Russian archive.G. 9. 1871. 7-8

Russian archive: East.-Lit.Sat: shorts.B-KE.- Moscow, 1863-1917, 1990-.-Precr.For 1917 No. 2/3.Resumed.Since 1990.Publishing house: 1864 P. Bartenev and N. Kiselev;1865-1897, 1900-1912 P. Bartenev;1898-1899 P. and Y. Bartenev;1913-1917 P. Bartenev (ml.);Vol.1 (1990) Capital;Vol.2 (603) (1992) IHL "Rus. Archive".SONG: 1863 shorts.b-ke;1864 East.-Lit.Sat, dedicated.predominantly research.Russia in the XVIII-XIX shorts.b-ke;1865-1866 East.-Lit.Sat, shorts.B-KE and dedicate.predominantly research.Russia in the XVII and XIX centuries;1867-1872 shorts.b-ke;1990 rus.Eastjournal.I. CHILK LIBRARY (Moscow) .1.Power (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: RGPU them.A.I.HerzenG. 9. 1871. 7-8.- Type.A.I.Mamontov and K °, 1871. - [742] p.section.Pag .. -Content: Letters of Alexander Efimovich Izmailov to I.I.Dmitriev, with apps in verse and prose (c. Tailov, Ryleev, b. Delivia, etc.).Letters of Nikolai Ivanovich Novikova to DP.Runic.Letter Baron Budberg to T.I.Tucholmin to Moscow about the act of Field Marshal Count Kamensky.Speransky: Critical and historical study Acad.MPPusher (testimony of Ya. And de Santlen).The priest's arrest for the name of Peter III (1763), [and others].- a substrateNote.and in the text..1. Power (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: RGPU them.A.I.Herzen
Publisher тип. А.И. Мамонтова и К°

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