The report of the Tobolsk civil governor on the opening of the office of the Cossack school in the city of Surgut

Identifier dd518f2a-1bdc-4ff7-90ed-247254f6e341
Title The report of the Tobolsk civil governor on the opening of the office of the Cossack school in the city of Surgut
Dates 1836

Рукописный текст

Оригинальный заголовок дела: По представлению Тобольского гражданского губернатора об открытии в Сургуте отделения Казачьей школы

Text language Русский
Level Case
Call number РГИА. 733 / 83 / 122
Cataloguing source РГИА
Series Affairs of the Department of Public Education for the Siberian Directorate of Schools for 1829-1846.
Extent 8 листов
Fonds Department of Education of the Ministry of Education
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