kharkov educational district on the approval of the former student of the Derpt University of Karl Friedrich Hippius, who serves in the commissions of debt repayment, in the rank of gymnasium of higher sciences Prince Bezborodko РГИА. 733 / 94 / 23. The case of the prince of the Greek native of Herrow and the Greek of the Greek Natives of Herleopes and the approval of it later in the gymnasium of higher sciences, and about the approval of him later in the rank of the Junior Professor of Greek and Literature.Immediately about spontaneous removal of Nezhinsky РГИА. 733 / 94 / 24. The case of the addition of a complaint of the officials of the Nezhinsky gymnasium Prince Bezborodko in proportion to the boarders in it.Immediately about the extradition of the annual salary of gymnasium officials instead of a salary increase РГИА. 733 / 94 / 25. The case on what basis the Professor of the German Literature of the Nezhinskaya Gymnasium of Higher Sciences of Prince Belevich Mikhail Bylevich is a professor of legal sciences can be determined.Immediately on approval by his professor of legal sciences and about issuing 500 rubles РГИА. 733 / 94 / 26. The case of renaming the younger professors of the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of Parfation of Nikolsky, Kirill Moyseeva and Kazimir Shapalinsky to the elders with the production of a complainant РГИА. 733 / 94 / 27. Remarks made by the Honorary Trustees of the Gymnasium of Higher Sciences Prince Bezborodko Director of this gymnasium.Immediately and district trustee comments on this subject РГИА. 733 / 94 / 28. The case of the production of a salary to the secretaries of the conference and the economic rule of the Nezhinskaya gymnasium РГИА. 733 / 94 / 29. Case on the definition of Galichanin Friedrich Konstantin Singer Professor of German Literature in Nezhinskaya Gymnasium РГИА. 733 / 94 / 3. The case of the approval of the superior adviser Ivan Miller, younger professor in the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of the Higher Sciences of Prince Bezborodko.Immediately about approval of other professors РГИА. 733 / 94 / 30. Pension State of 30 pupils at the Gymnasium of Higher Sciences Prince Bezborodko РГИА. 733 / 94 / 31. The case of a positive consumption of higher sciences of Prince Bezborodko to the percentage costs of 5,000 rubles from the amount located in a borrowed bank РГИА. 733 / 94 / 32. The case regarding the determination of the Higher Sciences of Prince Bezborodko of three pupils from the children of military officials to the account of interest on the expense of 50 thousand rubles, stored in the committee, highly approved on August 18, 1814 РГИА. 733 / 94 / 33. The case of issuing an employee in the affairs of the Conference of the Nezhinskaya Gymnasium of Higher Sciences Prince Bezborodko Peter Skorokhodov in awarding one hundred rubles РГИА. 733 / 94 / 34. The case of the counterpart of the French Literature Professor in the Nezhinskaya Gymnasium of Higher Sciences Prince Bezborodko Ivan Landrazhina Open in his own home Guest House for Devitz РГИА. 733 / 94 / 35. The case of the Higher Sciences of the Nizhinsky Gymnasium of the Higher Sciences of the Sala of the Son of the Son of the Son in the Battle of Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Kotlyarov, Sergey, with a fee for him for 1,000 rubles from a disabled amount РГИА. 733 / 94 / 36. The case of awarding the French teacher of the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of higher sciences Prince Bezborodko Yakova Voargard to the titular adviser РГИА. 733 / 94 / 37. The case of the approval of the student Nikita Solovyov corrects the position of the younger professor of natural sciences in the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of higher sciences Prince Lesborodko with a salary from the balance of the pensioner sums of this gymnasium РГИА. 733 / 94 / 38. The case of the movement of the Senior Teacher of the Kiev Gymnasium Nikolai Belousov, correcting the post of Junior Professor in the Nezhinskaya Gymnasium of the Higher Sciences of Prince Lesborodko, with a complain of 1000 rubles per year from the amount of the boarding school РГИА. 733 / 94 / 39. The case of awarding the writs of the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of the highest sciences of Prince Bezborodko of the nobleman Peter Skorovhodov for the length of service of the years of the college registrar РГИА. 733 / 94 / 4. The case on the approval to the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of higher sciences Prince Lesbodyko's younger professors: Pilancy of Nikolsky, Nikolai Pilyankevich and Kazimir Shapalinsky and teachers: Fedor Chekiev and Capiton Pavlov РГИА. 733 / 94 / 40. The case on the representation of the Honorary Trustees of the Nezhinskaya Gymnasium of Higher Sciences of Prince Bezborodko Count Alexander Kosheleva-Bezborodko about the room in this gymnasium to educate the son of Lieutenant Colonel Fedor Poland, Nicholas, at the expense of capital, especially for children of the military РГИА. 733 / 94 / 41. Copies of journals meetings of the economic rule of the Nezhinskaya Gymnasium of higher sciences Prince Bezborodko 1824 РГИА. 733 / 94 / 42. Copies of logs of meetings of the economic rule of the Nezhinskaya Gymnasium of higher sciences Prince Bezborodko 1825 РГИА. 733 / 94 / 43. The case of the approval of Nikolai Belousov and Nikita Solovyov in the rank of valid professors of the Nezhinskaya Gymnasium of the Higher Sciences of Prince Lesborodko РГИА. 733 / 94 / 44. The case of the permission to the honorary trustee of the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of higher sciences Prince Bezborodko to elect himself at the time of the secretary of the officials of the gymnasium.Immediately on the definition of this position of the titular adviser Karl Friedrich Hypius РГИА. 733 / 94 / 45. The case of placing two sons of the college adviser Nikolai Borodin for upbringing into the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of higher sciences Prince Lesborodko with a fee for them for 1000 rubles a year from the office of his imperial majesty РГИА. 733 / 94 / 46. The case of the definition of the superior adviser to Daniel Yaszovsky director of the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of the highest sciences Prince Lesborodko РГИА. 733 / 94 / 47. The case on the presentation of the recovery position of the Kharkov academic countertop on the resignation of the disabled people of the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of the highest sciences of Prince Bezborodko Joseph Khrushchova and Ivan Belodedov at all from service, about the transfer of Matvey Muravlev on his homeland in the spirit РГИА. 733 / 94 / 48. The case of the definition of a lecturer of the French Literature at St. Petersburg University of Malana de Bodessone to the Nezhinskaya Gymnasium of Higher Sciences Prince Lesborodko French teacher is over the state without a salary РГИА. 733 / 94 / 49. The case of the dismissal of the Archpriest Pavel Volynsky from the post of the status of the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of higher sciences of Prince Lesborodko with awarding the Order of St. Anne 3rd degree and on the definition of Master of the Chernihiv seminary Ivan Merzalov РГИА. 733 / 94 / 5. The case of approval of the assumption of the director of the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of higher sciences Prince Lesborodko regarding the admission to her students РГИА. 733 / 94 / 50. The case of teaching agriculture in the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of higher sciences Prince Bezborodko РГИА. 733 / 94 / 51. The case of the dismissal of the doctor in the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of higher sciences of Prince Bezborodko College adviser Karl Firenga on vacation to Germany and France for a year РГИА. 733 / 94 / 52. The case is the case of a member of the Main Board of School of Emmanuil Aerkas on his remuneration for incurred costs when companioning in the city of Nezhin РГИА. 733 / 94 / 53. The case of permission, should the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of higher sciences of Prince Bezborodko execute the proposals of the honorary trustee without the consent of the trustee of the Kharkov academic district РГИА. 733 / 94 / 54. The case of stopping the admission of pupils in the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of higher sciences Prince Lesborodko РГИА. 733 / 94 / 55. Case on the instructions of temporarily teaching mathematical science teacher Alexei Samoilenko in the Nezhinskaya Gymnasium of Higher Sciences Prince Lesborodko РГИА. 733 / 94 / 56. The case of the Trustees of the Kharkov Academic district on the awarding of the Russians of the Nezhinskaya Gymnasium of the Higher Sciences of the Prince of Yeborodko, a teacher of the fencing teacher of Osipa Urezo and the warder over Pupils of Charles Deller РГИА. 733 / 94 / 57. The case in relation to the honorary trustee of the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of higher sciences Prince Bezborodko on the decrease in the board with the boarders of this gymnasium РГИА. 733 / 94 / 58. The case in relation to the military minister with the announcement of the highest command of the definition of the son of Lieutenant Colonel Moses Yakimakh, Lavra, among the heights of the Nezhinskaya Gymnasium of the Higher Sciences of Prince Bezborodko РГИА. 733 / 94 / 6. The case on approval to the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of the highest sciences of Prince Lesbodyko, Jr. Professor Kirill Moytesiev and teachers of Plato puppeteer and August Aman РГИА. 733 / 94 / 7. The case on the appointment of widow and children director of the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of higher sciences Prince Bellozodko Vasily puppeteer of one-time issuance and pension РГИА. 733 / 94 / 8. The case of the definition in the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of the highest sciences of Prince Lesborodko Archpriest Pavl Volynsky РГИА. 733 / 94 / 9. The point of the reversion of the Nezhinskaya gymnasium of the highest sciences of Prince Bezborodko to make the honorable trustee of the presentation, to the resolution of his not belonging Display format Archival description RUSMARC