Cases of the main redemption institution of the Ministry of Finance in Volyn province

Identifier 1780175e-28f1-4d16-be45-ad70bfea2635
Title Cases of the main redemption institution of the Ministry of Finance in Volyn province
Dates 1863
Text language Русский
Level Lists
Call number РГИА. 577 / 7
Cataloguing source РГИА
Extent 2777 единиц хранения
Fonds The main redemption institution of the Ministry of Finance
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1. The case of redemption of land plots by the temporary-bound peasants A.S.Antonovich in the village of Kvassovo Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 10. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the landowners of the Bestkov villages of Olizarov of the Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 100. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants R.L.Lucky village of Prottov, Village of Vaganniki, Chernikov and Ludzin Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1000. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. The Charnets village of Matsevich-Velikikh, Zaslavsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1001. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants FG. Chechel of the village of Stetsek with the village of Prokhorovka of Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1002. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AO. Shumsky part of Sasanovka village of Zaslavsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1003. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LI. Yuretsky village of Rogovici Zaslavsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1004. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.K. Yastrzhembsky village of Kostenets, Zaslavsky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1005. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.K. Yastrzhembskogo village Markovets Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1006. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.K. Yastrzhembskogo village Markovets Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1007. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.K. Yastrzhembskogo village Markovets Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1008. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Domoradsky, A.V. Liprandi and I. Krayevskogo of Koskov's village of Zaslavsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1009. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.I. Izhitskaya on an additional act on the estate, consisting of the village of Medvedovka, the Great Zaslavsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 101. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants RL. Ledochov village of Izov, Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1010. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Valerian Kossakovski, Korunskaya and Falsevskaya village Lychina Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1011. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants Anna Liprandi and Iosif Kraevsky part of the village Koskova Zaslavsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1012. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Milkovsky and Poplavsky two parts of the village of Krachanovka Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1013. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants S.S.Pototsky and the city of Vrochinsky village Berezia Veliky Zaslavsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1014. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Francis Rosinskaya, Yargotsky, Chankonskaya, Litvinova, Maslevskaya, Labunya, Zaslavsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1015. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Augustine Romer, Konchevsky and Konchevsky Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1016. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by peasants Sigismund Rudnitsky and Joseph Lozinsky part of the village Nuchpal (Brovarnaya) Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1017. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Andrzejikovich villages of Zalisets, Perevisia and Tupal of Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1018. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Andrzejkovic of the village of Krasnodubya in the Kovel district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1019. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Andrzejkovic of the village of Hotivlya, Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 102. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. and G.N. Linevsky Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1020. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily obligated peasants Vladislav Bankovsky part of the village Vulky-Lyubitovskaya, according to the main and additional acts, Kovel County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1021. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Baratynsky part of Serekhovich village of Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1022. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.L. Belyaevoi settlements of the Great Obzor and Krugel 'of the Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1023. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants VD. Benevsky part of the village of Vulky-Lyubitovskaya Kovel County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1024. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.K. Brzhostovo village Kachina Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1025. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.K. Brzhostovo village of Mizova, Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1026. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily owed by peasants OG. Brzhostovsky part of the village Zaluhov and the farm Pochen Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1027. The case of the redemption of land for temporary liable peasants LL Brzego village Godovich Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1028. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.L. de Bruneta villages Pesochno and Brunetovki Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1029. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SN. Budyls of a part of the village of Vulka-Lyubitovskaya of the Kovel district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 103. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Lipin village Zaturets of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1030. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner LK. Burchak-Abramovich village of Zaluhov, Kovel County, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1031. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.K. Burchak-Abramovich part of the village of Litin, Kovel County, Volyn Province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1032. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Fast settlement Cherkasy Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1033. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Bykovsky village of Lelikov with a settlement Zamosha of Kovel district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1034. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants of landowners Ya.M. and A.I. Vaskovsky villages Serehovich Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1035. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the Velioby village of Vulky-Radoshinsky Kovel County of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1036. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the heirs of Varvara Veliobicki village Popovich of the Kovel district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1037. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants MS. Volian part of the village of Vulki Lyubitovskaya of Kovel district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1038. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants MS. Volian part of the village of Vulka Lyubitovskaya of Kovel district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1039. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.M. Gadon of the village of Krymno in the Kovel district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 104. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of the young Leonard, Henry, Michael, Augustine and Emilia Liseki part of the village of Selts, Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1040. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Emilia Martynovna Gadon of the village of Politz of the Kovel district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1041. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Glembotsky village of Smolary of Kovel district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1042. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Glembotsky village of Smolary of Kovel district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1043. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Glebotsky village of Povureka, Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1044. The case of Guo redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Lucia of the Glinka village of Kalinovka of the Kovel district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1045. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the Mary Golembiovo village of Trubel in the Kovel district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1046. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporarily obligated peasants Vitalis and Nadezhda Goreglyadov-Vylaski part of Ratnenskoye village Plyatny Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1047. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.F. Gostinsky half of the village of Klusk and half of the village of Vulki-Klyu, Kovel County, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1048. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Grodzin part of the village of Butyna, Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1049. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the landowner Konstantin Ivanovich Grodzinsky part of the village of Butynya of the Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 105. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants of the juvenile heirs of the Lacesk part of the village of Tsegova Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1050. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Malviny Gutovsky village Ostrovka Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1051. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner V.М. Danishevskaya village of Cheremshanka of Kovel district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1052. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.I. Volunteer part of the village of Tulicheva, Kovel County, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1053. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.I. Dombrovskaya part of the village of Vulky-Lyubitovskaya, Kovel County, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1054. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.I. Dombrovskaya village of Lukovka, Kovel district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1055. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KO Drzhevets village of Borovo, Kovel district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1056. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Karl Osipovich of the Drzhevets village of Krasnitsa and Gelenin in the Kovel district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1057. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.M. Drogayevskaya village of Piorkovichi, Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1058. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Fabia Dubetsky part of the village Verzhbichna Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1059. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the landowner Romuald Ignatyevich Dybchynsky village Lyubitov Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 106. The case of the redemption of land plots of the temporal peasants of Prince Stepan of the Lubomir village of Orani and Lyskova Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1060. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Ioanni Dybchinsky part of the village Drozden Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1061. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants DA. Zagryazhsky part of the village of Grivy of Kovel district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1062. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to peasants Tselestin Fomich Zakashevsky village Podlis Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1063. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants of minors Honorates, Jozef and Stanislaw Zditovetskih parts of the village Kachina Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1064. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.L. Zlotnitsa village of Vulky-Shchetinskaya Kovel district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1065. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.E. and R.E. Ivashkevichs part of the village of Gonchago-Broda, Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1066. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Kalusovsky part of the village Vulky-Lyubitovskaya Kovel County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1067. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.K. Kalusovsky part of Drozden village of Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1068. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants O.S. Komarnytsky village of the Injunction of the Kovel County of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1069. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of the landowner A.S. Komar villages: Stabyhovki, Korasina, Karpilovki, Radoshinki, Zaprudya and Soshichna of the Kovel district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 107. The case of the redemption of land plots by the temporal peasants of Prince S.E., V.E., E.E., I.E.and F.E.Lubomir village of Pisyutino Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1070. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporarily obligated peasants of the captain-captain Alexander Stanislavovich Komar of the settlement of Karasin of the Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1071. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by peasants Alexander Stanislavovich Komar villages Karpilovka and Zaprudya Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1072. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Count VL. Krasic village of Vorokomli and other Kovel district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1073. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants Count S.R. Krasitsky village of Guti-Kamenskoe Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1074. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants count E.L. Krasic village of the Great Glush of Kovel County, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1075. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants count E.L. Krasitsky on the additional redemption act of the village of Malaya Glushi in the Kovel district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1076. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Ignatius Krzhivkovskogo village Vosgoshchi Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1077. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Ignaty Adamovich Krzhivkovsky village Vosgeschi Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1078. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants landowner R.I. Krushevskaya village of Solotvyna, Kovel district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1079. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. and E.M. Kuzminskih settlements Old Koshary and Novye Koshary Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 108. The case of the redemption of land plots by the temporal peasants of Prince S.E., V.E., E.E., I.E.and F.E.Lyubomir village of Wolsk-Swishvskaya Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1080. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Lashevsky part of Serekhovich village of Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1081. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants NV. Levandy part of the village Gonchago Brody Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1082. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants of Suzanne Lisetskaya village of Kalinovka of the Kovel County of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1083. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of the Lisetskiy part of the village of Serekhovich of the Kovel district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1084. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Lobarzhevsky village of Velitsa, Kovel County, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1085. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IL. Lublin village, Lubliniec, Kovel County, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1086. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.D. Of the Matsel part of the village of Drozden, Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1087. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Yu.O. Of the Matsel part of the village of Drozden, Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1088. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VS. Mikulov village of Voronny, Rakitnitsy and Belashevoi of Kovel district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1089. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Miyonchi village Volyapchyna, the town of Matziowa, Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 109. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants princes Stepan, Vladislav, Eugene, Ivan and Fadei Eugenievich Lubomirskie village of Shchenyutino Vladimirsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1090. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Mionchinsky village of Zacherneche Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1091. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Count A.K. Mionchinsky village Bilichi, Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1092. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Count K.A. Mionchin village Topolki of Kovel district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1093. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Count K.A. Mionchinsky village Okunina Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1094. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants landowner Count K.A. Mionchinsky village Okunina Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1095. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.F. Miyakovskogo part of the village of Great Porska Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1096. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Yu.F. Obniska village of Vulki-Porsko Kovel County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1097. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.V. Oransky village of Mirin, Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1098. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.Ya. Horde villages Olbli Lyadskoy and village Obliski Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1099. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. and his wife Antonina Orda of the village of the Podzorye of the Kovel district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 11. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Fekly Bechkovsky village Radovichi Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 110. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by peasants of princes SF, VF, EF and I.F. Lubomir village Volitsa, Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1100. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. and Antonina Orda of the township of Kashino, Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1101. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Edmund and Leonti Ordov of the village of Kleticka in the Kovel district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1102. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Ordiv of the villages of Podrichye and Rakova Forests of Kovel County of Volyn gubernia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1103. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants KN. Orzeszko sat Obenizha, under an additional act, the Kovel County of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1104. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Yu.N. Orzheshko village Turisk of Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1105. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Yu.N. Orzheshko villages Obenizh, Tagachin, Rostov and other Kovel County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1106. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Yu.N. Orzeszko has sat down Zadyby of the Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1107. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Yu.N. Orzheshko of the village of Mirovich Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1108. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Yu.N. Orzheshko village Torgovishcha Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1109. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Yulia Nikodimovich Orsheshko of the village of Ossy Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 111. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants V.F.Malovskaya Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1110. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Yu.N. Orzeszko villages Bobel Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1111. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. Parnevsky part of Borok village of Kovel district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1112. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to peasants of the Tselistina Penkovsky part of the village of Vulky-Lyubitovskaya Volyn province of Kovel County
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1113. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of Stanislav Pereitsky to the village of Kachin in the Kovel district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1114. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Pininsk part of the village of Sedlitsa, Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1115. > < trtag>
Foundation 577. The main redemption institution of the Ministry of Finance (1861-1895)
Inventory Op. 7. The cases of the Main redemption institution of the Ministry of Finance in Volyn province
Case RGIA. F. 577 Op. 7 D. 1115
The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IL. Pogonovsky part of the village of Sedlishch of the Kovel district of the Volyn province. October 3, 1867 - April 19, 1874

The identifier c7f31366-c2e5-445e-b60e-c3a1a37dda95
Text Language rus
Title The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by peasants IL. Pogonovsky part of the village of Sedlishch of the Kovel district of the Volyn province. October 3, 1867 - April 19, 1874
Dates October 3, 1867 - April 19, 1874
Volume 58 liters
Level Case
Record creation organization RGIA
Storage Digest RGIA. 577/7/1115


Orig. title of the matter: The case of IL Pogonovsky. Volyn province of Kovel County, part of the village Sedlish. October 3, 1867 - April 19, 1874

РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1116. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants of Leon Pogonovsky's heirs - Aneli Chigirin and Maria Malyuzhkovich - the villages of Borzova Kovel County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1117. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LI. Pogonovskaya part of the village of Gorodysh Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1118. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Podgorodenskoy village of the Old Mator of the Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1119. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.Ya. Podgorodenskoy village Uglov Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 112. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants F.M.Maukhza village of Panicheva Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1120. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.I. Podgorodenskoy village Pushnuk Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1121. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.I. Podgorodenskoy village of the Old Mator of the Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1122. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.I. Podgorodenskoy village Uglov Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1123. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.I. Podgorodenskoye village Golob Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1124. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.I. Podgorodenskoy village of New Mator of Kovel County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1125. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants of Francis Polikovskaya part of the village of Serekhovich Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1126. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Przmytzy village of Butyna, Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1127. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the landowner Adam Aleksandrovich Przhesmitsky part of the village of Butynya of the Kovel district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1128. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Z.K. and I.K. Przhevlotsky villages of the Verkhovna Rada of the Kovel district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1129. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Radzishevsky village of Krivlin, Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 113. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by peasants Count K.M. Mionchinsky part of the village Galina Vala of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1130. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Radzishevskogo of Melnitsa village of Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1131. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Medard Vikentevich Radzishevsky Mills in the Kovel district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1132. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KO Ratsiborovskoy part of the village Dresden Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1133. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LM. Racibor part of the village of Dresden, Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1134. < trtag>
Foundation 577. The main redemption institution of the Ministry of Finance (1861-1895)
Inventory Op. 7. The cases of the Main redemption institution of the Ministry of Finance in Volyn province
Case RGIA. F. 577 Op. 7 D. 1134
The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner L.O. Rachinsky township Stolbylov Kovelsky district of the Volyn province. October 11, 1868 - August 27, 1894

The identifier 0679a097-e622-485b-a677-680483baf2ca
Text Language rus
Title The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the landlord LO. Rachinsky township Stolbylov Kovelsky district of the Volyn province. October 11, 1868 - August 27, 1894
Dates October 11, 1868 - August 27, 1894
Volume 64 l.
Level Case
Record creation organization RGIA
Storage Digest RGIA. 577/7/1134


Orig. title: The case of the landlord Rachinsky, L.O. Volyn province Kovel County district of Stolbylova. October 11, 1868 - August 27, 1894

РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1135. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Rozhansky village of Kukhar of Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1136. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AN. Rozhansky village of Kachina Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1137. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Ludwika Rudnitskaya village Cherkas Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1138. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants BB. Rudnitsky part of the village Rudnik Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1139. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Venedikt Rudnitsky village Kachina Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 114. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by peasants Count K.M. Mionchinsky village of Kukurik of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1140. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants Polidor Ruchinsky part of the village Drozden Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1141. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Rushchitsovo village of the Myslina of the Kovel district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1142. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants landowner Fekly Ignatyevna Savitskaya town Janovki Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1143. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Sementkovsky village of Ruzhin, Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1144. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Semiontkovsky village of Gorodeltsa, Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1145. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Semiontkovsky village Kleckovitch Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1146. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Skorupskoye settlements Hrushevna, Zarechie, Berezhnytsky and Chernyavki of Kovel district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1147. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. and others. Skorupsky villages of Zarechie and Berezhyntsi of Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1148. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.K. Sestszhevitovsky village of the Mane of Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1149. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to peasants Sabina Sluzhevskaya part of the village of Kachina and the village of Vulki Kachinskaya Kovel County of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 115. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants of Count K.M.MOYONICHIN SEL'NYY DIRS AND WEDYUTY VLADIMIR COUNT OF VOLYN GUBERINE
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1150. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Stanislaw and Amalia Sosnovsky villages of Vulka Verzhbichanskaya and part of the village Verzhbichna of the Kovel district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1151. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants SL. Spiridovich part of Borok village of Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1152. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants O.V. Starchevsky part of the village of Voyegoshchi, Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1153. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants L.V. Starchevskoye village of Chernici, Kovel district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1154. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Stetskoy village Serekhovich Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1155. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.M. Stetskoy village of Litin and other Kovel district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1156. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Strzhemets village of Kovelsky Kovel district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1157. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LI. Tonshevsky part of the Great Porsk of Kovel County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1158. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants of Henry of the Trzhema part of the village of Tulicheva of the Kovel district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1159. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants S.O. Falishevsky village of Kachin and other Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 116. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by peasants Count K.M. Mionchinsky part of the village Galina Vala of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1160. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants FA. Kharlamov part of Drozden village of Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1161. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Ye.P. Khoinatskoy village of Guta-Borovenskoye Kovel County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1162. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants FV. Khoinatsky part of the village Zaluhov and the farm Pochen Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1163. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.P. Cieszkowski part of Verzhbichna village of Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1164. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Czarnecki village Nabrusok Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1165. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Chernyavsky village of Grabovo Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1166. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants GA. Shamansky village Sedlishch Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1167. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KM. Shatrazhsky and Bykovsky villages of Vulki-Shchitinskaya Kovel County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1168. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants PP. Screens of the village of Kozlenich in the Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1169. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Shishkovsky villages of Kachin, Vulki-Kachinsky and the village of Alexandria of Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 117. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by peasants Count K.M. Mionchinsky village of Kukiriki of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1170. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Shamansky village Sedlishch Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1171. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants O.S. Fur coats (former Verzel and Abaza) parts of the village Podrizh, Kovel County, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1172. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Ye.G. Yurchenko part of the village of Kachina Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1173. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Yaykovskogo part of the village Drozden Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1174. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Yakutovich village Rudki Mirinskoye Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1175. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Yanishevsky villages of Constantinople, Lomachenka, Krolisevich Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1176. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Yanishevsky village Grivyatok of Kovel district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1177. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Yanishevsky village Grivyatok of Kovel district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1178. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Anna Bolkovskaya and Khoensky three parts of the village of Bitnya, Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1179. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Ludwika Vosinskaya and Peacocks of the Obniskaya half of the village of Klyuski and half of the village of Vulki Klyuska of the Kovel district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 118. The case on the repurchase of land put on the temporary-based peasants L.I.Modseliev village Niskinich Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1180. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Ignatius Vyhovsky, Celestin and Juliana Lenchitskikh and Anna Pukhalskaya of the fourth part of the village of Kovelsky district of the Province of Volhynia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1181. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Amelia and Palmira Zalevsky, Mysinskogo, Kalusov village Lyubitov and other Kovel County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1182. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Francis Kurdvanovskaya and S.O. Dvorzhy village of Shchitin, Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1183. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Kurovitsky and M.L. Kochersky part of the village of Veliky Porska in the Kovel district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1184. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Kalusovsky, SN. Nevinskaya (former Butvinova), V.D. Benevsky and M.S. Solovyovoy (the former Volian) part of the village Vulki Lyubitovskaya Kovel County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1185. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VS. Kosakovsky and A.S. Skorupsky part of the village of Kachina, Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1186. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporarily obligated peasants Malovskaya, Nesiolovskaya, Kerler and Ivanova of the village of Verzhbichny and the village of Vulka of Verzhbichna Kovel County of Volyn gubernia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1187. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Moshinskaya, Vorzel and Abaza villages of Podrizna of the Kovelsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1188. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IL. Poganovsky and Vonsovichi part of the village of Vulki Lyubitovskaya of Kovel County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1189. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner A.S. Skorupsky and Veliobytsky part of Radonin village of Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 119. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LI. Modzelevsky Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1190. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Karolina Stadnitskaya and Salome of the Boznansky village Stalls of the Kovel district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1191. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Charnetsky and heirs of Pavel Krasinsky villages of Brzhukhovich, Zhmudch and two parts of the village of Svidnik of the Kovel district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1192. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. and others. Czarniecki and L.E. Verzhbitskoye villages Zarechye, Dorotysh and others Kovelsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1193. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IN, SN. Berezhacki villages Losyatin and Levkovets of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1194. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PS. Berezovsky village of Levkovets of Kremenetsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1195. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Petruneli Biskupskoy village Lisok Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1196. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants EA. Bonchkov village of Rakovets Kremenetsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1197. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. Brzhostovsky Molotkov Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1198. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Count VI. de Brogl-Plater village of Fedkovets and Zagorodnya of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1199. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. de Brogl-Plater village of the Bodak village of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 12. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants BA. Wealthily part of the village of Rovno, Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 120. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants L.A.Mochlinsky village of Strelcha Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1200. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. de Brogl-Plater village of the village of Zalisets, under an additional act, the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1201. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Count VI. de Brogl-Plater village of Loz village of Kremenets district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1202. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VP. Vasilevsky village Peschatynets Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1203. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.O. Vershinskaya village of Malaya Andruga of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1204. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.O. Vershinskaya village of Malaya Andruga of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1205. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Vetvinsky part of Rostock village of Kremenets district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1206. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.O. Vilinsky village Bashkovets Kremenetsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1207. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.L. Wirth part of the Vaskovets village of the Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1208. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants SG. Vodzicka village of Plysky Kremenets district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1209. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Baltasar Wojciechowski, a village of Berezin in the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 121. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary-based peasants E.A.Moklinsky village Shpikolos and Fusovo Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1210. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants L.V. Voytsehovsky village of Batkov, Kremenets district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1211. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Vladislav and Clementine Voloshinovsky villages Volitsa Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1212. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of the landowner A.F. Voronina, under an additional redemption act, the village of Belokrinitsy of the Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1213. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Z.K. Vyshpolskogo of the village Bolshy Dederkal of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1214. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.Ya. Gorlitsky village of Perenyatyn of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1215. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.Ya. Gorlitsky village Starik of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1216. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily lent by the peasants Vitold and Flora Gostynskie village Tyliavka Kremenetsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1217. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants SO, I.O. and B.О. Grotowski town Lapovets Kremenets county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1218. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.I. Grouses of the village of Gavrilovka of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1219. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of the landowner A.S. Gulyanitsky village of the Great Folvarok of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 122. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.K. Moshinsky part of the village of Rovno of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1220. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KO Drzhevets village of Malaya Igovitsa of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1221. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.K. Drzhevets village of Levkivets Kremenetsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1222. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants Akulina Drzevetskaya part of the village of Basharovka Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1223. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.O. Druzhilovsky village Oryshkovtsy Kremenetsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1224. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.Е. Dyryavy village of the customs of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1225. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.S. Yelovets village of Volosky Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1226. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Lambert Elovitsky village Mikhailovka Kremenetsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1227. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants FS. Elovitskogo village Lanovets and parts of the village Oryshkovets Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1228. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of the landowner Victor Zharnovetsky part of the village of Bolshie Folvarok Kremenetsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1229. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.M. Zhuravsky village Lisogorka Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 123. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants OA. Moshinsky part of the village of Rovno of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1230. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ludwika Zhuravskaya village Lisogorka Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1231. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.P. Zalevskoye village Yakimovtsy Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1232. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.A. Zarzhitsky part of Rostock village of Kremenets district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1233. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VM. Zelinsky town of Novo-Kokorova of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1234. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Alexander, Ilya, Karl, and others Zenkovichi parts of the village Lanovets and parts of the village Oryshkovets Kremenetsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1235. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants GE. Ivanovo village Borok of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1236. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Józefy Irzhikevicheva of the village of Oryshkovtsi of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1237. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Kamensky two parts of the village of Novo-Kokorova Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1238. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.O. Kamensky village of Dranchi of the Russian Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1239. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Fekly Kamensky part of the village of Novo-Kokorova Kremenetsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 124. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LI. Nadgradsky Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1240. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants F.E. Kanskaya part of the Karnachovka village of the Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1241. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by peasants Count IK. Karvicki village Svinuh Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1242. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Joseph, Franz and Celestine Karvicki villages Buglova Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1243. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants LO. Kielchevskaya village Lanovtsy of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1244. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.Ya., D.Ya. and F.Ya. Kozlovsky village Losyatin Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1245. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the Countess Aneli Krasitskaya of the village of Moskalovka of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1246. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the countess Anely Krasitskaya of Belozorka in the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1247. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Countess A.M. Krasic village Jankovtsi Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1248. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Countess A.M. Krasic village of Shchasnovka of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1249. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants VG. Krasovskogo part of the village of Bolshie Zadok in the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 125. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants L.F.Nasilovskaya Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1250. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants VG. Krasovskogo village of Bolshie Zadok of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1251. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. von Crete settlements Komarovka Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1252. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Vladislav and Mikhail Kuchalsky villages of the Tatarinovets of the Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1253. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Levanovo village of Vanjuslov Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1254. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants Anton, Kazimir, and others. The Lewandov villages of Vanzhulov of the Kremenetsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1255. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants to the heirs of the landowner Leon Leduhovsky part of the village Peschatynets Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1256. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.V. Leduhovsky village Didokovets, Norilov and Pankovets Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1257. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants Maria Leontovich of the village of Sokolovka of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1258. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VN. Lenchevsky part of the village Berezhanka Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1259. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.K. Lenchevsky part of the village Berezhanka Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 126. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Nebylivsky village Okhlopova Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1260. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.K. Lenchevsky part of the village Berezhanka Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1261. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the Countess Eve and Catherine Lidders-Weimar of the village of Vlaschinets of the Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1262. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.Kh. Leschinsky village Losyatin Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1263. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.E. Lomingo village of Novo-Kokarev, Kremenetsky Uyezd, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1264. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Makovsky two parts of the village Volosky Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1265. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants D.I. Malakhovsky part of the village Berezhanka Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1266. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable to peasants Anton, Mechislav, Ivan, etc. Malakhovsky part of the village Berezhanka Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1267. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants D.O. Menzhensky part of Vaskovets village of Kremenetsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1268. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants D.O. Menzhinsky township of Shumsk of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1269. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants D.O. Menzhinsky village of Baymak of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 127. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants GT. Nosenko Vladimirsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1270. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants D.O. Mendenskoye village Brykov Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1271. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Peter Menzhensky village Dolgalevki of the Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1272. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.O. Milevich village Bolshikh-Koskovets Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1273. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.O. Milevich part of the village Rostock FO Kremenets county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1274. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.S. Milevich village of Dmitrovka, Kremenets county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1275. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner Count A.K. Mnishkh of Borsuk and Verbovets villages of the Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1276. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VS. Mogilnitsky village Temnogaytsev of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1277. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VS. Mogilnitsky village Peremovki Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1278. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants DA. Molsky part of the village of Bolshie Folvarok Kremenets county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1279. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PF. Moshinsky village of Khotovyts Kremenets district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 128. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Nosilovskaya Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1280. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.P. Moshinskaya village Ustechki Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1281. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. The Nagrodsky part of the village of Bolshie Zadok of the Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1282. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. The Nagrodsky part of the village of Bolshie Zadok of the Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1283. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.S. Olshansky village Maneva Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1284. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants SP Olshevsky settlements of Bolshie and Maly Kazachkov, etc. Kremenetsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1285. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Sigismund and his children of the Olshevskie settlement Osnik of the Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1286. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Opatskogo of the village of Novo-Kokorova of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1287. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PS. Orlitsky part of the village Peremovki Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1288. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants of Anton Orlovsky village of Gnidava and the village of Kochanovka of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1289. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of the heirs of the landowner Orlovsky Anton village of Gnidava and the village of Kochanovka Kremenetsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 129. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants to the heirs of the landowner BF. Olizar of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1290. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Orlovsky village Chaychinets and villages Oryshkovets Kremenetsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1291. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Countess SA. Ossolinskaya village Vyazovets Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1292. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.V. Ostrovsky village Sosnovki Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1293. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AO. Peglovskoye village Musurovets Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1294. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Peglovskoye village Shilam of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1295. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PN. Polyanovsky village Volitsa Kremenetsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1296. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants VO. Poplavsky village of Zholobok of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1297. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Alfred Pototsky settlements: Volitsa, Krutnevo and Popovets Kremenetsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1298. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Ludwika Potocki village Zagayets Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1299. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Przhebyshevsky village Lulinets of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 13. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KM. Bogatko village of Ostrovka, Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 130. The case of the redemption of land plots by the temporal peasants Countess V.I.Olizar Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1300. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.G. Pruszyn village of Korzhkovets of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1301. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Prushinsky village Ilkhovets Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1302. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Prishinsky village Martyshkovets Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1303. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Radzikovskaya village of Bolshaya and Malaya Gorinka, Kremenets district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1304. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Rodlinskaya tract of Drygun of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1305. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.Ya. Raduzsky village of Napadovka, Kremenets district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1306. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by peasants count AA. Rzhevu village of the Worker of the Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1307. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by peasants count AA. Rzhevu village Borshchovka, Karnevyvka and Siniyovets of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1308. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by peasants count AA. Rzhevu village Barsukova Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1309. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IL. Rzhepets village Oryshkovets Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 131. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.F. and M.M. Olshansky part of the village of Sernichek of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1310. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IL. Rzhepetskogo village Pogorecle Volyn province Kremenets county
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1311. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants Severin and Ludwik Rzhepetskih settlements Pogorelets Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1312. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Count AG. Rzhishchevsky village Rydomlya Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1313. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AG. Rzhishchevsky town of Novy Oleksinets and the village of Novye Torage of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1314. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AG. Rzhishchevsky village Borshchivka Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1315. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AG. Rzhishchev village of Old Oleksinets and the village of Ivyanya of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1316. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Count Alexander Gavrilovich Rzhischevsky village Boshukov Kremenetsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1317. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Count AG. Rzhishchevsky village Old-Oleksinets Kremenetsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1318. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Count AG. Rzhishchevsky village of Ivyan with the village of Barishevka of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1319. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants of Iosif Rzhishevsky in Vyzhgorod town of Kremenets district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 132. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.I. Opatskoy village Volosovki of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1320. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.G. Rzhishchevsky settlements: Vlaschinets, Pechurny and Zhukovets of the Kremenetsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1321. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants L.G. Rzhishchevsky village of Kutysk of Kremenetsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1322. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Leon Rzhischevsky villages Vereshchan, Pankovtsa, Domaninka and Rzhishchev Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1323. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AO. Rogusky part of the village Vaskovets Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1324. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AO. Rogusky town of Shumsk, Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1325. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants B.S. Rykachevsky village Mlynovets Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1326. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.D. Sarabio village of Bogdanovka of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1327. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Paul, NP, VP, OP. Satnikov villages of Kardyshov of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1328. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Svekovsky villages Kolodny, Gnezdichnogo, etc. Kremenetsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1329. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Sventolovsky part of Rostock village of Kremenets district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 133. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Oranovskiy Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1330. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants landowner Yu.F. Sventohovsky part of the village of the Great Folvarka of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1331. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.Kh. Sventoyansky village Losyatin Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1332. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Catherine and Osip of the Sventoian village Losyatina, the village of Levkovets and the settlement of Roslavki of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1333. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants DV. Sedletskoy village Losyatin Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1334. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants DV. Sedletskoy village Losyatin Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1335. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.K. Semiontov village of Ivanchits of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1336. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.K. Semiontov villages of Lyutovitsy and Vaskovets of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1337. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable for peasants M.K. Semionovsky crown Batsai under the village of Zaluzhier Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1338. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.K. Semiontovskaya settlement Batsai and a settlement Zaluzhia Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1339. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants FV. Servitor of Soshynts village of Kremenets district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 134. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Yu.N. Orzheshki village Verhnova Vladimirsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1340. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.P. Sitnikova part of the village Golubis Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1341. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.P. Sitnikova of the village of Golubis of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1342. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.P. Sitnikova of the village of Golubis of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1343. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.P. Sitnikova of the village of Golubis of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1344. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants EA. Sitnikova village Krugolets Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1345. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants D.I. Slavushevsky village Losyatin Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1346. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants Matvey and Anton Slyaski of the village of Lyadukhov of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1347. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PK. Sobieshansky village Sosnovki Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1348. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants PL Sosnovsky village Losyatina and a settlement Roslavki Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1349. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.K. Sokol'nitskogo village Ogrizkovtsa Kremenetsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 135. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Yu.N. Ordeshko village of Nochechevo, Vladimirsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1350. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary lodging by peasants Ts. I. Spanovskaya village Leduhova Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1351. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Stebnitsky village Shumek Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1352. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. and D.I. Stebnitsky villages of Kut Kremenetsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1353. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Stanislav and Adolf Strzhalkov villages Losyatin Kremenetsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1354. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants LR Stroyniv village of Maly-Sadochek of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1355. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.E. Strunsky part of the village of Novo-Kokorova of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1356. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants Vandelin Sudnik of the Moskalevka settlement of the Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1357. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VM. The village of Moskalevka of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1358. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable to peasants Vandalina and Ignatii Sudnikov settlements Moskalevka Kremenetsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1359. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Franz-Alexander Martynovich Taborovsky village of Bakot Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 136. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Yu.N.Orojshko village of Russova Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1360. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants BN. Teplyakova of the town of Belozersky in the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1361. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants BN. Teplyakova of the town of Belozorka in the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1362. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants EF Tlukhiv village of Liskok of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1363. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants O.I. Tomashevsky part of the village of Bolshie Zadok of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1364. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Eveliny Tonzhevskoy village Ugarsk Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1365. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.P. Tochiskaya village of Dranchi-Polska Kremenets district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1366. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants A.Ya. Tyshetskogo part of the village Zvinyachey of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1367. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporarily liable peasants of Prince AP. Urusova and heirs of the father of his prince PA. Urusova village Bugaevka Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1368. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporarily liable peasants of Prince AP. Urusova and his father's heirs PA. Urusov village Oparinsov of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1369. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Count Khodkevich - Countess M.K. and A.K. villages Lepesovki Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 137. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants LO. Osmulskaya part of the village of Voshchatina, Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1370. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.K. Khentsyn village of Levkovets of Kremenets district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1371. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KM. and V.M. Chodkiewicz of the township of Yampel and the village of Lepeshovka of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1372. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by peasants Count KM. and V.M. Khodkevichi settlement of Antonovets Kremenetsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1373. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary lodging by peasants Ts. I. Cherchecki village of Kopani Kremenetsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1374. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Chosnovsky village Lishny Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1375. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Chosnovsky part of the settlements of Bykovets, Volkovtsi and Bolshikh Dederkalov of the Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1376. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Chosnovsky villages Potuturov and Radyshevka Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1377. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Chosnovsky village of Malaya Dederovka of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1378. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.R. Shubyakiv village of Kornachevka of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1379. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.I. Shumanovo village Berezhanka Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 138. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Valerie Otto of the Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1380. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the Shchepanovsky part of the village of Nemirovka of the Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1381. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of the landowner F.P. Yavorskoye village Oderradovka Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1382. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Morzelia Yasinsky village Losyatin Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1383. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.L. Yaskevich's village Losyatin Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1384. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Ivan Dobrzhinsky and Aneli Roguska estate Nemirovka Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1385. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.F. Kadlubiska, Skivskaya, Tochinskaya, Grinnevicheva, Pozyumsky, Yuzvekevich, five parts of the village of Ledukhov of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1386. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Augustine Kachurovskaya, Gorgenskoe and Turnovo of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1387. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Countess M.K. Kossakovskaya and A.K. Dovgyallo of the village of Svyatets of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1388. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants Stanislav Kraevsky, Zelensky, Klimov, Svensky part of the village Olshanets Kremenetsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1389. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.S. Mogilnitsky and Kozlovsky villages Ludwisch Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 139. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.I. Otto of the village of Voshchitina, Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1390. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Peter Mochulsky, Kaminsky, Myanovskaya, Pavlovsky villages Gribov Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1391. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants of St. John of Nevenglovsk and Skulimovsky part of the village of Novo-Kokorova of the Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1392. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Countess Ts.K. and M.K. Olizar and Ozharovsky villages of the Kushlina Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1393. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Countess Yu.K. Olizar and Ozharovskih villages Gorinok of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1394. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PS. Orlitsky, Glukhovsky and Tsetseniovskaya three parts of the village of Mizyriunets of the Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1395. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Alexander and Joseph Piotrovsky and Emelia Budvil parts of the township Shumsk Volyn province Kremenets County
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1396. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PN. Polyanovsky and Radziminsky two parts of the villages of Domaninka and Berezhanka of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1397. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants LF Potocki and Dzeduszczytsya villages of Tsetians of the Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1398. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants RV. and S.I. Pyaschinsky, Kruchkovsky and Stebelsky villages of Leduhov Kremenetsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1399. The case of Felix and Alexandra Radziminsky and Tarkovo village Kulikova of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 14. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.P. Březinsky part of the village Kolpytova, Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 140. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.K. Pashkevich part of the village Krecheva, Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1400. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the Counts of Adam and his sons EA. and L.A. Rzhevuski and Princess EA Radziwill of the village of Verbovets of the Kremenets district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1401. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of the landowners A.O. Rogusky and S.S. Vyzhevsky village Novostava Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1402. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Stepan Vyzhevsky and Anton Rogusky two parts of the village Novostava Kremenetsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1403. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants F.L. Stetsky and Prziluyskie parts of the village Malykh-Koskovets Kremenetsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1404. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.K., E.K. and L.K. Khrzhanovsky and Klembovskaya three parts of the village of Mikhailovka Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1405. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Evaristy and Lucian Khrzhanovsky, I.K. Karvovsky, R.F. Lipskaya, F.F. Verzhbitskoy, L.A. Kozitsky and A.S. Snovidets village Shkrabotovki Kremenetsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1406. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Constantine, Adolphus and Valerie Czarnecki, Ostrovsky and Shuminsky part of the village of Oryshkovets Kremenetsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1407. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.L. Yukovsky, Brodovsky, Kisel and Dmukhov settlements Small Koskovtsy of the Kremenets Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1408. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Iosi Alexandrovich of the settlement of Lithuania of the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1409. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Antonovich of Padalovka village of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 141. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants BV Pashkovsky part of the village Linevki of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1410. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner A.Sh. Antonovich of the part of the village of Tikhotinoy of the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1411. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the princes A.D. and D.D. Bagration-Imereti villages Dubishche and other Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1412. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Petra, Alexander and Vladislav Berezhacki village Mstyshina Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1413. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Bogdashevsky part of the village Gorodyn Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1414. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Andrew and his heirs Mechislav and Boleslav Bogdashevsky part of the village Ulyanik Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1415. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Vladislav Boguslavsky part of the village Horohorina Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1416. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Karolina Boguslavskaya part of the village of Lyubche Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1417. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ludwika Borisevich villages of Bialystok Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1418. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants VL. Březitsa village Lake of the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1419. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by peasants Daniil Březniakovich in the part of the village of Tikhotin in the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 142. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants F.M.Pivnitsky part of the village of Rogovichi Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1420. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.K. The Bronnitsa settlement of Lysche Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1421. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.M. Budvillo village Islands of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1422. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of the Mary Burzhinsky part of the village of Pulganova of the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1423. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of Alexander Burchinsky part of Borukhov village of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1424. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants B.S. Bushchinsky settlements of Bakovets and Sukhovoli of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1425. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.V. Bushchinsky village Charukova Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1426. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Caesarea Bychkovsky village Mykov Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1427. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Yu.K. The Valevsky part of the village of Babia and the village of Osinovka in the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1428. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.I. Vakhshteynsky part of the village of Luhczy Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1429. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Veliobitsky village of Kozina of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 143. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants F.M.Pivnicky location of the Locach Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1430. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. The Velikii part of the village of Linevka in the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1431. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the Camilia of the Veligur village of Bialystok in the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1432. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.P. Venzhrezets village of Radyzheva, Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1433. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KL. Vilchinsky part of Gorodino village of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1434. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants E.L. Vinarsky part of the village of Luhczy Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1435. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Vytvynsky part of the village Horohorina Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1436. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Felix, Casimir, etc. Volsky villages Ulyanik Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1437. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants TA. Vonsovich part of the village Zablottsy with a village Vulka Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1438. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Vyzhevsky seventh part of the village of Suska Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1439. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Ivan Gal'kevich part of the village Horohorina Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 144. The case of the redemption of land plots by the temporary counterators of the landowner A.M.Pivnitsky village Zavevich Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1440. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Ivan Gal'kevich part of the village Horohorina Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1441. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Vladislav and Yadviga Gedroits of the village of Domovoli, the villages of Lupis and parts of the village of Polovli in the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1442. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Gerzhoba five parts of the village of Lithuania Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1443. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VT Gidzinsky ninth part of the village of Suska Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1444. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Glogovsky village Involuntarily Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1445. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Heads of Nezvir and Lukov villages of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1446. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the heirs of the Golovinsky part of the village involuntarily of the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1447. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Golovinsky (Březniakiewicz) part of the village Lyubche Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1448. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants Vikenty Golubetskiy part of the village Bialystok of Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1449. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants S.O. Golubets village of Bialystok, Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 145. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.M. Pivnitsky village Uyma Lukachskoy Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1450. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Goray village of Ratnev Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1451. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Aloziya Gostinsky village Lake of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1452. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily obligated peasants Gotleb Kleotildy villages Voronok of the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1453. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily owed by the peasants Onufiny Gotlib villages of Stepan-Cities, the villages of Luka and the settlement of Gurna, Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1454. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Klimentia Grodetsky and Tsitsilia of the Turzyna Lutsk district of the Volyn province of the part of the village of Ulyanik
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1455. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Franz Groholsky village Oderad Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1456. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Gustav, Franz and Isabella Grocholsky village Sedmyarka Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1457. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Gustav, Franz and Isabella Grokholsky villages Bereza and Terni Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1458. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KA. Gulevich of the village of Perespy in the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1459. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KA. Gulyanitsky village Ulyanik of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 146. The case on the repurchase of land plots by temporary-bound peasants F.M., M.M.And M.M.Pivnitskiy village of Zaistitsa Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1460. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Julian Gulyanitsky part of the village Ulyanik Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1461. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. Davydenko estate of Slavatich of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1462. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ferdinand Davidovsky part of the village Strong Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1463. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Dvorzhansky part of the village Ulyaniki Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1464. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Demerta part of the village Bolshy Zeptsevich Lutsk district of the Volyn province, under an additional act
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1465. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Dmukhovsky part of the village of Chernivtsi, Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1466. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants GF Dolibovsky farm Black Vines at the village of Gorodyn Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1467. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Elizaveta Dolibovskaya village Gorodyn Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1468. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Napoleon Elovitsky part of the village Smerdin Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1469. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LN. Elovitsa villages Dukhchi and Kobchi Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 147. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.I. Popelya parts of the village of Mokovicha, Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1470. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LN. Elovitsa part of the town of Sokul of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1471. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.P. Zhabokritsky part of the village of Bialystok, Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1472. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NP. Zhyromsky part of the village Politsy Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1473. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.P. Zhyrom village of Politz and the village of Bolokhovich of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1474. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Yu.P. Zhyromsky village of Mayunich, Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1475. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Yu.P. Zhyrom village of Bolokhovichi, Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1476. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Yu.P. Zhyromsky part of the village Polits Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1477. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants of Ioannina of the Zhyroma village Zmeinets of the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1478. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants. Zhitinsky part of the village of Pogulyanka in Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1479. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants LK and F.K. Zhitinsky villages of Semerinka and the villages of Zubilno of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 148. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Poplavsky part of the village of Grusheva of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1480. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ivan and Lukyan Zabotin of Garaimovka village of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1481. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LA. and I.A. Zabotinyh settlements of Geraimovki of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1482. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KL. Zadernovsky part of the village of Chernysh in the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1483. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Franz Zaikovsky village Vulka Podlutskaya Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1484. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Zakashevsky township Lishnevki Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1485. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.F. Zakashevsky village Karasin Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1486. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.F. Zakashevsky village Gorodok and the village of Cherevahi, Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1487. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.F. Zakashevsky village Manevich of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1488. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner Ya.F. Zaleski village Bogushevki Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1489. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LN. Zalensky village Sobyatina Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 149. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants S.O. Poręba village Bendyush and part of the village of Vysotsk in the Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1490. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the landowners Dmitri and Elizaveta Zagryazhskys of the town of Troyanovka in the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1491. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Irzhitsky eighth part of the village of Suska Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1492. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporarily obligated peasants Dionisy and Theophilus of the Cadlubis parts of the village of Lithuania in the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1493. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PV. Kvyatkovskogo part of the village Malye Tseptsevichi Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1494. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants FA. Kitchenko part of Borukhov village of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1495. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Roman Kobylyansky part of the village Polovli Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1496. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AI, KI. and other Kozhukhovsky villages Staroselia, Rudniki, etc. Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1497. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.F. Kolb-Seletsky part of Vojutina village of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1498. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AK, MA. Kolb-Seletsky village Vojutina of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1499. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Kolenko part of the village Golyshev Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 15. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KD. Brzhozovsky villages Vatyntsev Vladimirsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 150. The case of redemption of land plots by the temporary counterators of the Countess of M.R.Poyotsky village Pilaev, Senzharich Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1500. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable by the peasants of Gustav Konopatsky part of the village of Galusia Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1501. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Leo Konopatsky part of the village of Goluzia Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1502. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LM. Konopatsky villages of the Vulky-Galusian Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1503. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily owed peasants Bogumila Kontsevich part of the village Pogulyanka Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1504. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants М.М. Korzhenevsky part of the village Horohorina Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1505. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VS. Kossakovskogo village Vichina Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1506. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants Count S.R. Krasic village of Omelna, Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1507. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.R. Krasitsky village of Sicinica and the settlement of Bugay in the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1508. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by peasants Count Ferdinand Krasitsky part of Novak village of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1509. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable by the peasants Count Ferdinand Krasitsky of the village of Pechenka in the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 151. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LI. Ragozin village of Tverdyn, Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1510. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by peasants Count Ferdinand Krasitsky part of the village Kopyl Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1511. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the countess of Ludwika Krasicia village Skurcha of Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1512. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the countess of Ludwika Krasitskaya village Biskupicha of the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1513. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Countess Francis Krasic of Lisowa village of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1514. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Krashevsky village Serehova Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1515. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Joseph and Sophia Krashevsky villages Gubin Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1516. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PK. Kulesh part of Novak village of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1517. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants SF. Kurdvanovsky quarter of the village of Suska Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1518. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed by the peasants of Alexander, his wife John and the daughters of Jadwiga, Jozef and Cecilia of the Kuchin settlements: Romanovo, Vorotnevo, Verkhovka, Klechany, Zverevo and Kotovo, villages: Vulka Kotovskaya and Derman Lutsky Uyezd Vol
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1519. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VS. Lada village Jaromli Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 152. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.P. The Radetsky part of the village of Grushevoi of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1520. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.A. Lada part of the village Jaromli Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1521. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.E. Levitsky village Ulyanik of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1522. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants FG. Lenkevich part of the village Slavatich Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1523. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants FG. Lenkevich village Staraya Quarterly with a village Zalyubch Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1524. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Felix Lenkevich part of the village Hopneva Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1525. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Lipsky villages Golyshev, Gnidava and Teremna of the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1526. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Lipsky village Lučica Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1527. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VF Litinsky village of Lyczek Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1528. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants L.E. Litke village of Lyczek Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1529. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Lotok part of Borukhov village of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 153. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants L.G. Radziminsky part of the village of Seltsa, Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1530. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.E. Lubomirsky part of the village of Lavrov in the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1531. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Prince F.E. Lyubomir village of Lavrov in the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1532. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants of Petra and Dionisia of the Magerovo villages of Voyushin of the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1533. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Mayevskaya village of Korshev Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1534. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants OE Maletsky village Lyubcha Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1535. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants SP Malyzhkovicha of the village of Navozi of the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1536. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Franz Mark-Miller part of the village of Lubche Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1537. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.O. Mionchyn village of Stavok with the village of Vigodanka of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1538. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.O. Mionchinsky estate Cereals of the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1539. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Yulia Mionchinskaya of the village of Navoz Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 154. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Melania Radziminsky Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1540. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Feodora Mikhailovsky part of the village Bolshy Zeptsevich Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1541. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants BF. Miyakovo part of the village of Jaroml in the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1542. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Ludwik and Vaclav Mlodzianovsky villages Dubovki Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1543. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Mashinsky village of Andrugi, Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1544. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants landowner Moshkovskaya on the estate, which is owned by the treasury of the villages of the Big Yablonka and other Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1545. The case of the redemption of land allotments by the Chinsheviks of the landowner MA. Neratova village Trostianki Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1546. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.I. Nidets village Kiyazh Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1547. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Yu.F. The Obnisk part of the village of Linevka in the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1548. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Ts. Ya. Okrashevskaya and P.Ya. Cyrils of the village of Bolshie Berezolug of the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1549. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable to peasants Hubert Olshamovsky part of the village Horohorina Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 155. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AF, SF Ratsiborovskikh Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1550. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants BV Olshamovskaya part of the village Horohorina Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1551. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Salome Olshanovskaya part of the village Gorodynia Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1552. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Ometsinsky village Nesvich Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1553. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Karl Ometsinsky village of the Kolodezha Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1554. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Karl Ometsinsky village Zhabchi of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1555. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VS. Hordes of the settlement of the Big Bear Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1556. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Orzheshko village Zabolotec with a village Vulka Zablotetskaya Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1557. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants KN. Orzheshko village Mulchitsy Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1558. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants KN. Orzheshko of the villages of Bielskowol and Rudny of the Bielskowolsky Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1559. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Eleonora and Stanislav Ostrometsky part of the village Bolshy Zeptsevich Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 156. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.Kh. Rachinsky Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1560. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants of Franciszek Pekarskaya part of the village Bolshy Zeptsevich of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1561. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Penkovsky Lutsk district of Volyn province of Vatin village
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1562. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Peretyatkovich village of Gati, Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1563. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E. - M.A. Peretyatkovich village Usich of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1564. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants Maria Peretyatkovichova part of the village Pulganova Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1565. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants Anton and Maria Peretyatka of the part of the village Usich of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1566. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VM. and his wife Yuzefa Peretyatkevichi part of the village Borukhova Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1567. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Pivnitsky villages Chernik, Cherchits and Knyaginin Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1568. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Pivnitskogo settlement Milush of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1569. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.M. Pininsk part of the village of Kopyl in the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 157. The case on the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants F.Kh.Rachinskaya Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1570. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants Vikenty Korvin-Piotrovsky villages of the Greater and Lesser Podgayans and Kobcha of Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1571. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VS. Piotrovsky village Kivirets Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1572. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Piotrovskaya village Borukhova Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1573. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the heirs of Nikolai Plozovsky part of the village of Lukov Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1574. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants of Emilia Pogoska settlement of Tristenia Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1575. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Podgorodensky village Sheplea, Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1576. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants of Kastan Podgorodenskoye village Korshev Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1577. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KM. Poznan part of the village of Totovici in the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1578. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants BF. Polonsky part of the village of Galusia Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1579. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.L. Poniatowski village of Malye Tseptsevichi of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 158. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.L. Romer village Gribovets Vladimirsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1580. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.L. Poniatowski part of the village Bolshy Tseptsevich Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1581. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants of Poniatowska Sophia part of the village Bolshy Zeptsevich Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1582. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Faustina Przmytska village Polonki Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1583. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants MO, Yu.I. Radzevichi village of Nemira Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1584. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the princes VA. and B.A. Radziwill villages: Tsumani, Zastav'e, Gorki, Berestyanki, Gorodishch, etc. Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1585. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the princes VA. and B.A. Radziwill villages of Tsumania, Strong and other Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1586. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants RE, L.E. and P.E. Rakovski settlement Gorodyn Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1587. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.V. Romansky part of the village Totovichey with a settlement of Netreby of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1588. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Roshkovo village of Tsmini Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1589. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Franz Stanislavovich Roshkovskiy of the village of Kostyukhnovka of the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 159. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LI. Romer village of Zhdzhar Vladimirsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1590. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to peasants Fadeya Rudzinsky village Bashev Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1591. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Rykhlin village of the Greater and Lesser Okorsk of the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1592. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Savitsky part of the village of Perespy in Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1593. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IL. Svensky third part of the village of Suska Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1594. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AG. Svezinskaya part of the village involuntarily Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1595. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.K. Semiontkovskaya village Olshan Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1596. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Yu.P. Sikorsky village Fires of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1597. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Julian Sikorsky sixth part of the village of Suska Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1598. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.-K.P. Sloniewski part of the village of Svaza Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1599. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Nikolai Smolinsky fifth part of the village of Suska Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 16. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants of Marcellia and the Peacocks of Białostock villages of the Volitsa Morovitskaya Volodymyrsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 160. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Count SM. Turniker of the Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1600. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Sohachevsky village of Velikhov and Romakeki of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1601. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Stanislaw, Sigismund and Heinrich Sředzinski, the village of Kholonevich and the settlement of Zatisha in the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1602. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants B.E. Starozhin village of Svarina, Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1603. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Stakhovsky village Osova Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1604. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of the heirs of Anton Stakhorskiy village Ulyanik of the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1605. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner M.V. Stakhovsky part of Novak village of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1606. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Stakhovsky village of Kanonich in Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1607. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Stepanova village of Lychki, Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1608. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Stepnovsky village Gorodische and village Grigorovich Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1609. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable to peasants Osip Stepnovsky village Ugrinova Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 161. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants of Count S.M.Ronicer village of Novoselki Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1610. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants GA. Stetskoe village Gorki-Polonskaya Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1611. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Franz Stetsky part of the village of Lithuania Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1612. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants EA. Stetskoe village Baeva Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1613. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants R.Ya. Strahnovsky village Mahlin of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1614. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Karl Studzinsky village Ulyanik of the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1615. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Adolphe and Mary Sumovsky villages Vishneva and Poddubets Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1616. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Scieva village of Vishenka, Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1617. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily obligated peasants Ts.V. Tarayevich village of Kamenukha of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1618. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PA. Taranovich village Luki, according to an additional act, Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1619. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Tarnovsky part of the village of Shklinya, Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 162. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Count SM. Röniker part of the village Sosnovki Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1620. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. Tarnovo part of the village of Buyan of the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1621. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KA. Telezhinsky village of Small Porska of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1622. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants SF. Tokar village Vojutina of the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1623. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VF Tomashevsky village of the Palace of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1624. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.V. Tomashevsky village Cholnitsy Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1625. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.Ya. Tomashevskoy village of Gorodyska Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1626. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Ignatius Tomashevsky village Novaya Ruda Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1627. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Sofia's Tomashevsky part of the village of Lavrov in the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1628. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Henry de Tornoir of the second part of the village of Suska of the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1629. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Elizabeth and the sons of her Witold, Przymyslav and Henry of the Trezjrzewinsky village Garazhzhi of Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 163. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants FA. Roniker of the village of Okhotnik and Osereb of the Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1630. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PN. Trubetskoe settlements of Ezerna, Gulevicheva, Sitovitch from Rudka of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1631. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.R. Turcullo settlement of Vitonija of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1632. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VN. Tyshetsky village Usić Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1633. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants GD. Falkengagen settlement of Malykh-Berezolup of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1634. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants of the landlords Helena, Florentina, Isabella and Antonina Falkovsky part of the village of Knyagininka Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1635. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants A.Ya. Fafius of the first part of the village of Suska of the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1636. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Marianna Faschevsky of the village of Shprahi and Vigurich of the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1637. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AG. Felin village Vojutina Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1638. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.D. Frankivsk village Lipljan Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1639. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants to the heirs of the landowner Sh. G. Hamtsa settlement of Triputni Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 164. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. fon der Ropp village, Tyszkowiec, Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1640. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Shch.G. Hamtsa village Grani Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1641. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.V. Khilkevich part of the Kopyl village of the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1642. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.S. Khodakovsky part of the village of Lake of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1643. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.E. TSiletskogo-Zaremba settlement Kukola with a village Severinovka Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1644. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Marcelia and Konstantin Tsiletsky village Rudki-Kukolskaya Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1645. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Constantine and Maria Tselecki villages of Kukol Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1646. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants FK, VK, MK, IK Tselecki part of the village Matveek of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1647. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the Tchaikovsky part of the Lithuanian village of Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1648. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VF Czarnecki village Zaborol Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1649. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary lodging by peasants Z.F. Charnets village Omelianik with a village Omelianichka Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 165. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary lodging by peasants Ts. Rottermund village Pustomyt, Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1650. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary lodging by peasants Z.F. The Charnets village of Gavchits in the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1651. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants VD. Chizhevskaya village Znamirovka Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1652. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of the landowner LP. The Chernozel part of the village of Shchurin in the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1653. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Juzef Chetvertinskaya village Domisheva Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1654. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants princes LK. and V.K. Chetvertinsky villages Kulikovich of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1655. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants princes LK. and V.K. Chetvertinsky villages Komarova Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1656. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of princes Svyatopolk-Chetvertinsky and Countess Tyshkevich's part of the village Kopyl of Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1657. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Eveliny Shanzheb of the villages of Shurin and Raimest of Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1658. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Shemiot village of Rudki-Kozinsky Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1659. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VP. Screens of Okonsk village in Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 166. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Ts.F.Rottermund Vladimir County of Volyn Province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1660. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Alexander Shishlo village Ulyanik Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1661. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily obligated peasants Konstantin Yuzvyakovich parts of the village Zalizets Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1662. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Ignatius Yukovsky village Mykova Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1663. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants LK Yukovsky part of Vojutina village of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1664. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants LK Yukovskaya part of Vojutina village of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1665. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable by the peasants of Severina Eismanti in Krasnovol village of the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1666. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Vladimir Yavorsky part of the village Lipno Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1667. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Yu.O. Yavorsky village Usic of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1668. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VM. and Yu.M. Yavorskie villages Totovitch Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1669. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. Yarzhembkovsky village Gorodka of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 167. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.P. Rudnitsky Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1670. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.V. Yarzhembkovsky village of Victoryan and Tseperov of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1671. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Anelia Valevskaya, Morachevskaya, Misinskaya three parts of the village Zhuravich Volyn province Lutsk district
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1672. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Brunon, Mariana and Helena Verzhbitsky villages Nevozna Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1673. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants of the landlords SI, FI, BI. Vilchinsky, Podgurskaya and Antonovich of the village of Dorosin of the Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1674. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants Anna Zholtovskaya and Valeriyan Yavorsky part of the village Totovitch Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1675. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Hubert Dolibovsky, Verikovsky and Rakovsky part of the village of Boriatin of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1676. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.K. and K.K. Podchaskikh, Rudnitskaya, Litynsky and A.L. Brodnitsky four parts of the village of Trostenets Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1677. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Amelia Stepnovskaya and Maria Zvolinskaya village Ugrinova Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1678. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Tsytovich and Kolenko two parts of the village of the Red Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1679. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants Anton Shpakovsky, Kvyatkovsky and Ponyatovskaya part of the village Bolshy Zeptsevich Lutsk district of the Volyn province under an additional act
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 168. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants R.K. Ruchinsky village of Kozlova of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1680. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LS. Yavorsky, Bogutskaya and Makarevich villages Matveyek Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1681. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants SF. Yarotsky and Danilov villages of Guta, Lisovskaya and Budki of Lutsk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1682. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by peasants of the estate of the priests of the Augustinian monastery of the town of Radzikhov in the village of Lyubcha of Lutsk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1683. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the landowner Vikenty Aleksandrovich of part of the village of Kamen Novograd-Volynsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1684. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to peasants of the Varvara heirs of the Baginskaya part of the village of Lyubar Novograd-Volynsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1685. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. and I.I. Beizimov of the village of Onackowiec of Novograd-Volynsky uyezd of Volyn gubernia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1686. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Bilinsky part of the township of Lubaru Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1687. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Bilino village of Ferdinandov Novograd-Volynsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1688. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. and S.M. Bogdanovichi settlement Knyazhi-Zvyagelsky Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1689. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LM. Bosniac village of Mikherinets Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 169. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PM. Ruchinsky Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1690. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Yu.P. Boyar part of the village of Staraya-Chartory of Novograd-Volynsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1691. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants RI. Brandel village of Poninki and settlement Staraya-Guty of Novograd-Volynsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1692. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Budzinsky village Provalovka Novograd-Volynsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1693. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.K. Budzynsky village Vygnanki of the Volyn province of Novograd-Volyn county
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1694. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Ts. Vodzicka village Strizhevki Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1695. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Ts. Vodzicka part of the town of Lubar with the suburb of Yurovka of Novograd-Volynsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1696. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Ts. Vodzicka part of the town of Lubara Novograd-Volynsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1697. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the countess of Celestina Vodzicka in the town of Lubar, Novograd-Volynsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1698. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.V. Volsky village Kozhushek Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1699. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Voronich village of Bolshoy-Pravutin Novograd-Volynsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 17. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.K. Valevsky village Kolpytova, Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 170. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants P.M.Ruchin village Kizya Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1700. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Voronich village Hizhavki Novograd-Volyn county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1701. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Voronich village of Bolshoy-Pravutin Novograd-Volynsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1702. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Voronich village of Malo-Pravutin Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1703. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants of Adolf Vrochinsky village of Nepoznanich Novohrad-Volynsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1704. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.M. Vrochinsky village of the Wet and the village of Lasek, Novograd-Volynsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1705. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants GF and E.F. Vrocinsky part of the village of Malaya Gorbashi Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1706. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to peasants Isabella Vrochinsky part of the village of Koseneva Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1707. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the heirs of Stanislav Vrochinsky Village Manyyat Novograd-Volynsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1708. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants SL. Vrochinsky village Monyatina Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1709. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants T.F. Vrochin village of Maranovka Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 171. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PM. Ruchinskoy village Gorodno of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1710. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Francishiki and Adelia Vrochinskih settlements: Tokarevka, Kamenka and Kosheleva Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1711. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Princess EA. Gagarinoy village Malaya Novoselishche Novograd-Volynsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1712. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Princess EA. Gagarin settlements: Maidan Voliansky, Shurkov, Glubochka and Katelinka Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1713. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Princess EA. Gagarinoy village of Urly Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1714. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Princess EA. Gagarin of the town of Baranovka, Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1715. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Gadomsky town of Lubar Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1716. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.E. Gadom village Zholobnogo Novograd-Volyn county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1717. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Gniewichsky part of the village of Kulesh Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1718. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of the landowner KM. Gornovsky village of Selichev Novograd-Volynsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1719. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Gulyanitsky village of Moskalevka Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 172. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants P.M.Ruchin village city of Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1720. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.F. and T.C. Grudzinsky parts of the township of Lubaru Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1721. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants GI. Gursky village Veresnoy Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1722. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Davidovo village Manh Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1723. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.F. Dobrovolsky part of the village Korytish Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1724. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.F. and S.F. Dobrovolsky part of the village Korytish Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1725. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants GV. Domaradskiy village of Tiranovka and the village of Dertky Novograd-Volynsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1726. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants O.V. Domaradzkogo part of the village Lubomirki Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1727. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.Ya. Dorozhinsky village of Katorzhyntsia, Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1728. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F. Ts. Dorozhinsky village Pasechnogo Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1729. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Dublyanskaya part of the village of the Old Chart of Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 173. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Sedletskogo part of the village Stavochek Vladimirsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1730. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Dublyanskaya village of Gordievka Novograd-Volynsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1731. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.K. Dunin-Karvicki villages of Adamov and Anusin of Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1732. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.K. Dunin-Karvicki township of Polonny Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1733. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.K. Dunin-Karvitsky two parts of the town of Polonny and other Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1734. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Elovitsa town of the New Chart of Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1735. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Elovitsa village Polyany Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1736. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants GI. Zhuravsky village Beletska Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1737. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Zhurakovsky village of Kharkovtsa, Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1738. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants Klimentia Iosifovicha Zhurakovskogo of the village of Kharkovets of Novograd-Volynsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1739. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Zhurakovskaya village of Vorobievka Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 174. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants of Count K.I.Serekovsky villages of Chmkoshos, Vulki-Dulibskaya, Duliba and Turga Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1740. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.V. Zavadsky village of the City of Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1741. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PV. Zavadsky village Paninki Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1742. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Zavadskaya village Makovits Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1743. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants VG. Zalensky villages Golovnits and Annovki Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1744. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants VG. Zalenskoye settlements of Rechok and Kozak of Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1745. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants of Roman and Kostan Zalevsky villages of Morozovka Novograd-Volynsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1746. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants VD, GD, SD and S.D. Zalyutinsky villages of Martynovka Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1747. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Anastasia Ignatovichy of the village of Koseneva Novohrad-Volynsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1748. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants of the minor heirs of the landowner IV. Izbitsky part of the town of Lubar Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1749. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.V. Izbitskogo village Mshantsa Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 175. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary-bound peasants S.A.Slavoshvsky village Krasova, Novoselok Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1750. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants FV. and L.V. Izbitskih part of the town of Lyubar Novograd-Volynsky Uyezd in Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1751. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Count G.A. Ilinsky village of Voitovets of Novograd-Volynsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1752. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Count G.A. Ilinsky village Vrublevki Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1753. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Count G.A. Ilinsky villages of Kozar and Korchovka of Novograd-Volynsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1754. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Count G.A. Ilinsky village of Rats Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1755. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Count G.A. Ilinsky village Melenets Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1756. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Count G.A. Ilinsky village Shulyayki Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1757. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants by G.A. Ilinsky farm Sushchevichi Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1758. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Ilinsky village Khrabuznoy Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1759. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Kirkor part of the village of Korytysh Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 176. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Slavoshevsky Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1760. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the landowners Maximilian and Francis Kirkorov of the village of Korotysh, Novograd-Volynsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1761. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants Margarita Kazarevicheva village of Malaya Tsvilki Novohrad-Volynsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1762. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Kazarevichevo village of Serbovo Slobodka of Novograd-Volynsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1763. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner M.I. Kozarevichevoi village Stryeva Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1764. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.P. and S.V. Konopatskih village of Gizovshchina, Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1765. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.Yu. Kraszewska village Corjovki Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1766. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Kuchkovo part of the village of Koseneva Novograd-Volynsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1767. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.V. Lapin village Orep Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1768. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.V. Lapin village Orep Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1769. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants FS. Levitsky village of Dymkovets of Novograd-Volynsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 177. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Yu.K. The Slavic part of the village of Morozovych of the Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1770. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.E. Lozinsky village Khizhnik Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1771. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Z.I. Lozinsky village of Yaremich and Raek of Novograd-Volynsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1772. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Lozin village Gubin Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1773. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants EA. Lončinskogo village of Malaya Kozarka Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1774. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants N.I. Elk part of the village of Kamenia Novograd-Volynsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1775. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.O. Malynsky village Babina Novograd-Volynsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1776. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.O. Malynsky village Poddubtsa, villages Trostyanets and Bogdanovka Novohrad-Volynsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1777. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants Ivan Osipovich Malynsky village of Tatarstan Novograd Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1778. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants Ivan Osipovich Malynskogo village Babin Novohrad-Volyn county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1779. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Leonard, Casimir, Valeria Malinovsky villages Goropai Novograd-Volynsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 178. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Joseph Slivovsky part of the village Volchkova-Perevoza Vladimir county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1780. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Mariinsky part of the town of Lubar Novograd-Volynsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1781. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants RA. Marshitskoy part of the town of Lyubar Novograd-Volynsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1782. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.S. Mezentsevo village of Vershits, Novogradvolyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1783. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.S. Mezentsevo village of Rzhadkovka Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1784. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.K. Mikulich villages Pechevod, Chernokola and Bessedok of Novograd-Volynsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1785. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.K. Mikulich village of Yablonovka Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1786. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants RF. Mikulich village of Senigova Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1787. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.F. Miloshensky village of Gleznoy Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1788. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of the landowner M.I. Mikhailovsky village of Kolodyanka, Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1789. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants D.I. Mlodetsky village Krasilovki Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 179. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.Sh. Sobolevskaya village of Mogilno of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1790. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants SS. Nagrodsky village Kraine Derazhni Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1791. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Andrew, his wife Ludwig and daughters Mary, Eleonora and Alexandra Nevmerzhitski village Privitova Novograd-Volyn county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1792. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PE. Novitsky part of the village of Kulesha Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1793. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner D.E. Obidzin village of Ozharivka Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1794. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants М.М. Orlovsky village Korostok Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1795. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AE Podgursky village Khvoshchovky Novograd-Volynsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1796. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.V. Polyanovsky village of Zhitinets of Novograd-Volynsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1797. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants EA. Porchinsky village of Lyubomirki of Novograd-Volynsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1798. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by peasants count AA. Pototsky settlements Smoldyreva, Radulina, Sumets, Ivanovka, Miroslavlya, Piglets and Dubrovka Novograd-Volynsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1799. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants, under an additional redemption act for the estate of Count AA. Pototsky village Radulina Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 18. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V. Vasilevskaya village Yanov Vladimirsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 180. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LM. Starzhinsky part of the village of Voshchatin, Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1800. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Countess M.R. Potocki village Gruda Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1801. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Countess M.R. Potocki village Pishcheva Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1802. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Countess M.R. Pototsky settlements: Maly Molodkov, Koretsky Pilipovichi, Zherebilovka, etc. Novograd-Volynsky Uyezd of Volyn gubernia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1803. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Countess M.R. Potocki villages Grud, Koretsky Pilipovichi and Molodkov Osichnogo Novograd-Volynsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1804. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Pulavsky village of Borushkovets of Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1805. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Prushinskaya village of Brahinec Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1806. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Prushinsky village of the Old Charity and the village of Derevichki Novohrad-Volynsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1807. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Prushinsky village Ulhi Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1808. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Prushinsky part of the village of Staraya Chortoria and the village of Derevichki, according to additional acts, Novohrad-Volynsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1809. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of the landowners Alexander and Clementina Pototsky villages Vishnopolya Novograd Volynsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 181. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants L.V. Starchevskogo village Knyazhe Vladimirsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1810. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. and G.F. Radynskie villages of Barbarovka Novograd-Volynsky uyezd of Volyn gubernia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1811. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants GV. Rafalovich part of the village of Koseneva Novograd-Volyn county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1812. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.F. Rokosovo village Yurkovshchina Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1813. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.F. Rokosov village Jurkovshchina, under the additional act, Novograd-Volynsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1814. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.E. Roscishevskoy village Kustovets Novograd-Volyn county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1815. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.E. Roscishevskaya village Kustovets, under the additional act, Novograd-Volynsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1816. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Rostvorovskaya settlement of the Old and New Miropoles of Novograd-Volynsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1817. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LI. Rudnitsa village of Golychevka Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1818. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants RF. Rudnitsky village of Chernoy Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1819. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants VO. Rulikovo village of Lučice of Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 182. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants FV. Starchevskogo village of Kholopichi of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1820. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Savitsky village Rogachev Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1821. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. and his wife IG. Svekovski villages of Tokarevka Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1822. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.K. Semiontkovskaya village Kiyanki Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1823. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.K. Semiontkovskaya village Kiyanki Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1824. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Serachinsky village of Severin Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1825. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants GF Snekhovsky village Manh Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1826. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. Snekhovsky part of Manh village of Novograd-Volynsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1827. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.G. Stetskoy villages: Henrykhovka, Yanushovki, Teterki, Rudny-Nepomucinovki Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1828. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.G. Stetskaya village Veliky Lug and the village of Kurnova Novograd-Volynsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1829. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.G. Stetskoy town Sokolova Novograd-Volyn county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 183. The case of the redemption of land plots by the temporary peasants of Nikolai Sipinsky Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1830. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.G. Stetskoy (the former Count of Ilinsky) village Vrublevka Novograd-Volynsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1831. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Cecilia Stempkovskaya village Derevich Novograd-Volynsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1832. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.V. Strashinsky part of the village of Mishanets of Novograd-Volynsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1833. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the Strutinsky heirs - K.E. and E.E. part of the village of Kulesh Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1834. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KA. Suffchinsky village of the Middle Derazhni of the Novograd-Volynsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1835. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary lodging by peasants Ts. Trachevsky village Pechanovka Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1836. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Stanislav of the Tusk part of the village of Kutyzh Novograd-Volynsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1837. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the heirs of Stanislav of Tusk part of the village of Kutysh of Novograd-Volynsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1838. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Uvarovo village Sereda Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1839. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Uvarova village of Emelchin and other Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 184. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants FS. Stetskii village of Komusova, Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1840. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Uvarovo village of Moklyakov and Podlubov of Novograd-Volynsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1841. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Uvarova village Khutora Maklyakovsky Novohrad-Volynsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1842. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants BI. Uvarova village Kurmania Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1843. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants BI. Uvarova village Dubrovki Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1844. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants VD. Uvarova village of Alexandrovka Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1845. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Uvarov slobody Korolyovka Novograd-Volyn county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1846. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Uvarov suburbs Polonichovo Novohrad-Volynsky uyezd of Volyn gubernia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1847. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Uvarov slobods Angelin of Novograd-Volynsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1848. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants GI. Uvarovo village Serbs of Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1849. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Victor, Roman and Franz Hichevskih village Kutok Novograd-Volynsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 185. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants F.S.Stacky village of Krapivshchina Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1850. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.T. Tchaikovsky township Lyubar Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1851. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants LF Tchaikovsky village of Manh of Novograd-Volynsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1852. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Tchaikovsky part of Manh village of Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1853. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants A.Ya. Chaplinsky village of Koseneva Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1854. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SN. Chaplitsa settlement Ulashinovka Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1855. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily lodged by the peasants of the Counts of Stanislaus and Nikolai Chapsky, the estate formerly belonged to the Countess of Rastvorovska, the outskirts of Kamenka, the town of Miropol, the villages of Buldychevo, the villages of Pilino-Koshary, the villages of Kuleshovka and others.
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1856. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AN. Shchepkovo village Pilipovich-Zvyagelsky Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1857. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants O.M. Shchepkovskaya village Mukhareva Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1858. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Prince AK Yablonovsky town of Korca Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1859. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Princess LV. Yablonovo village of Chernyts of Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 186. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal lesmen F.A.The guard of the village of Volya-Ostrovetsky Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1860. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Princess LV. Yablonovskaya village Dermanki Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1861. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants A.G.Yaganova village of Stolbov Novograd-Volyn district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1862. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Vidovsky, Tyshetsky, Kaminskaya, Bogushevich and Tsishevsky villages of Tsecylevka Novograd-Volynsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1863. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.I. Vysotsky and Gornovskaya part of Velikaya village of Gorbashi Novograd-Volynsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1864. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants. Kalinsky and Knoll villages of Lipnoi, under the additional act, Novograd-Volynsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1865. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants. Knoll and Kaminsky, under an additional act on the estate, consisting of the village Lipno Novohrad-Volynsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1866. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to peasants Mikhail Kraevsky, Savitsky and Savitsky part of the village of Bolshaya Derazhni and Slobodka of the Derazhanskoye Novograd-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1867. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Evgenia Mezentseva and Uvarova village Galov Novograd Volyn county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1868. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.E. Pongovskoye and Kraevskoye villages of Kutysh Novograd-Volynsky uyezd of Volyn gubernia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1869. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants LK Pulav and Burzhin villages of Kupchyntsi of Novograd-Volynsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 187. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants FA. The guardian of a part of the village of Rivne, Vladimirsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1870. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Uvarova and Olenina villages of Andreevka Novograd-Volynsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1871. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants MS. Uvarova and E.S. Mezentseva (from Uvarova) villages: Uzhachino, Lubchitsy, Romanovka, Rokadkivka, Romanovskaya settlement (or Sloboda Romanovetskaya), Chizhovka, Galy, Krapivnoe and Nesolon Novograd-Voz
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1872. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants MS. Uvarova and E.S. Mezentsevo village of Broniki and Tupaltsi village of Novograd-Volynsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1873. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants RV. Hichevsky and Vysotsky part of the village of Velikaya Gorbashi Novohrad-Volyn county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1874. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Baykovsky village of Zherevets of Ovruch uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1875. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Wojciech Baikovsky part of the village Pogoreloy of the Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1876. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants VL. Baykovsky village Leonovka of the Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1877. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants VL. Baykovsky village Kremnaya of the Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1878. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Grazian Baykovsky village Great Fosni Ovruch county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1879. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Baranovskogo part of the village of Old-Doroginia Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 188. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.I. Stroynovskaya village Bubnova of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1880. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA, SA, IA. Baranovski parts of the village Goshov Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1881. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants LD, MD, GS and other Baranovski parts of the village of Goshov of the Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1882. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AI, EI, TI, GF, DF Bekhov of Bekhov village of Ovruch uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1883. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by peasants Alexander, Andrey, Ivan and Grigory Bekhov part of Bekhov village of Ovruch uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1884. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. and M.V. Bekhov part of Bekhov village of Ovruch uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1885. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA, IA, KA. and S.A. Bekhov part of Bekhov village of Ovruch uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1886. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PA. and U.A. Bekhov village Bekhov Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1887. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. Bilin village of Rudny-Mohyla and Mogilnyi Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1888. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants GA. Bogdanovich village Henryhovo Ovruch county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1889. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KG Bogdanovich village of Iusefovka of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 189. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Yu.O. Stroynovskaya village of Molnikov Vladimirsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1890. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants ML. and F.L. Bogdanovichi village Bolsunov of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1891. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Zbigniew Bogorai part of Vygov village of Ovruch uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1892. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Bolsunovsky part of the village Bolsunov of the Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1893. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Marcianna Bolsunovskaya village Bolsunova of the Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1894. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Vasily, Joseph and Fyodor Bolsunovsky part of the village Bolsunov Ovruch county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1895. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants GF, IF, RF and others Bolsunovskih villages Bolsunov Ovruchsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1896. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF, DF and F.F. Bolsunovsky part of the village Bolsunov of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1897. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PV. and I.V. Bolsunovsky villages Bolsunov Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1898. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants PL and F.L. Bolsunovsky villages Bolsunov Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1899. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AO. Borkovsky village Velednik Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 19. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Anastasia Ventsevich part of the village Masheva Vladimir county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 190. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.V.Sumovsky village of Washliny Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1900. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AO. Borkovo village Sorokopeni Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1901. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants SL. Wilczynski settlement of Guskovka and the village of Velikaya Dabrowy of Ovruch uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1902. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants landowner RP. Vishnevskaya village Kamenya Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1903. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LI. or. Vishnevskih settlement of the Yatskovichi of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1904. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.N. Vonsovich of the village of Nemirovka of the Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1905. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VR Vonsovichi village Maloi-Devlina Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1906. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.N. Vyhovsky village of Khutor-Niva and the village of Klochek of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1907. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to peasants Theresa Vygovskoy village Doroshitsy Ovruchsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1908. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AI, EI, MI. and other Vygovsky part of the village Bolsunov of the Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1909. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants A.A., E.A.Vygovsky villages of blocks of the Ovruch district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 191. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.V. Sumovsky village Zashkevich Vladimirsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1910. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. and Sh.I. Vygovsky part of the village of Davydok of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1911. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.S. and L.S. Vygovsky part of the village of Davidok of Ovruch uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1912. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IL. and S.L. Vygovsky part of the village of Davidok of Ovruch uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1913. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Nicholas and Theresa of the Vyhovsky villages of Borovitsa of the Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1914. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.V. Gizycki village Savlukov Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1915. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.V. Gizycki township Ksaverova and the settlement Ignatovka Ovruch county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1916. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Gimiller of the village of Litok Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1917. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AN. Golovino village Cherepok Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1918. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AN. Golovino village of Liplyanshchyna of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1919. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.M. Golovino village Lumli Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 192. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VF Sumovsky village Smykova Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1920. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the heirs of Victoria Gorodyn village Chernyavka of the Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1921. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AN. Groholsky village of Katsovschyna of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1922. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.F. and B.N. Davydoviches-Vygovsky part of the village of Davidok of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1923. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Dzerdzievskaya village of Bogdanovka of the Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1924. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants to the heirs of the landowner A.D. Didkovskogo part of the village Nedashek Ovruch county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1925. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants D.Kh. Didkovsky village Gusarov of the Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1926. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Didkovskogo village Krasnopolya Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1927. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Didkovskoy village of Nedashek Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1928. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Christopher Didkovsky part of the village of Shvabov Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1929. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants SM. Didkovskaya part of the village Bolsunov Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 193. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants F.I.Tarnowsky Village of Starostava, Ulgovka and Bazhev Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1930. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM, GM, NM. and others. Didkovsky part of the village of Nedashek of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1931. RGIA. F. 1286 Op. 7 D. 110
The case against the vice-chancellor about the order by the police authorities to take our measures for the discovery, provided the case is stolen from the Berlin Royal Mineralogical Museum of precious things. July 10, 1839 - October 18, 1841
< trtag>
Foundation 1286. The Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Inventory Op. 7. Affairs of the Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 1839

The identifier e4c28f7c-5520-4f74-9392-680b196ce1c5
Text Language rus
Title The case against the vice-chancellor about the order by the police authorities to take our measures for the discovery, if the case is stolen from the Berlin Royal Mineralogical Museum of precious things. July 10, 1839 - October 18, 1841
Dates July 10, 1839 - October 18, 1841
Volume 78 liter
Level Case
Record creation organization RGIA
Storage Digest RGIA. 1286/7/110
Note Case
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1932. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ivan, Mikhail, Semen and Fedor Didkovsky part of the village Nedashek Ovruch county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1933. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants PS, FS. and Ya.S. Ditkovsky villages Bekhov Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1934. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AI, AI. and K.I. Dubovets villages Ignatopol Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1935. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AI, AI. and K.I. Dubovets villages of Kosciuszek Ovruchsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1936. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.F. Zholondkovo farm Pisok Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1937. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.F. Zholondkovsky village Vygova Ovruchsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1938. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily lent by the peasants of the landowners Casimir and Balbina of the Zagursky villages of Kalinovka of the Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1939. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Zaleski village of Peschanitsa and other Ovruch uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 194. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants F.I.Tarnowsky village Markovichi, Slabs and Pranches of Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1940. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants VO. Zalensky village Vonyak Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1941. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants KN. and P.N. Zaharyashevichi village Lubarki Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1942. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Zelinskaya settlements of Red Voloka from Rudnya of Krasnokolodskaya Ovruchsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1943. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Zelensky village Kulikov of the Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1944. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Zelenev village of Malaya Khaichi of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1945. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Ignatius Zelenevsky village Bondorov with the settlements Krasnoselskaya and Papirnaya Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1946. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Zelenevsky villages of Pelchi, Old Rudny, Gamari and Gutlyanskaya Ovruchsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1947. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Zelenevsky village of Norinsk Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1948. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants of the landowners VI, II. and F.I. Ziolkovsky part of the village of Mikhailovka Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1949. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Michalina Kalensky part of the village Zakusil Ovruchsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 195. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Tarnovo village of Tereshkovichi, Vladimirsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1950. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Andrew, Ivan and Stanislav Kalensky village Korma Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1951. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LF, MF and Yu.F. Kalinsky part of the village of Bolshoi Khaichi of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1952. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Mikhail and Peter Kalensky part of the village of Kalenskikh Ovruch uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1953. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the heirs Maximilian Kobylinsky village Krukov of the Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1954. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.Ya. Kozlovsky village of Old-Dorogile of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1955. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.Ya. Kozlovsky villages of Slavin and Yazhbereni of Ovruch uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1956. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants P.Ya. Kozlovsky village Vystupovich Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1957. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Kozlovskaya part of the village of Bolshaya Khaytsy Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1958. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.Ya. and L.Ya. Kozlovsky villages Rudki-Nizhnyaya and settlements of the Volcha Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1959. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.Ya. and L.A. Kozlovsky village Pokalyova Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 196. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.I.Tarnowskaya village Oschevo Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1960. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.F. Kolb-Selets village of Byaloshits of Ovruch uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1961. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.M. Zavadsky village Kameni of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1962. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Kostsyushkevich part of the village Sabichina Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1963. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.Ya., O.Ya. Kostyushkov, part of the village of Mikhailovka, Ovruchsky Uyezd, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1964. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Vasily, Gregory, Daniil Kostyushkov part of the village Mikhailovka Ovruch county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1965. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants GN, I. Ts., N. Ts. Kostyushkov, part of the village of Mikhailovka, Ovruchsky Uyezd, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1966. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II, II, S.I. Kostyushkov, part of the village of Mikhailovka, Ovruchsky Uyezd, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1967. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IP, AP, IP Kostyushkov, part of the village of Mikhailovka, Ovruchsky Uyezd, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1968. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IL, IP, M.P. Kostyushkov, part of the village of Mikhailovka, Ovruchsky Uyezd, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1969. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Leon, Luke and Nikolai Kostyushkov of the village of Mikhailovka of the Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 197. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants. Tarnovskaya, Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1970. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants. Honorates of the Kurtsevichi part of the village of Nemirovka of the Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1971. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.T. Kuchevskaya village of the Old Dorochynya of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1972. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.V. Larionovich-Vygovsky village Borovitsy Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1973. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.E. Levkovsky village of Zholoni, Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1974. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VN. and F.N. Levitsky villages of Verkhny Rudny Ovruchsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1975. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VS. Lyubovzsky village of Zhabchi, the town of Iskorostya and the village of Chelovka of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1976. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.F. Mazevskaya village Golubievich Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1977. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VN. and K.N. Makarevichi village Litina with the village of Kamenka Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1978. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.Z. Malakhovsky village of Pribytki Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1979. The case of the redemption of land for temporary liable peasants LL Markovsky village Domaloch of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 198. The case of the redemption of land plots by the temporary peasants of Emilia Todmen village of Beresna and the Starographer of the Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1980. The case of the redemption of land for temporary liable peasants LL Markov village Chigirov Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1981. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants to the heirs of the landowner Anton Matushevich of the village of Malo Fosni of the Ovruch county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1982. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.K. Mashinsky part of the village Klochka of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1983. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VP. Medyny village Medynovka Ovruch county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1984. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants. the background of Mevess, part of the village of Davidok and Snitishch with the Spassky Island farms and the Nivas of the Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1985. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants. background of Mevess village of Nozdryshko-Sharno of Ovruch uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1986. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AO. Miliovich of the part of the village of Bolshoi Khaichi of the Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1987. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.-F. O. Miliovich of the village of Rubezhovka of the Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1988. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.-F.O. and his wife K.-K. I. Miliovichi of the village of Stogovshchina, the village of Tekliovki, Rudnya Yasentsy, Mizhiliski, the village of Khlupyan and parts of the village of Nagoran of the Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1989. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Mlodziovo village of Makakovka of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 199. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.K. Tomashevskaya of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1990. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants L.V. Mlodzi village of Lipnik Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1991. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants L.V. Mlodzievsky village of Luchinok from Rudnya of Luchinkovskaya Ovruchsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1992. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants L.V. Mlodzeyovsky village of Rudny, Luchinkovsky Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1993. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants heirs L.V. Mlodzeyovsky village of Luchinki, Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1994. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants heirs L.V. Mlodzeyovsky village of Luchinki, Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1995. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants heirs L.V. Mlodzeyovsky village of Luchinok of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1996. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants FV. Mlodzeyovsky villages of Rudene, Staro and Novo-Makakovsky Ovruchsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1997. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants to the heirs of the landowner Felitsian Mlodzievsky village Stepanovka Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1998. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants of Leo and Ludwik Mlodzievsky villages of Bobrich Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 1999. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AI, S.I. and T.I. Moravian villages of Bogdanovka Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Joseph Antonovich of the village of Mogilno of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 20. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants I.F.Vulzikovsky villages of Christ and Vulki of the Christian Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 200. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants of Elena, Stephen and Constantine Tretyakov Village Small Biscupiches of the Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2000. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.K. Moshinsky village Snytysh and the farmstead of Niva Ovruchsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2001. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Moshinsky village Novaya Doroshnya Ovruchsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2002. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants landowner G.K. Moshinsky part of the village of Old Doroginia of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2003. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.K. Moshinsky part of the village Snitish Ovruch county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2004. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.K. Moshinsky village of Nova Doroshni and the settlements of Buda Lyubovka of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2005. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants VN, VN, EN and others. Mrochkov part of the village Gesvich Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2006. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Valentina Nedzelskaya part of the village Beloshitsy Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2007. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Stepan, Constantine, Ivan, etc. Nedashkovsky parts of the village Nedashek Ovruch county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2008. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable by the peasants of Mary Novitskaya village of Davidok of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2009. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Novoveysky village Staro-Sharna Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 201. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Turovich of Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2010. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Olshansky village Pogoreloy Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2011. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.O. Otmar-Stein of the village of Bolshaya Chernigovka and the village of Malaya Chernigovka of the Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2012. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants to the heirs of the landowner Osip Otmar-Stein of the village of Veresov of the Ovruch county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2013. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants LK Pavshi settlement of the Great Ticks of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2014. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Yulia Pashinskaya part of the village of Mikhailovka Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2015. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Mikhail Piotrovsky part of the village Bolsunov of the Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2016. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.I. Piotrovskaya part of the village of Rakovshchina of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2017. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Plyonskovsky village Nevgda Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2018. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Plyonskovsky settlements of Rosokh and Zalis of Ovruch uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2019. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.V. Polyanovskaya village Godotemlya Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 202. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Tyshevich of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2020. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.V. Polyanovskoye village of Cherepina Ovruchsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2021. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Polyanovsky part of Nemirovka village of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2022. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by peasants R. Ts. Polikovsky village Olenich Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2023. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by peasants R. Ts. Polikovsky village Olenich Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2024. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary lodging by peasants Z.F. Pokřivnice village of Iusefovka, Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2025. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.E. Potocki village of Glukhova Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2026. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants SL. Pototsky farm of Rosokhovsky Ovruch uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2027. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Pochentovo village Bobinich Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2028. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants D.M. Przesiecka part of the village of Davidok of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2029. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants D.M. Przesiecka village of Zvizdania of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 203. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporarily liable peasants of Prince AP. Urusov Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2030. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants D.M. Przesiecka village of Khristinovka of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2031. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants OF. Przesiecka village of Zherevets village of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2032. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PA. Przeеecki village of Metiek Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2033. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PA. Przesecki village Stupishch Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2034. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to peasants Osip Přiborovsky village Klochki Ovruchsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2035. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VS. and P.S. Przeslinskie parts of the village Ushapova Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2036. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Prushinsky village Kumyanshchina and parts of the village Nagoran of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2037. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V. Prushinsky part of the village of Sobichin of the Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2038. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V. Prushinsky village Karpilovka Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2039. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.E. Prushinsky settlement of Netreba and village of Rudnya-Zolnya of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 204. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.K. Fenikovsky part of the village of Rovno of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2040. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.E. Prushinsky settlement of the Maidan-Netrebsky Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2041. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Pyshenkova settlements Suburbs of Ovruch uyezd of Volyn gubernia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2042. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.I. Rabtsevich village Voitkevich, Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2043. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner VA. Raevsky village Sarnovich Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2044. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Raevsky village Tatarinovich Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2045. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.D. Raevsky village Bazarovka Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2046. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants FA. Rapshtinsky village of Shvabov Ovruchsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2047. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants FA. Rapshtinsky farm Slavkov Ovruchsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2048. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants of M.V. and I.V. Rapshtynsky parts of the village of Shvabov Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2049. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LI. Rudnicka settlement of Koptiovshchina of Ovruch uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 205. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.K. Khodkovo village of Kut of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2050. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Rushchits village Nemirovka Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2051. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary lodging by peasants Ts.A. Rushchitsa parts of the village Chernyavki Ovruchsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2052. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.F. Rybchinsky part of the village of Redchitsov of the Ovruch county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2053. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LS. Rygelskoe settlement of Koltskys of Ovruch uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2054. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LS. Rygelskoe Sloboda Kamennaya Gorka Ovruchsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2055. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants K.T. Savorovo village of Sirkovschina Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2056. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants P.Ya. Savarovo village Potapovich Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2057. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PA. Skuratov villages New and Old Sparrows, Rutvyanka, Budy Vorobyevskaya and Rudny Vorobyevskaya Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2058. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.F. Skuratovo village of Mzhenia Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2059. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.O. and N.O. Skorun village of Grozino of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 206. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KM. Khonskoy village of Lemeshovo, Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2060. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants D.Sh. Sobolevskaya village of Rakovshchina of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2061. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Sokolovsky village Kupishche Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2062. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants O.I.Sompolar village of Zhervets and the village of Kollya Ovruch district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2063. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NM. Stashkevich Village of the Old Doroshnia of the Ovruchsky Uyezd in the Volyn Province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2064. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.K.Stetsky town bazaar and units of the village of Nizhushki Ovruch district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2065. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.S. Suschevsky part of the village of Katsovshchyna of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2066. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Telezhinsky village Novakov Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2067. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LA. Třeciaka village of Godoteml in the Ovruch county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2068. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Třeciak village Ludvinovka Ovruch county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2069. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NL Třeciaka village of Godoteml in the Ovruch county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 207. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants SM. Khonskoy village Lobachin Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2070. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NA. Třeciak part of the village Ljudvinovka Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2071. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NL Třeciak part of the village Ludvinovka Ovruch county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2072. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants T.K. Tzheretsyak settlement of Novoselyets Ovruch uyezd of Volyn gubernia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2073. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Trypillia village of Mizhirichki of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2074. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Tripolye village Mezhirichki Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2075. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Tizengauza village Vystupovich Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2076. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants David Ushchapovsky village Ushapova Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2077. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LA. Khar village of the Big Chernigovka of the Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2078. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Hinevich-Vaskovskikh IF and F.F. Vaskovichi village of Ovruch uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2079. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants FI, SP and others. Hinevichy-Vaskovsky villages Vaskovets of Ovruch uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 208. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants TS. Khonskoy village of Rachin of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2080. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of Pavel Khodakovsky part of the village of Kupcha Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2081. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NM. Khodakovskogo part of the village of Kupcha Ovruch uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2082. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AG, IG, PG and F.G. Khodakovsky part of the village of Bardy of Ovruch uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2083. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants BP. Chernichivsky village of Maritina Ovruchsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2084. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants BP. Chernihiv village Sukharova and the settlement of Mikhailovka Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2085. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants of Peter Chernikhovsky Bazar village of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2086. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NA. Cherkasky-Pogorelov village of the Obihod of Ovruch uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2087. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.O. Chudovskoy village Ozerna Ovruchsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2088. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.O. Chudovo village Gorodets of Ovruch uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2089. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants SS. Shavlovicha village Vygova Ovruch county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 209. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants L. Khrzhanovskaya of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2090. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ivan, Casimir, Nicholas and Simon Shvabov part of the village of Schwaby Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2091. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Shmarova village of Zherevets village and Zapulya village of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2092. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Sperlinga settlements of Litvinovka of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2093. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Shramek farm Tychkova Ovruch county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2094. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants EA. Eismont village Big Chernigovka Ovruch county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2095. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AO. Barkovskaya, L.O. Potocki and S.V. Moshinskaya villages: Pribytok, Malakhovka and Krasilovka of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2096. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Adolf Baranovsky, Emilia Vishnevskaya village of Shemetytsia, parts of the villages Bolsunovo and Goshovo with the settlements Laznitsa and Nesterovka Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2097. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Valeria Bashevskaya, Lyubomira Medeyskaya and GN, AG and other Baikovsky villages of Rudny-Staropotapovskaya Ovruchsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2098. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Emilia Vygovskoy, Joseph and Jacob Babskih and Valeriya Chandatsky village Krasnopolya Ovruchsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2099. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants Alexandra and Catherine Vyhovsky and Cesarina Yakubovskaya three parts of Lotos village of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 21. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants K.F.Verzhikovsky village of Mulgarian Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 210. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Cieszkowski village Ohnovki of Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2100. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the heirs of Basil and Severin Didkovsky and KA. Zablotsky village of Bolshiye Singayev Ovruchsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2101. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants Suzanne Izdeba and KI, KI. Vygovsky villages of Kozhukhovki of Ovruchsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2102. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants of Thomas Levkovsky and O.R. and K.R. Telezhinsky parts of the settlements of Guevich, Myshkovich and Sachin of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2103. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.K. and her children Novitsky and Baranovski villages Zhereva Ovruchsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2104. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Alexander Rapshtynsky and MA. Talko part of the village of Shvabov Ovruch county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2105. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.D. Rzhishchevskaya and K.D. Mogilnitskoy village Belovizh and part of the village Sobochik Ovruch county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2106. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Ludwika and Glafira Sokarevich and Constantia Bogdanovich of the village Bolsunova of the Ovruch uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2107. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants LF and M.M. Tvorovsky and Apolonia of the Potopal village of Gorbachev of Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2108. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Stanislava Chernikhovskaya, Xavieri Brzhozovskaya and Pelageya Zavishi village Skrebelich Ovruch county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2109. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Richard Schwerttner and heirs Karl Justo of the hamlet of Tokovka of Ovruch uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 211. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Cieszkowski village of Ruda of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2110. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.P. Abamelek village of Raniki Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2111. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Felitsia Akmalovich of the village of Yukovets Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2112. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants O.I. Babinsky village of Glubochek Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2113. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants LK Benkovsky village Uniev of Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2114. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.M. Benkovsky village of Vulka of Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2115. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants Ivan Borisov part of the villages Zhiznikovets and Bisovka Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2116. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Bortnitsky (Luban) part of the village of Novorodchits Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2117. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.N. Baski village Branevki Ostrogsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2118. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Evarist of Bos village Pashuk Ostrogsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2119. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.B. Bochkovsky village of Danilovka Ostrogsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 212. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Cieszkowski part of the village of Stavok of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2120. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA, G.G. Brezov village Senerzhysh Ostrogsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2121. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Vakulovich part of the village Danilovka Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2122. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily owed by peasants OG. Valevskoy village Goschi with a small town Ivanovka Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2123. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily owed by peasants OG. Valevskoy village Goschi with a small town Ivanovka Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2124. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporarily obligated peasants Arthur and Alexei Vigura part of the Gorbakov village Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2125. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of Victoria Vigury of the village of Shkarova in the Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2126. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Vitovsky village Gnojnice Ostrogsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2127. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Vitovsky village Varivodki Ostrogsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2128. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily obligated peasants Matvey Vigury of the village Shkarova Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2129. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Countess SG Worzel village of Siyanets Ostrogsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 213. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily lent by the peasants of the landowners E. Cieszkowski part of the village Masheva of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2130. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Countess SG Vorzel of Tesov village of Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2131. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the Countess S.I. Vorzel three parts of the village of Zadok Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2132. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.F. Volkovinsky village Milyatina Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2133. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants SP Volsky village of Zavizov Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2134. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Fabian Vossinsky village Sadok Ostrog County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2135. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.Ya. Herman of Krivin village of Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2136. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Gorlov village Voitowic Ostrogsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2137. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants of Tseltsily Gornovskaya village Plosok Ostrogsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2138. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Alexander and Yulia Gornovskih settlement Krasnoselki with a village Kotovkoy Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2139. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants I.B. Mountain village of Sosnovka Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 214. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.S.Chaplinsk part of the village of Woli-Ostrovka Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2140. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VF Gulevich village Dulib Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2141. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.S. Dashkevich village of Yuvkovets Ostrogsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2142. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.O. Dobrzhinsky village of Khrenova Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2143. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Elovitsa village Sapozhina with villages Ostashevka and Naraivka Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2144. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.S. Elovitsa village of Ozhenin Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2145. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants RS. Elovitsa village Stadnik Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2146. Deal to buy out land plots temporarily obligated peasants Stanislav Elovitskogo village Kolesnik Ostrogsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2147. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants FS. Elovitsky part of the village of Novorodchits Ostrogsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2148. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed by peasants О.P. Zhabokrzycki village of Vorobievka of Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2149. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner Ya.Ya. Zhvan of village Shaternik of Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 215. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V. Chatsky village of Mykulychi, Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2150. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Stanislav Zheromsky part of the village of Semenov Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2151. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants. The village of Bludova Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2152.
The main redemption institution of the Ministry of Finance.
The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner A.V. Ledochov village Zhurbinets Zhytomyr county of Volyn province.
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2153. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of the landowner KM. Zalessky village Guliovets with a settlement Ksionzhentsin Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2154. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VS. Zvolinsky village Novostavtsa Ostrogsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2155. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VS. Zvolinsky settlements Khonyakova, Ulashanovka, Vilgora and Prusok Ostrogsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2156. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NP. Zubovoy village Dorogoshchi Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2157. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NP. Toothed villages of Badovka, Kolomya and Krivin of Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2158. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NP. Zubovoy village Komarovka Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2159. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Countess Natalia Zubova of the village of Solovia of Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 216. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.V. Chatsky village of Rykovich of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2160. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VP. Ivkova village Glinnikov Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2161. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants of Alexander Ilinsky village of Gluponin Ostrogsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2162. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Count A.I. Ilinsky village Novoselok Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2163. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Count A.I. Ilinskogo settlement Verkhova Ostrogsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2164. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Count A.I. Ilinsky settlements of Zavid, Tatar and other Ostrogsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2165. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Count A.I. Ilinsky village of Glupanin Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2166. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.I. Ilinskoy village Mihalkovets Ostrogsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2167. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.I. Ilinsky part of the village of Zavizov of the Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2168. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Iodko village of Coal of Ostrogsky Uyezd in Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2169. The case of the redemption of land for the temporarily liable peasants Xaveria Iodko villages Ilyin, Podolyan and Dorogobuzh village Ostrogsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 217. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants of Count F.V.Chatskoy town of Porestka and the village of Old Porestka Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2170. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Isupova settlement of Kraev Ostrogsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2171. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Severin Kadlubinskogo village Oknin Ostrogsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2172. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants T.I. Cadbury part of Semenov village of Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2173. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants VG. Karchevskoye village Milyatina Ostrogsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2174. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants SS. Kasimovich village of Yuvkovets Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2175. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Kozakevich village of Yuvkovets Ostrogsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2176. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants of Corduly Kokulevskaya part of the village of Zavizov of the Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2177. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants of Iosif Kossovsky village Kashinets Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2178. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants EF Krzhizhanovskoye village Milyatina Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2179. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.I. Krzhizhanovskoy village Chernyakhov Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 218. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Count F.V. Chatsky village of Samovoli of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2180. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Krzhizhanovskoye village Milyatina Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2181. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Kryzhanovsky village of Moshchinitsa Ostrogsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2182. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily owed by the peasants of Octavia of the Kurenets village of Gremyach and Grizov of the Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2183. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants O.I. Kurenets village of Derevyancha and Belasheva Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2184. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants RI. Kushelevsky part of the village of Tesova Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2185. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants FG. Lenkevich part of the village Zavizov Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2186. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by peasants Felix Lenkevich village Krupets with the village Strygana Ostrogsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2187. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants FG. Lenkevich villages of Badina, Bludova, the village of Antoli, the village of Maly Sknyt and other Ostrogsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2188. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants FG. Lenkevich village of the Krasnosel Ostrogsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2189. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants FG. Lenkevich village of Terentyev Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 219. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Count F.V. Chatsky part of the village of Trubok, Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2190. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Honorates of the Lenkevich settlement of Annopolis of the Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2191. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants B.E. Lobachevsky village of Mikhalkovets Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2192. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SN. Lobachevsky village of Bolshie Koletynets Ostrogsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2193. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to peasants Mechislav and Boleslav Lozinsky villages Berezhyntsi Ostrogsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2194. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Ivan Lominsky village Yuvkovets Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2195. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KS Lubachevsky village Kuprianok Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2196. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporarily liable peasants of Prince S.K. Lubomir village of Pyatigorez Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2197. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily lodged by the peasants of Princess E.S. Lubomir village of Zdolbunov Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2198. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Mogilnitsky village Dryzhaki Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2199. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VS. Mogilnitsky village of the Perestroi Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 22. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the landlord Ivan The lord of the village of Bereski in the Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 220. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants of Count F.V.Chatsky villages Kuchkova, Pereslavrich and Tubes of the Vladimir County of Volyn Province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2200. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants B.S. Mogilnitsky settlements of the Greater Borovishche and Lesser Borovishche Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2201. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KS Mogilnitsky village Gurshchina Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2202. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Iosif Myanovskogo part of the village Zaluzhye Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2203. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.V. Nenadkevich part of the village Danilovka Ostrogsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2204. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PK. and M.O. Nenadkevichi village Milyatina Ostrogsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2205. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NM. Novitsky village Milyatina Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2206. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants SS. Okshashevsky village Tikhomlya Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2207. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.V. Omskinsky village of Urvenna of Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2208. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VS. Pavlikovsky village of Terentyev Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2209. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Pininskoye village Malye Kaletintsy Ostrogsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 221. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Countess M.D. Chatsky village of Vulky-Falemichsky Vladimirsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2210. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.P. Piotrovsky village Ridki Ostrogsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2211. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable to peasants Dopizelia Plionovskoy part of the village Zavizov Ostrogsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2212. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Prushinsky part of Semenov village of Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2213. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.V. Radziminsky village Sivok Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2214. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.O. Rozhitsky part of the village Shunki Ostrogsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2215. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Evdokia Rozhitsa part of the village Zaluzhye Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2216. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants GF Rozsakhatskoy village Shkarova Ostrogsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2217. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants heirs UM. Rutkovski village of Zavizov of the Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2218. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants BF. Rupnevsky part of the village of Korytna, the village of Yuvkovets Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2219. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants BF. Rupnevsky part of the village Korytnogo, part of the village Yuvkovets Ostrogsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 222. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants Countess MDChatskaya village of Menchitsy, Music and Tree of Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2220. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PA. Rupnevsky village Milyatina Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2221. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants S.O. Saltyk part of the village Yuvkovets Ostrogsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2222. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Alfred Sanotsky village Vodichek Ostrogsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2223. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AN. Skirmunt part of the village Zavizov Ostrogsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2224. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Eustachius of the Slesha village of Kalinetz Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2225. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants LK Slyas village of Sadok of the Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2226. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants of Sofia Soltyk village of Yuvkovets Ostrogsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2227. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Sosnovsky village of Ilyashevka, Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2228. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.V. Sosnovsky village Milyatina Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2229. The power and scientific societies of Petrograd-Leningrad in the 1920s
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 223. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Countess M.D. Chatsky settlement of Yanovichi of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2230. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants O.S. Sosnovsky village Bugrin Ostrogsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2231. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants FS. Sosnovsky villages Lyakhovo, Novomaliny and Bolotkovtsi Ostrogsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2232. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants F-O.S. Sosnovsky village of Rusylv Ostrogsky uyezd of Volyn gubernia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2233. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by peasants Felix Staritsky part of the village Zavizov Ostrogsky Uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2234. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.S. Falkovo village of Bolozhovka Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2235. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.S. Frankivsk village Lidov Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2236. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KE, K.E. Frankivsk villages of Golovel with a village Khotichin Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2237. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. The Khentsinsky part of the village of Dolzhik of the Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2238. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Khilevsky village Lisicha Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2239. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Theresia of the Charnets village of Vitkovo Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 224. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Countess M.D. Chatsky village of the Honest-Cross of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2240. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants MK, II, RI and E.I. Czarniecki part of the village of Danilovka Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2241. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporary peasants of Prince E.M. Chetvertino village of Korostova Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2242. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporary peasants of Prince E.M. Chetvertinsky village of Plosky Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2243. St. Petersburg Province. Outline of the courtyard of the house of correspondence. b / d.
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2244. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Countess B.O. Colonno-Chosnov village Simonov Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2245. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Maria Shumskaya village Bolshoy Schnyta Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2246. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Yablonovsky village Chernovody Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2247. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Yablonovsky Ordinary part of the town Ostrog Ostrogsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2248. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Prince AK Yablonovsky settlements: Villa, Mazyarka, Slobodka, Karpilovka and Doloch of Ostrogsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2249. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VM. Yablonovsky village Moshchinitsa Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 225. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants Countess MDChatskaya Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2250. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Prince VM. Yablonovsky village Mogilyan of the Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2251. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VM. Yablonovsky village Kurgany Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2252. The case of the redemption of land allotments by temporarily liable peasants for the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Prince Yablonovsky VM the village of Moshchinitsa Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2253. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Princess Ludgorda of the Yablonovo villages Belotin and Storonich of the Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2254. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Princess LV. Yablonovo village of Malaya-Radogoshchi Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2255. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants L.V. Yablonov village Dertky and Siver of the Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2256. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Princess Ludgarde of the Yablonovo village of Myakot in the Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2257. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Princess LV. Yablonovo village Maidan of the Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2258. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants D.L.Yankevich part of the village of Yuvkovets Ostrog district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2259. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants L.D. Yankevich part of the village Yuvkovets Ostrogsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 226. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants Countess MDChatskaya village of Khvorostova Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2260. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Yasensky village of Tudorov Ostrogsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2261. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Iosif Babinsky, Olga Poninskaya, Iosif Vanevich and Pavlina Kanevskaya village Maikova Ostrogsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2262. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the landlords Maria Bykovskaya and Anna Zaleska of the village of Guliovets of the Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2263. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Maria Bykovskaya and Anna Zaleska of the village of Guliivtsev in the Ostrogsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2264. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Ludwika and Valery Vigur and Vikentia Yaksinskaya village Shkarova Ostrogsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2265. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants BK Vlodka and K.K. Rivne village Shunki Ostrogsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2266. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants L.V. Gorbachevsky and F.V. Krasovskoy part of the village of Danilovka Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2267. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants M. Zaleskaya and A. Bykovskaya village Gulivtsev Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2268. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants FA. Kalechitsky and KI. Krayevsky two parts of the village Kozina Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2269. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants Mikhailovskikh, II. Tomashevsky, Ivan Zheromsky, K. Kraevsky and Ignaty Lebedyn village of the Great Rhodogoschi Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 227. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants Countess MDChatskaya village Svychev Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2270. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Cornelia Ometsinskaya, V.D. Podgorodetzkaya, etc., six parts of the village of Gulchi, Ostrog County, Volyn Province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2271. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Anton Pyatnitsky, Rozhytsky, Vroblevsky, Lenkevich, Zvolinsky, Cadbubia, six parts of the village of Ponory Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2272. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Soltyka, Yankevich and Bogdanovich of the village of Yuvkovets Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2273. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants Victor Filevsky and Ludvika von Hartmann of the village of Yurovki Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2274. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily obligated peasants Chisheki, V.A. Kozitsky, K.I. Golembsky, S.I. Zakrzhevsky and O.I. Bobino village of Zhavrova and other Ostrogsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2275. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Petr Sheptytsky and Vikshtemsky two parts of the village of Klepachi Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2276. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Constantia Javorska, Jozef Brodeckaya and Lucian Korchinsky part of the village Bisovka Ostrogsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2277. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable by the peasants of the princess Anna Abomelek of the village of Kotovo in the Rivne district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2278. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.F. Andro of the township of Derazhny in the Rivne district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2279. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants VO. Bankovsky part of the village of Haraluga in the Rivne district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 228. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants Countess MDChap Sel Vuykovichi, Podgaitsa, Zhitan and Winter Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2280. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants VO. Bankovsky part of the village of Haraluga in the Rivne district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2281. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.K. Biskup village of Maly Zhitin of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2282. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. The Bogdashevsky part of the village Omelyan of the Rivne Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2283. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.E. Bogush of Khocin village of Rovno district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2284. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KO Bogusha villages Metkov and Begene of the Rivne Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2285. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants UR. Bogush of the villages of Karayevichi and Krivichi of the Rivne Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2286. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AE Březicka village of Kosmichev Rovno district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2287. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Count VI. de Brogl-Plater village of Beresty, Rovno district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2288. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. de Brogl-Platera of the town of Dombrovica in the Rivne district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2289. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Count VI. de Brogl-Plater village of Orvyanitsa, Rivne Uyezd, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 229. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Countess SR. Chatsky of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2290. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. de Brogl-Plater village of Selco Rovno district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2291. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. de Brogl-Plater village of Lyutinska, Yasinets and others of the Rivne Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2292. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Count VI. de Brogl-Plater village of Semenov, Olshanka and other Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2293. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Count VI. de Brogl-Plater village of the village of Krupovye in the Rivne district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2294. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Count VI. de Brogl-Plater of the village of Dombrovica in the Rivne district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2295. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Bychkovsky part of the village Ploski of the Rivne Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2296. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.K. Valevsky village Mokvina Rovensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2297. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.O. Valevsky part of the town of Tuchin Rovno district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2298. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.O. Valevsky village of Ryshvyanka of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2299. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Yu.K. Valevsky village Kholopi of the Rivne district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 23. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants LF Vnorovsky part of the village of Stavok of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 230. The case on the redemption of land plots by the temporal peasants I.M.Cherkan village of Lyashki Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2300. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed to the peasants Octavia Valewska part of the town of Hooringrod Rovensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2301. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.L. Valevskaya village of Zolotiev Rovensky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2302. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.N. Vesolovsky village of Glinska, Rovno district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2303. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Voronich part of the village of Dyuksena, Rivne Uyezd, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2304. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants SS. Vorzel of the village of Stav Rovensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2305. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LM. Vrochinsky village Andrusiev Rovensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2306. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Bogumily Glembotsky villages Vulki Klesovskoy, Ozer, Zhadni, Milechy, Vysotsk, Podvysochya, Zadvorya and Rechitsy of Rivne Uyezd in Volyn gubernia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2307. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Goretsky village Rubchy of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2308. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Groholsky villages Pempkov, Rudenki, Bryushkov Rovensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2309. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Groholsky Lesson Brody in the Rivne Uyezd of Volyn Province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 231. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. and Yu.I. Chernyak village Lishnya Vladimirsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2310. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Groholsky settlement of Dermanky of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2311. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants by the heirs of Felix Grokholsky, in the possession of his widow - Matilda Grokholska, the village of Maryanovka of the Rivne Uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2312. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. Grushetskogo part of the village Znosich Rovensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2313. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.O. Dzerzhbitsky village Shubkov Rovensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2314. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary lodgings by the peasants of the landowner F.O. Dzerzhbitsky village Karpovschiny Rovno district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2315. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Countess A.E. Dzeduschicki village Voskodova Rovno district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2316. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants P.Kh. Didkovo village of Ilnik, Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2317. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Kiriyaka Drzhevetsky part of the village of Yyralati of the Rivne Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2318. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the Countess of Mary of the Yezerskoye settlements of Maidanka, the Small and the Great Shame of the Rivne Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2319. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants SS. Yezerskoye village of Zhalin and the village of Vulki of Zhalinskaya, Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 232. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants Prince B.A.The Fourth village of Markovichi Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2320. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants OE Yelenchitsa parts of the village Kharaul of the Rivne Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2321. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed by the peasants Onufriya and Stanislava Yelenchitsy of the village Danichev of the Rivne Uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2322. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AE Elovitsa village, Ilpin, Rivne district, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2323. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.L. Elovitsky part of the village Zverzhhovki of Rivne Uyezd in Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2324. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Adolphe Elovitsky of the village of Ilpin of the Rivne Uyezd of the Volyn province, under an additional redemption act
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2325. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Elovitsa village Samostrel of the Rivne Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2326. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.P. Elovitsa village of Bogdasheva, Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2327. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.P. Elovitsa village Koshatov Rovno district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2328. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Elovitsa village Postojnogo Rovno uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2329. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Franciszka Elovitskaya village Grushvits Rovensky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 233. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Prince VK. Chetvertinsky village Voronchina Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2330. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.K. Zhytyn village of Shostakova, Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2331. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.V. Zhulinsky part of the village of Ploski of Rivne Uyezd in Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2334. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants EA. Zagursky part of Grushvitsy village of Rivne Uyezd in Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2335. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants VO. Zalensky villages of Barashka and Omelyanoy of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2336. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants VO. Zalensky part of the village of Dyuksin of the Rovensky district, the town of Luchina with the Rudnya settlement and the settlement of Tesnovskaya Ovruch county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2337. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants VG. Zalensky village of Ustya, villages of Francopolis and Nikasov of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2338. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants FS. Znamerovsky village of Berestovets of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2339. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Iodko village of Rechitsa, Rivne Uyezd, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 234. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Prince E.M.Fourth village of Bortchitz, Galicians and parts of the village of Bugrin Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2340. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Boleslaw Kamensky part of the village of Yapoloti of the Rivne Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2341. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants BA. Kamenskogo-Zhilok settlement of the Golubnoye Rovno district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2342. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Kashov village of Kurash, Rovno district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2343. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Kashov village Solomievka Rivne district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2344. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Kashov village Lyubikovich Rovensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2345. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Kashov's village Bilyatich of the Rivne Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2346. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.I. Kashovskoye villages Berezhkov and Zaluzhie Rovensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2347. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.I. Kashov village Karasin Rovensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2348. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the heirs of S.I. Kashov village Nemovich with the Koshovo village, Chudel and Teodorovka of the Rivne district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2349. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants of Camilia Kvyatkovsky village Milostov Rovno district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 235. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants of princes VK, LK Chetvertinsky villages Voronchin Vladimirsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2350. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Kobylansky village Hodos Rovensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2351. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Koprovsky village Dyatkevich Rovensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2352. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. Kovalsky village of Khmelevki of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2353. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants NG. Kosciuszkiewicz part of the villages of Plossk and Podgortsev, and the village of Milostov in the Rivne Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2354. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants N.K. Kraevsky village of Iuzefovki of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2355. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants GS. Lenkevich village of Drozdov and Garbov of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2356. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants GS. Lenkevich village of Borshchovka and Malaya Lyubashka village of Rivne Uyezd in Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2357. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants GF Lenkevich part of the village of Mikulina of the Rivne district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2358. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Grazian and the heir of his FG. Lenkevychy part of the town of Goryngroda, Rivne Uyezd, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2359. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants FG. Lenkevich town of Goryngrod, Rovno district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 236. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants VG. Shadursky Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2360. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Lipsky part of the village Grushvits of Rivne Uyezd in Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2361. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Ignatius and Grazian Lipsky villages Grushvits Rovensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2362. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Lobkovo village Sarn Rovensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2363. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporarily liable peasants of Prince KF Lubomir village of Kolodenok of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2364. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporarily liable peasants of Prince KF Lubomir town of Rivne, Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2365. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Prince Kazimierz of the Lubomir village of Gelesin of the Rovno district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2366. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporarily liable peasants of Prince KF Lubomir village of Kolodyanka, Rovno district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2367. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporarily liable peasants of Prince S.K. Lubomir village of Kolodyanka in Rivne county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2368. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporarily liable peasants of Prince S.K. Lubomir town of Rivne, Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2369. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporarily liable peasants of Prince S.K. Lubomirsky village of Pukhov of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 237. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.P. Shemiot village Pechikhvost and Polukhna, Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2370. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporarily liable peasants of Prince S.K. Lubomir tract of the Three-Kopts Rovno district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2371. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants to the heirs of RO Maximovich of the village of Haraluga of the Rivne Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2372. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.O. Malyn village of Lizyan, Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2373. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants landowner M.O. Malynsky village Novirkov Rovensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2374. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.O. Malynsky village of Bogushi and other Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2375. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.O. Malynsky village Bilki Rovensky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2376. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.O. Malyn village of Mikhalin of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2377. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.O. Malynsky borough of Berezny and the village of Tekliovki of Rivne Uyezd in Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2378. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.O. Malynskoye settlement Gorodische of Rivne Uyezd in Volyn gubernia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2379. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.O. Malynsky village of Neverkov, Rovensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 238. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of the Shklennikovi part of the village of Olizarov in the Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2380. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.O. Malynsky village of Rudnya and other Rovensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2381. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.O. Malynsky village of Belashovka of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2382. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.O. Malynsky village of Teklevki of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2383. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V. Mikulich village Topchi Rovno district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2384. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants RF. Mikulich villages Volkoshev and Lipki Rovensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2385. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Mlodzyanovskogo village Tynnoy with a village Zabara Rovno Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2386. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.L. The Monzilev village of Zaritsk, Rovno district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2387. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AO. Dagestan village of Danichev Rovno district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2388. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants Julianna and Catherine Nieszky part of the village Grushevets Rovno district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2389. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.Ts. Novoveysky settlements of Radakhovka and Suhovets of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 239. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants L. Justicki Vladimir county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2390. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants N.T. Novoveysky village of Zaritsk, Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2391. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.V. Nyko of the villages of Olib and Yanevichi of Rivne Uyezd in Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2392. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily attributable to peasants of the heirs VA. Omeshchinsky village Bystriche Rovensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2393. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.V. The village of Grushovki and Guta of the Rivne Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2394. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Ts. Ya. Ometsin village of Khotyn and the village of Rudny-Potashny in Rivne county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2395. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Countess A.V. Olizar of Zhabrin village of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2396. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Opitsa village Koloverty Rovensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2397. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants landowner KZ. Okhmanovich part of the village of Haraluga, Rovno district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2398. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants ML. Pavshi parts of the village of Milostava, Rivne Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2399. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants SB. Piarsky settlement of Milostava of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 24. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants М.М. Vodzinsky village of Dubnikov, Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 240. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants Prince A.K.Yablonovsky village Litovyzh Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2400. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.Kh. The carpenter village of Trostynets in the Rivne Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2401. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V. Podgorodensky village Uglische Rovensky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2402. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V.Bozhidar - Podgoroden town of Derazhn and the village of Cruks of the Rivne district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2403. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Iozefy Podgorodenskoy village Rudny and the village of the Big and small Mydzka Rovensky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2404. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the landlord RO. Pogorzhel part of the village of Haraluga in the Rivne district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2405. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants landowner IG. Porchinsky village Novoselok of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2406. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PV. Porchinsky part of the village Ploski of the Rivne district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2407. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants BK Poninskoye settlements: Greater Selishche, Gubkov, Adamovka and Viliya Rovensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2408. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Prushinsky village of Sennoe and the village of Zholyanka of Rovno district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2409. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V. Prushinsky village Korostyatin and the village Voronova Rovno district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 241. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Yavorskoy village Vydzhgova Vladimirsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2410. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Prushinsky villages: Pustomyty, Moshchany, Matveyevka and Small Sedlischa of the Rivne Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2411. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Prushinskoye village Sarna Rovno district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2412. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants AR. Rakovsky village of Kustin of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2413. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KM. Radziwill villages: Rzeszucka, Shmanova, Voloshek and Koptovichi Rovensky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2414. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Prince Karl Radziwill of the villages of Small and Big Oleksin and part of the village of Yaponlon of the Rivne Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2415. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily lodged by the peasants of Prince KM Radziwill of the villages of Stav, Karpilovka, Ponebel and Studzianki of the Rivne Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2416. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Prince Karl Radzivil of the village of Rogachev of the Rivne Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2417. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Karl and Sigismund Radziwill of the village of Kozlino of the Rivne Uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2418. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the princes Alexander, Karl and Sigismund Radziwill of the village of Kornin of the Rivne Uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2419. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants of Ioanne Rzheta village of Zbuzha of Rivne Uyezd in Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 242. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner Yu.I. Yakubovskaya part of the village Masheva of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2420. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IL. Rzheta village of Zbuzha with the village of Vppunneu Rovensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2421. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.O. Rozhitsky village Zverzhhovsk Rovensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2422. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.N. Rybchin village Kamenki of the Rivne district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2423. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.N. Rybchinskoye village Yablonnogo Rovensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2424. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.Ya. Rybchinsky village Yarinovki Rovno district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2425. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.N. Rybchinsky village Kazimirovka of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2426. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.N. Rybchin village of Pechalovka of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2427. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants to the heirs of the landowner Nikolai Rybchinsky of the village of Danchimost of the Rivne Uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2428. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants VG. Serzhputovsky village Shpakov Rovno district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2429. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily obliged peasants of the landowner Yu.O.Voschenskaya part of the town of Tuchin, Rivne district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 243. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants M.N., K.N., D.N., I.N., V.N., E.N.and Yu.N.Miyakovsky and Yu.N.Slovovskaya village Mirkostovo Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2430. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner Yu.O. Sobieshchansky part of the village of Rysvyshinki in the Rivne Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2431. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.Sh. Sokolovsky part of the village Znosich Rovensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2432. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Stets village Malaya Kletski Rovno uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2433. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.L. Stetskiye Sloboda Klenova Rudny Rovno uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2434. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KA. Stetsky part of the village Kolovertsy of Rivne Uyezd in Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2435. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KA. Stetskiy village of Karysti, Rovno district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2436. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Stravinsky villages: Kamennoye, Vyra, Maly-Selishcha, Yasnogorka and Alekseyevka of the Rivne Uyezd of Volyn gubernia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2437. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Tomilin village of Maly Verbcha of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2438. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Tomilin of the township of Stepan of Rovno district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2439. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporary peasants of the heirs of Ye.I. Tomilin is his wife Lyubov and the children of Ivan, Catherine and other villages of Korosti, Voloshi, Zolotolin, part of the village of Komarovka, parts of the village of Verbchi and the village of Zulnya Rovensky
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 244. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Countess L.F.Potoyck and S.F.Dzedeshitskaya Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2440. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporary peasants of the heirs of Ye.I. Tomilina of the village of Krichilska of the Rivne district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2441. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Tomashevicheva village Grushvitsy of the Rivne district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2442. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.V. and AA. Tomashevsky village Ploski of Rivne Uyezd in Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2443. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants MG. Trizny-Yatskovo village of Vulki-Kholopsky Rovensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2444. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants MG. Trizny-Yatskovsky village of Yatskovich of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2445. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable by the peasants Bronislava Khamtsova part of the village of Veliky Verbch and Buteyka of the Rivne Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2446. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Khodorovich part of the village of Mikulina Rovno district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2447. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.L. Cecishev village of Zaboroli with a bivouac of Bichal of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2448. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Ts. Tsivinsky village Makoterty of Rivne Uyezd in Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2449. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Karl and Maria Tsivinsky villages Makoterty of Rivne Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 245. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Countess L.F.Potoyck and S.F.Dzedeshitskaya villages of column and Kremerchi Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2450. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the Tsibulskim Casimir and Eleonora of the village of Komarovka of the Rivne Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2451. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Chartorizhskogo village Bichali Rovensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2452. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Chartroy village of Orzhev Rovensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2453. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Chartria villages: Zvizdisa, Podluzhnoe, Lyubasha and the villages of Ruda, Rovno district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2454. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Chartoroy village of Smorzhev Rovensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2455. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Prince Alexander of Chartoria in the village of Rokytnyi Rovensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2456. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Prince AK Chartory township Klevan Rovensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2457. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Chartre village of Belev, Golovin, the town of Kastopol in the Rivne district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2458. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Prince AK Chartory village of Novozhukova, Starozhukova and Novoselok of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2459. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Prince AK Chartre village of Podlugnoye with one-sided settlement of Ruda of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 246. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants, Countess L. Pototskaya and S. Dzedeschitskaya village of Topilitz Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2460. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Prince AK Chartroy village of Yanevichi of Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2461. The case of redemption, according to an additional act, of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Prince AK Chartory village of Bolshoy Lubani, Rovno district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2462. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Prince AK Charortoyskoye village Variations of the Rivne Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2463. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Prince A.K Chartoriy in the village of Smorzhevo of the Rivne Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2464. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Prince A.C Chartoriy of the village of Grabov of the Rivne Uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2465. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Prince AK Charrotiy's villages of the Yankevichs, Grabovs and the Wooden Rovensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2466. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Chertov village Kopytova Rovensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2467. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Prince Heliodorus Chetvertinsky part of the town of Gorringrod of the Rivne Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2468. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Prince G.M. Chetvertinsky part of the town of Gorringrod of the Rivne Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2469. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporarily liable peasants of Prince Heliodorus of Svyatopolk-Chetvertinsky village of Gorringrod of the Rivne Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 247. The case of the redemption of land for temporary liable peasants Countess LF Potocki and S.F. Dzadushitskoy village Zagorova with part of the village of Protector of Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2470. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Princess Amelia Petrovna Chetvertinskaya village Obarov Rovensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2471. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VN. Shchepkovsky village of Zheleznits Rovensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2472. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed by the peasants of Oktavia Shchepkovskaya to the village of Bolshoy Haruchi of the Rivne Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2473. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Count V.V. Esterhazi village Gorodka of the Rivne Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2474. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.S. Yaksa-Yaksinsky village Podlisok of the Rivne Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2475. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.Ya. Yakubovsky settlement Subdivisions of the Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2476. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Yankovsky village of Drukhova, Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2477. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.V. Yankovo ​​village of Grushvitsa of the Rivne Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2478. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants M.Ya. Yarotsky village Bronik, Rivne district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2479. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.Ya. Voloshinsky and OF. Kalinskaya village Yasenig of the Rivne Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 248. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.I.and PIRadziminsky and E. Tarasevich Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2480. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.K. Elovitskaya and Eletr of the village of Yapaloti of the Rivne Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2481. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AF, KO Michalovsky and Chertovoy village Kopytova Rovensky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2482. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants. Nevinsky, N.V. Polyanovskaya, Honorata Goraevskoy, Norbet Hermanovskogo four parts of the village Chudva Rovensky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2483. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Piotrovsky and heirs Tomilin two parts of the village Krasnovki Rovensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2484. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the Specific Office of the Orzhev Village of the Rivne Uyezd in the Volyn Province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2485. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the Specific Office of the village of Beleva of the Rivne Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2486. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable by the peasants of Princess Anne Abamelek of Starokostiantyniv Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2487. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Abramovich villages Irshik and Malashevki Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volhynia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2488. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Alexandra Aslanovich of the village of Glybok Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volhynia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2489. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Bagen part of the village Kotyuzhinets Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 249. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Yu.O. Slaviansky, Moshinsky, Strazhits and Rozhansky villages Volitsa-Ostrovetskaya Vladimirsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2490. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Ignatius of the Bagen village of Grytsyk Starokonstantinovsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2491. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KL. Bator part of the village of Levkovets Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2492. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AO. Bilino village of Karabiivka Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2493. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AO. Bilinsky village of Velikaya Klitna Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2494. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants landowner A.O. Bilino village of Velikaya-Klitna Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2495. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants landowner A.O. Bilinsky village of Velikaya Klitna Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2496. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants landowner A.O. Bilinsky village of Velikaya Klitna Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2497. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the landowner Anton Osipovich of Bilinsky, the village of Velikaya-Klytny, Starokonstantinovsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2498. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.I. Bilinskoye village of the Greater Lazuchin Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2499. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.O. and his minor heirs of the Bilino villages Lazuchino-Velikaya Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volhynia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 25. The case of the redemption of land put on the temporary-shaped peasants of Bronislava of the Washkovskaya part of the village of Ostrovka Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 250. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily lent by the peasants K. Tseshkovskaya and E. and S. Opatsky, part of the village of Gnoi, Vladimirsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2500. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants BI. Bogen village Gritsky Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volhynia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2501. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants BI. Bogen settlement of Gritsykov Starokonstantinovsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2502. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner Yu.E. Borisov village Volitsa-Lyakhivetska Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2503. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily obligated peasants Yu.E. Borisov village Volitsa-Lyakhivetska Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2504. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Borkovsky village Volitsa Lyakhovskoy Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2505. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Felix, Anna and Mary Bokhenskih village Volitsa Dubiska Starokonstantinovskogo county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2506. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants ML. Brodovsky village Ochievtsev Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2507. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.S. Buyal'skogo village Chukhely Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2508. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Apolonia Buyal part of the village Zherebok of the Great Starokonstantinovskiy district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2509. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Bulev village of Koshelevka Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 251. The case on the redemption of land plots of tempted by the temporal peasants of the Countess Mary Domininovna Chazkaya and Vandy Mikhailovna Tseshkovskoy two parts of the village of Ivanov Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2510. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Amalia-Julia-Theresa Vankevich, the village of Zapadynets, Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2511. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Amelia Vankevich part of the village of Zapadynets Starokonstantinovskogo Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2512. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KA. Volsky part of the village Sobkovets Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volhynia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2513. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Prince V.V. Volkonsky settlements of Pechysk and Kulchyna of Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2514. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LI. Voyakovo village, Zapadynets, Starokostiantynivsky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2515. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KS Veitkova village Zapadynets Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2516. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IL. Verzhbitsky part of the village Gromovki Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2517. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants heirs IL. Verzhbitsky part of the village Gromovki Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2518. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed by peasants O.L. Verzhbitsky part of the village Gromovki Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2519. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.V. and A.P. Verzhbitsky villages Zapadynets Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 252. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F., V.A. Yavorsky and Tryaschinsky Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2520. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants Anthony Gardasevich of the village of Ochievtsev Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2521. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants ML. Gizycki villages Novoselits, Frying pans, Krushinki, etc. Starokonstantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2522. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants ML. Gizycki village Skovorok Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2523. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants ML. Gizycki village Skovorok Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2524. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants O.K. Glass village of Borshchivka village of Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2525. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants Anthony Gordasevich of the village of Onevtsev Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2526. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants Antonia Gordasevich of the village of Ogievtsev Starokonstantinovskiy district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2527. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Grošhol village of Tereshek of Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2528. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LI. Grocholskogo village Monchinets Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2529. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants O.I. Groholsky village Kulchina Starokonstantinovskogo county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 253. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the abolished Belostotsky Bazylansky Monastery part of the village of Sosnovka in the Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2530. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants SL. Grohol village Zherebok Starokonstantinovskogo county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2531. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner S.L. Grohol village Zherebok Starokonstantinovskogo county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2532. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LI. and V.I. Groholsky villages Malinki, Tereshek and Monchinets Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volhynia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2533. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. Guletsk part of the village Medisovka Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2534. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Davidovich part of the village Zapadinets Starokonstantinovskogo county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2535. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Dembovskaya settlements Grigorovka and Pashkovtsev Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2536. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Dembovskaya village Goljunok Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2537. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.V. Diyakovo village of Zapadinets Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2538. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LP. The village of Zapadynets in the village of Dorman in the Starokonstantinovskiy district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2539. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants VO. Domaniv village of Lagodyne of Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 254. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KA. Artsishevsky part of Ulbarov village of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2540. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants L.V. Domorazdskogo village Zapadintsy Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2541. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PV, P.V. and V.V. Domorazdskiye settlements of the Zapadynets of Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn gubernia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2542. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants K.T. Dorozhinsky village Voronkovtsy Starokonstantinovskogo county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2543. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.K. Dorozhinsky village Voronkovtsi Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2544. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.K. Dorozhinsky village Voronkovets Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2545. The case of the redemption of land allotments by the Chinsheviks of the heirs of Vladislav Zhukovsky, the village of Bogdanovka, Starokonstantinovsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2546. The case of the redemption of land allotments by the Chinsheviks of the heirs of the landowner V.I. Zhukovsky village of Bogdanovka Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2547. The case of the redemption of land allotments by the Chinsheviks of VI's heirs. Zhukovsky village of Bogdanovka Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2548. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Yu.F. Zaionchkovsky village Zapadinets Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2549. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Ignatius and Anton Zakashevsky part of the village of New-Grebli Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 255. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.M. Bakinovskaya village Stupna of Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2550. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Ignatius of Zakashevsky part of the village of Nova-Grebli Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2551. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants T.I. Zakorozhinsky village Zapadinets Starokonstantinovskogo county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2552. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KM. Zaleski village of Mikhirintsev, Starokonstantinovsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2553. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the heirs of Mechislav Zaleski village of Bolshie Zazulintsev Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of Volyn gubernia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2554. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Florian Sariusz-Zaleski village Lychevki Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2555. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants D.I. Zaleska part of the village Co-worker of Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2556. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VM. Zarzhytsky village Demkovets Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2557. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Vikenty Zarzhitsky village Demkovtsy Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2558. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Vikenty Zarzhitsky's heirs Demkovtsy Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2559. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VF Zvolinsky villages Futor and Redkovtsy Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 256. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.M. Bakinovskaya part of the village of Bolshoye-Moshchinitsa in Dubenskiy district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2560. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants BK Iven of the village of Starostokonstantinovsky uyezd in Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2561. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of the landowner B.M. Ignatovich of the village of Polyan Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volhynia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2562. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants GI. Ilinsky village Maniovets Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2563. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Ludwika Ilinskaya village Pig-Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2564. The case of the redemption of land allotments by the Chinsheviks of the landowner A.Yu. Iodko settlement of Yavorivtsev Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2565. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants A.Yu. Iodko village of Maly Zazulintsy of Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2566. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants A.Yu. Iodko village of Maly Zazulintsy of Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2567. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants A.Yu. Iodko village of Maly Zazulintsy of Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2568. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Yu.F. Iodko settlements: Yavorovtsi, Maly Zazulinets and Volitsa Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2569. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Kadlubyskoe village Zapadinets Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 257. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants of Emilia Bakinovskaya part of the village of Bolshaya Moshchinitsa in Dubenskiy district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2570. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Adam and Maria Kadlubyskih settlement Reshnyovki Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2571. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants B. Ts. Kamenskoye village Troyanovka Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2572. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants GF Kamenskoye village Troyanovka Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2573. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Eustathius-Anton Franzevich Kamensky village Grebeninki Starokonstantinovskogo county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2574. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Eustathius-Anton Frantsevich Kamensky part of the village Maniovets Starokonstantinovskogo county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2575. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants LF Kamenskoye village Troyanovka Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2576. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Ю.А. Каменского селения Олейник Староконстантиновского уезда Волынской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2577. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Kvyatkovsky village Borshchivki Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2578. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Kvyatkovskogo part of the village Shibennoy Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2579. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Stanislav Kvyatkovsky part of the village Ochievets Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 258. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.M. Bakinovskaya part of Stupno village of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2580. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PN. Kicha village Shmyry Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2581. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants FA. Klembovsky part of the village Kholodtsa Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2582. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Andrei Klehniovsky village of Karaimovka Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volhynia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2583. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants AR. Klyukovsky village Mytintsy Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2584. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Adam Klyukovsky village of Mytnitsev Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2585. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.R. and A.R. Klyukovski village Mytnitsa Starokonstantinovskogo county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2586. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants GA. Knoll part of the village Shibennoy Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2587. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Knoll part of the village Zherebok-Maly Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2588. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants FA. Knoll part of the village Shibennoy Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2589. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Eligia and Ignaty Knolley village Zherebok Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 259. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. and F.I. Bankovsky villages Yaroslavich of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2590. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Gracian-Lazar Yakovlevich Kovalevsky part of the village Kopachevka Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2591. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KL. Kovalevskaya village Kushnirovka Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2592. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.O. Kovnacki village of Koshelevki Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volhynia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2593. The case of redemption, under an additional act, of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants KA. Komerovsky village Grigorovka Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2594. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.V. Konopatskoy village Ignatki Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2595. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Konchevsky part of the village Shibennoy Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2596. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Adam Konchevsky settlement Shibennoy Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volhynia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2597. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Adam Konchevsky settlement Shibennoy Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volhynia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2598. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. The queen of the village Motruun Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volhynia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2599. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants of Kastan Kotka's settlement Penkovets Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of Volyn gubernia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 26.
Ivan Andreevich Mokhov [Izomaterial: electronic resource]: [photo] - Electronic data (2 files, JPEG: 2,1 MB) - (St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2018) -
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Electronic photo reproduction: Ivan Andreevich Mokhov: [photo] [Leningrad, between 1962 and 1968] 1 sheet: photo print, black and white On the obverse side under the image - text: Ivan Andreevich Mokhov - deputy Director for Academic and Scientific Work, Head of the Department of Technical Iteratura Location: Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Culture
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Ivan Andreevich Mokhov (1906-1968) - bibliographer and bibliographer, doctor of pedagogical sciences. Author of more than 30 scientific works in the field of theory and methodology of bibliography of technical literature. was published in the journal "The Red Librarian" in 1928, in which Ivan Andreevich justifies the method of attracting workers to reading technical literature. In the 1930s he worked in the Leningrad Central Library Ivanovich Mokhov, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, was awarded with medals "For Military Merit", "For the Defense of Leningrad", "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945" "And Mokhov made a great contribution to the organization of the East Siberian Institute of Culture in Ulan-Ude, as well as to the creation of the Faculty of Special Libraries and the Department of Technical Literature at the Leningrad Institute of Culture named after Krupskaya. Since 1946, Ivan Andre Vich teaches at the Leningrad Library Institute at the Department of Bibliography, and from 1950 to 1960, he manages this department. In 1951, IA Mokhov defended his thesis on "Mass literature on the processing of metals by cutting during the years of building socialism in the USSR" In 1962-1968 he headed the chair Technical literature - Materials of the site of the department of information management imkafru
1 Mokhov, Ivan Andreevich (1906-1968) - Photos 2 St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture - Professors and Teachers - History - Photographs 3 Russia in Faces (collection) 4 The People (collection) 5 The St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture (collection) 6 Documentary photos 7 Portrait photos
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РГИА. 577 / 7 / 260. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Vladislav Berezhatsky village Korytno Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2600. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Kokhanov village Slobodka Chernelyiivka and Pilip Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2601. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Demiceli Kohanovsky part of the village Kholodtsa Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2602. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.V. Krashevskaya village Pisarevka Starokonstantinovskogo county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2603. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.K. Krukovo village Stalls of Starokonstantinovskiy district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2604. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Kulesho village Indyk Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2605. The case of the redemption of land allotments by the Chinsheviks of Ivan and Victoria Kuleshov of the Chukheney village of Starokonstantinovskiy district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2606. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Kulchytsky village Beregelintsy Starokostiantynivsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2607. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner AA. Kupriyanova village Dubishch Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2608. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Pavlina and Stanislava Kurdvanovo villages Popovtsi Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2609. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Z.S. Laganivsky part of the village Kholodtsa Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 261. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Berezhetskogo village of Teslugov, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2610. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants. Levandovsky village Galchinets Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2611. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Ledochov village of Volchkovsk and other Starokonstantinovsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2612. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Ledokhovo village Volchkovtsy, Friedrichov, Balkovtsy, etc. Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2613. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Ledovo village of Lozovoy Starokonstantinovsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2614. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Ledokhovo village Lozovaya and Manachin Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2615. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Anely Ledochovsky village of Monachin Starokonstantinovskogo county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2616. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Ledochovskaya borough of Basilia of Starokonstantinovskiy district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2617. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner NS. Lelyavsky village Golionki Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2618. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants N.O. Lepkovo village Sorokodub Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2619. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants T.I. Lepkovsky part of the village Shibelina Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volhynia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 262. The case of redemption of land plots by the temporary peasants of Ivan-Alexander Ignatievich Berezhetsky village Khotina with the embankment of the semi-Dubensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2620. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KS Lepkovo village Monki Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2621. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants ML. Lipsky part of the village Galchinets Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volhynia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2622. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants FV. Lipsky village Wheel of Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2623. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NS. Litov village Malykh Zazulintsy Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2624. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NS. Litov village of Pisarevki Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2625. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.Е. Lozinsky village Polovinniki Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2626. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.Е. Lozinsky part of the village Gromovki Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2627. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants FA. Lokhovsky village Shmyrok Starokonstantinovskiy district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2628. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants NG. Lyatalskaya village Volitsa-Vonsovicha Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2629. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.I. Makarevich part of the village Malykh Zazulinets Starokonstantinovskogo Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 263. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Ivan-Alexandra Ignatievich Berezhacki village Boryatina and the village Dubrovdki Dubenskiy district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2630. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable by the peasants Stanislav Makarevich of the village of Maly Zozultintsev Starokonstantinovsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2631. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants GF Malinovsky village Medisovka Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2632. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants GF Malinovsky part of the village of Kolesza Starokonstantinovskiy district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2633. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.K. Malinovsky village of Savruki Starokonstantinovsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2634. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants TS. and E.K. Malinovsky part of the village of Yerimeevka Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2635. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.O. Malynsky township of Ozhegovets settlement of Sobolevka, Pochapinets farmstead and Yakhnovets village of Starokostiantynivsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2636. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Franz and Henry Mikoshevskih village Leduhovki Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2637. The case of the redemption of land allotments by the Chinsheviks of the countess of Olga Mionchinskaya of the town of Kupel Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volhynia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2638. The case of the redemption of land allotments by the Chinsheviks from Countess OE Mionchin village Nutkova Sloboda Starokostiantynivsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2639. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of the landowners Alaizia and Nicholas Mogilnitski village Sobkovets Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volhynia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 264. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary-bound peasants P.I.Berezhsky part of the village of Redkov Dubensky County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2640. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable to peasants Mechislav Napiorkovsky village of the Great Zozultans of the Starokonstantinovsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2641. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Franz Negrebetsky village of Katyurzhyntsi Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2642. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PM. Aksyuka settlement Kopachevka Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2643. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants MS. and V.S. Orachevsky villages Beregelinets Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volhynia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2644. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Orlevsky village Yavorovets Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2645. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants of the Andrei Orlevsky village of Yavorivtsi Starokonstantinovskiy district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2646. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants RT. Ostromenets village Lutarovka Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2647. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AT. Ostromentskoy village Lutarovka Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2648. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of the landowner F.D. Panfilevich part of the village Sobkovets Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2649. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.L. Peretyatkovichnoy part of the village Gromovki Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 265. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants BF. and K.F. Bernatovechy part of the village Volkova, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2650. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Petrikiv village Zapadinets Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2651. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Peshinskaya settlement Galchinets Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2652. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants FS. Peshinsky part of the village of Kolesets Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2653. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Yulia Peshinskaya village Lutarovka Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2654. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.K. Bobr-Piotrovitsky village Chepeliovki and the village Voskodavinets Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volhynia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2655. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants E.L. Podgorodensky village Morkovtsy Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2656. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.Ya. Ponasevich village Zherebok-Great Starokonstantinovskogo county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2657. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants D.O. Poniatowski village Kulchinok and Pecchina Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2658. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.O. Poniatowski village of Oshevets Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2659. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.O. Poplavsky village Strok Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 266. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants of Christina Bilska part of the village of Bolshaya Moshchinitsa in the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2660. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.O. Poplavsky village of Zarudja Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2661. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporarily liable peasants Count E.M. Pototsky village Voskodavtsi Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2662. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Count Eustathius Pototsky of the village of Chechelevka Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volhynia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2663. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.F. Przhetslavsky Settlement Scots of Starokostiantynivsky Uyezd in Volyn Province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2664. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Prushinsky village Screensavers Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2665. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants GI. Prushinsky village Wheel of Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2666. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.V. Prushinsky part of the village Sobkovets Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2667. The case of the redemption of land allotments by the Chinsheviks of the heirs of Iosif Prushinsky, the village of Sobkovtsi, Starokonstantinovsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2668. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Mechislav Prushinsky village Volitsa-Kerekashenoy Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2669. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Prushinsky villages of Cecianovka and Custodians Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 267. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants LR Bogush of the village Knyazhin of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2670. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.D. Prushinskaya village of Kurilovka Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2671. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.K. Prushinskaya settlement Reshnyovka Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2672. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.K. Pruszyn village Verbordinets Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2673. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.K. Prushinsky village Beregeli Starokonstantinovskogo county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2674. The case of the redemption of land allotments, temporarily liable by the peasants of Prince F.B. Radziwill village Motruunkah Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2675. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Radzikovskaya part of the village Nemyrenets Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2676. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the M. Raduska village Stalls of the Starokonstantinovsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2677. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants RI. Rogalevich village Zherebok Starokonstantinovskogo county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2678. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Elena and Mary Rogalevich of the village of Zherebok Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volhynia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2679. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants OA. Rogozinskaya village Popovets and Voitovets Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 268. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants RO. Brodsky village Zablotets of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2680. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner AA. Rozhansky village Nemirovka Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2681. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Rozhinsky settlements Krasnoselki and Nemirovka Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2682. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Rotaryuche village of Derkacham Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2683. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. Rotariusha of the village of Katyurzhyntsi of the Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2684. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. Rotaryusha of the village of Katyurzhynets of the Starokonstantinovsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2685. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Franz Rotarius village Samchinets Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2686. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PM. Rudz village of Chernemovka Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2687. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VF Rudnicka village Sobkovtsi Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2688. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants. Rutsinsky part of Zapadinets village of Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2689. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Elena Rybachevskaya part of the village Malykh-Zazulinets Starokonstantinovskogo county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 269. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants E.L. Valevskaya village Maleva of the Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2690. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants of Stanislav, Ivan and Pelagia Savitsky village Zapadinets Starokonstantinovskogo Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2691. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Sveikovsky village of Klenik Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2692. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants Constantia Pelageya Stanislavovna Senitska village Zapadinets Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn gubernia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2693. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Count K.I. Serakovo village of Chernyava and the village of Krzhachek Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volhynia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2694. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of the landowner F.I. Serachinsky village Mikhailovtsi Starokostiantynivsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2695. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.O. and K.O. Serachinsky villages of Mikhailovtsa Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2696. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Skorupsky village Malykh Zazulinets Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2697. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants landowner Alexander Skorupsky village Madyh Zazultintsev Starokonstantinovskogo county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2698. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of Alexander Skorupsky village Maly Zazulintsy Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2699. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IF, EF and M.F. Sobieshansky village Movchan of Starokostiantynivsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 27. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Anton and Emilia Volsky part of the village Skrygalov Vladimir county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 270. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Alexander and Ioann of the Varden villages of Pokashchevo of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2700. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Karl Sokolnitsky village Golokhvasty Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2701. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner M.K. Spiers of the village of Castonia Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2702. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner M.K. Spiers of the village of Castonia Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2703. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner IS. Buyal'skogo village Chukhilei Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2704. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Talko part of the village Kholodtsa Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2705. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VF Terletskoy village Zapadintsy Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2706. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.I. Tomilovskoye village Zapadinets Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2707. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Třebinsky village of Lonki Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2708. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Třeba village Lonka Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2709. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable by the peasants of Adolphe Třebinsky village of Porokhna Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 271. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Verzhbitsky village Uyezd of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2710. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Třebin village Porokhne Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2711. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner AK. Třebinski with the village of Porokhne Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2712. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.O. Tourist part of the village of Kolesza Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2713. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Leopold Tymynsky village Volitsa Vonsovichy Starokonstantinovskogo county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2714. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.K. Tymyn village Borshchivka Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2715. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants HK. Tymyn village Borshchivka Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2716. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Utin settlement Verhnyaky Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2717. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants BA. Khokmentovsky village of Chukheli Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2718. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants D.N. Soha-Khomentovsky village of Chukhely Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2719. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Soha-Khomentovsky village Janovka Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 272. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants of the Verzhbitsa settlement of Uezez in the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2720. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner E.V. Khilinskoye village Fedurok Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2721. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Florian of the Tseglyarsky part of the village of Sobkovtsi Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2722. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.O. Tseglyar Settlement of Katyurzhyntsi Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn Gubernia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2723. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Elena Tsikhotskaya village Luthorovka Starokonstantinovskogo county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2724. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Xaveria and Natalia Tsyryny of Korchovka village of Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2725. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants of the US Chahrai part of the village Galchinets Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2726. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants FN. Chegrintsevo village of Zapadinets Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2727. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.M. Chetvertinsky villages Burned by the Highest and Dryings of Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2728. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to peasants landowner Isabella Chechel of the village of Samchik and a settlement Ostrikovtsa Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volhynia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2729. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the heirs LF. Chechel of the village of Pig of Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 273. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Ippolit Vecfinsky village Ilpibok Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2730. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Adam Chosnovsky village of Rabievka Starokonstantinovsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2731. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants of young heirs Yatsentiya Chosnovsky villages Pisarevka, Radievka and Gonovka Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2732. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.O. Chudovskoy village Kobyl Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2733. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants LO. Shashkevych settlement of Baglay Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2734. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants LO. Shashkevych settlements: Yemets and Lazheva Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2735. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.O. Shashkevych village Sakhnovets Starokonstantinovskogo county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2736. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily obligated peasants Ц.О. Shashkevych village of Ladyga Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2737. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily obligated peasants Ц.О. Shashkevych village of Ladyga Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2738. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants ND Shigarina village of the Writings of the Starokonstantinovsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2739. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Shigarin ND three parts of the village Maly Zazulinets Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 274. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.K. Vitoslavsky village of Plyashev in the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2740. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.Е. Shimansky part of the village Kholodtsa Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2741. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants MS. de Shoduar villages Ivnits and Kuzmina Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2742. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Shushkovsky villages of Ordynets and Gritsinok Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2743. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.P. Eysmont village of Zapadinets, Starokonstantinovsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2744. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Yankovsky village Rosolovtsi Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2745. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Yankovsky village Rosolovtsi Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2746. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Anton and the Euphemia of the Yarkovsky units of the village of the Galchinets Starokonstantinovsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2747. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Yaroslavl part of the village of Medisovka Starokonstantinovskiy district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2748. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KV, EB Yasenskie settlement Elizavetpol Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2749. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.F. Brodovsky, Ponochovsky and Kvyatkovsky villages Ogievets Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 275. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.K. Vitoslavsky village of the Island of Dubenskiy district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2750. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants landowner Joseph Gorlinsky, Soha-Khomentovsky and Buyalsky part of the village Chukhely Starokonstantinovskogo county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2751. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Dorozhinsky and Rodzikovsky part of the village of Nemyrinets Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2752. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NF Држевецкого and Яблоновской two parts of Nemyrinets village Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2753. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Vladislav Zhukovsky and Anna Gizhitskaya three parts of the village of Bogdanovka Starokonstantinovskogo county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2754. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to peasants landowner Domitseli Zaleska, Sapieha, Kapiorkovsky, Zaklitsky, the village of the Great Zazulintsy Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2755. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants Anton Zarzhitsky, Skupen, Třebinsky and Šensnevičy four parts of the village of Porokhni Starokonstantinovskiy district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2756. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Komarovsky and Toursky two parts of the village of Klitna Malaya Starokonstantinovskogo of the county of Volhynia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2757. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable to peasants Fortunata Negrebetsky, Vilgi Verzhbitskaya, Svidzinsky, Fuyarsky, Shultz, Tkhornitsky and Gonsiorovsky villages Vasilevka Starokonstantinovsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2758. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.F. Negrebetsky and Rotariush, the village of Katyurzhyntsa Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2759. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants N.I. Pininsk and Lepkivsky villages Avratina Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 276. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.K. Vitoslavsky village of Mevra with the Marukha settlement of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2760. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KL. Piotrovskaya and Brodovskoye villages Kushnirovka Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2761. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Razdolskaya, Lototskaya and Piotrovskaya villages Zapadinets Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2762. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.V. Svishevsky, Borukhovskaya and Chorbov town Krasilov with a village Slobodka Starokonstantinovskogo county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2763. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Valeria Skibitskaya, Eugenia Grokholska and Evelina Krukovskaya of the town of Kupelya Starokonstantinovskiy district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2764. The case of the redemption of land allotments by the Chinsheviks of Valeria Skibitskaya, Grocholskaya and Krukovskaya of the town of Kupelya Starokonstantinovskiy district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2765. The case of the redemption of land allotments by the Chinsheviks of Valeria Skibitskaya, Grocholskaya and Krukovskaya of the town of Kupelya Starokonstantinovskiy district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2766. The case of the redemption of land allotments by the Chinsheviks of Valeria Skibitskaya, Grocholskaya and Krukovskaya of the town of Kupelya Starokonstantinovskiy district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2767. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants Valeriya Skibitskaya, E. Grokholska and E. Krukovskaya village of Gaydaiskaya Sloboda Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2768. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Valeria Skibitskaya, Grokholska and Krukovskaya of the town of Kupel Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2769. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. and D.A. Fedtsov and Queen of the village of Verhnyak Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 277. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.K. Vitoslavsky village of Kutrova, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2770. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.V. Khilinsky and Darovskoy two parts of the town of Kupel Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2771. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.V. Khilinsky, Yashchevsky and Sontsova villages Fedurok Starokostiantynivsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2772. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants landlords Gavriil Chechelya and Anna Zmigrodskoy village Pig-Starokonstantinovskogo county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2773. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.Ya. Chechel and Zmigrodskoye villages of the Pig of Starokonstantinovsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2774. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Гавриила Чечеля и Анны Змигродской селения Свинная Староконстантиновского уезда Волынской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2775. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Gavriil Chechelya and Anna Zmigrodskoy village Pig-Starokonstantinovskogo county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 2776. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants. Yankovsky and Kamensky two parts of the village Rosolovtsi Starokonstantinovskogo uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 278. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants V.K.Vitoslav village of Peskov, Starikov, Solonevo, Dzikovin and Mosjunitsa Dubensky County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 279. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.K. Vitoslavsky village of Burkach, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 28. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.Z. Vrublevsky part of the village of Puzovo and the village of Vorongino in the Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 280. The case for an additional redemption act on the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.K. Vitoslavsky village of Plyashevki of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 281. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.K. Vitoslavsky locality Berestechka with suburbs of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 282. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.V. Volinsky villages of Bolshie Zhabokrik and Sribno of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 283. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants A.F.Vyransky village Hands Dubensky County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 284. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Vronovskogo part of the village Borshchevki Dubensky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 285. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Vronovskogo part of the village of Bolshaya Moshchinitsa Dubensky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 286. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Vronovsky village of the Busch of Dubensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 287. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Vronovsky village Mosty of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 288. The case on the main and additional redemption acts on the redemption of land plots by temporary-based peasants A.V.Vronov part of the village of the Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 289. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Vronovsky village of Moshchanytsia, Dubensky district, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 29. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants R.P. and A.P. Vrublevsky village Pugovo of the Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 290. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants EA. Vronovskogo village of Buderazh, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 291. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants EA. Vronovskaya part of Stupno village of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 292. The case of an additional act on the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants EA. Vronovskaya part of Stupno village of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 293. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Halytsky village of Milavitsy, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 294. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants of the Emilia of the Goizhevskaya part of the village of Rogozny of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 295. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.V. Goraina of the village of Lukarivka in the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 296. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Goray village of Little Gorodnitsy of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 297. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Gorbachev village of Svia and part of the village of Bolshaya Moshchinitsa in the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 298. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. and F.I. Gostynsky parts of the village of Podlozets and the villages of Perelokdovichi in the Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 299. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily lent by the peasants Vitold and Flora Gostynskie settlement Velnichi Dubenskiy district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 3. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants SS. Antonovich, part of the village of Mokovich, Vladimirsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 30. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants VG. Vyjgi of the village of Old Sobeshieva of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 300. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.F. Grabovo village of Maly Dorogostai of the Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 301. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants K.L.Gulevich Verbnya Dubensky County Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 302. The case of the redemption of land for the temporarily liable peasants of Nikolai Denisko, the village of Beregova and the settlement of Dubovitsa in the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 303. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants ML. Dombian villages of the Black Vine and the Kopanje of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 304. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Dubetsky part of the village of Smalyava, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 305. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Dubische village of Lithuania, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 306. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Dubyskoe village Romashkovschiny Dubensky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 307. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Dubish village of Rokovschyny of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 308. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants MK, FK, LK, AK Zhityn villages of Topulya and the village of Bolshie Rykani Dubensky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 309. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Zhegotskoy part of the village Mlodava Dubensky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 31. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants of the landowner V.S. Vyjgi part of the village Masheva of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 310. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Evgeny Zhuravsky (the former Ratsiborovskoy Alexandra) village Posovitsa and a village Zamchiska Dubensky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 311. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Kasper of the Zavadsky part of the village of Podlozets in the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 312. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Zavadsky part of the village Podgaets Dubensky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 313. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Zagorskaya part of the village of Rusinova Berestichka of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 314. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Alexander Zalessky villages Zdolbitsy and Gurniki according to an additional act of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 315. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants M.Ya. Zalevsky village Semidub Dubensky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 316. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner AI. Isupova part of the village of Bolshaya Mosanitsa, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 317. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Isupova village Stupna of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 318. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Isupova village Stupna of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 319. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Ittara villages of Plosko and the settlement of Kirilovka in the Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 32. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VS. Vyjgi of the village of Masheva of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 320. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.V. Ittar village of Pererosli, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 321. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. Karvicki village of Pivcha of Dubensky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 322. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. Karvicki village Stupki of Dubensky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 323. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. Karvitsky village Mizotchiki Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 324. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. Karvicki village Livchy, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 325. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants of Count I.K.Karvytsky part of the village of Large Mutencan and Belasheva Dubenky County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 326. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants of Count I.K.Karvytsky part of the village of Large Muteny Dubken County of the Volyn Province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 327. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Kyselya village Moshkova Dubensky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 328. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Kyselya part of the village Moshkova Dubensky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 329. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Kyselya village of Pereyomilovka, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 33. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Palmyra Vysotsky part of the village Tsegova Vladimirsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 330. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Kyselya village of Pereyomilovka, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 331. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.M. Kirkor part of the villages of the Great Dorogastai, called the Turkish Mountain, Dubensky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 332. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary lodging by peasants Ts. I. Klosovsky village Lysina Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 333. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants VG. Kozlovsky village Radov and Karabatz of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 334. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants S.O. Kozyrskoye village of the Great Moshchinitsa of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 335. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Komarnytsya village Uezez Dubensky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 336. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. and G.K. Konarzhevsky parts of the village of Rusynov Berestechka of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 337. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Krivicki village of Listvin, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 338. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. background The roof of the village of Valigur in the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 339. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.Е. Kuchinsky part of the village of Rusinovo Berestechka of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 34. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Vysotsky part of the village of Tzegov in the Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 340. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of the Victoria Kuchinsky village of Bolshoe Mylchi of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 341. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants RL. Ledochowski settlements of Svischev, Pyanja, Zalavya, Nadchits, villages of Knyazhninka and Zabolotsev, the town of Ostrozhtsa, Dubensky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 342. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Janusz Leduhovskogo of the villages of the Banks and Bokuimy of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 343. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Anely Osipovna of the Ledochov settlement of Smordwa of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 344. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable to peasants Theofil of Lepkovsky village of Komarevki of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 345. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Lehnitsky part of the village of Rudnev and the village Babolok of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 346. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants FA. Lehnitskogo part of the village Rublev and the village Babolok Dubensky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 347. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.K. Lehnitskogo part of the village Rublev and the village Babolok Dubensky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 348. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Lipsky part of the village of Zlochevki in the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 349. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Vladislav Bartnitsky (Edward Lyubansky) Village of the dubbish district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 35. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of the landowner A.T. Glovatsky village Masheva of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 350. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Lyshinsky part of the village Lysina of Dubensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 351. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporarily obligated peasants of Prince ZM. Lubomir villages of Tartak and Busch of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 352. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporarily obligated peasants of Prince ZM. Lubomir village of Sudodich of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 353. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants of princes Ivan, Fadei Evgenievich Lubomirskie village Malye Rykani Dubensky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 354. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Prince I.M. Lubomir village of Morzelin of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 355. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Prince I.M. Lubomir village of Surmichi, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 356. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Prince I.M. Lubomir village of Studzianki of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 357. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Prince I.M. Lubomir village of Tarakanov, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 358. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Princess Yadviga of Lubomir Obgov village and Bokbarai village of Dubensky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 359. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the princess Ya.M. Lubomir village of Guta Obgovskaya Dubenskiy district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 36. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Goray village Sernichek of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 360. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the princess Ya.M. Lubomir village of Golovchytsya, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 361. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the princess Ya.M. Lubomir village of Kunina of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 362. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the princess Ya.M. Lubomir village of Korshov, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 363. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the princess Ya.M. Lubomir village of Kunina of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 364. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the princess Ya.M. Lubomirskaya villages Rachin, Pelchi, Buderazh, Maydan, Pelchansky, Derman, Pogoriltsi, Pantaliya and Ivyanya of Dubensky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 365. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the princess Ya.M. Lubomir village of Kluki and Detinich in Dubenskiy district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 366. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the princess Ya.M. Lubomir village of Sadov, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 367. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the princess Ya.M. Lubomir village of Ivanya, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 368. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.A. Malakhovskaya village Minkovtsy and the village Saponovchik Dubensky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 369. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VF Malinovsky part of the village of Plyashevoy-Kozinskaya, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 37. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VP. Gorodenskoye part of the village of Selts in Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 370. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.F. Malinovsky part of the village of Plyashevoy-Kozinskaya, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 371. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Malinovskaya part of the village of Plyashevoy-Kozinskaya, Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 372. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Malinovskaya part of the village of Plyashevoy-Kozinskaya, Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 373. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VF and V.F. Malinovsky part of the village of Plyashevoy-Kozinskaya, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 374. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF, AF, VF Malinovsky and other settlements of the Plyashevoy-Kozinskaya Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 375. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Ye.P. Matveyeva village Podgaets Dubensky county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 376. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants of Barona N.N.Medema of the village of Likhachevka Dubenky County of the Volyn Province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 377. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.O. Milevich village Khorlup Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 378. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AG. Mionchinskaya village of Dyadnievichi and Mikhailovka of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 379. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Miyonchi village Dyadkovichi of the Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 38. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of Victoria Gorodenskoye part of the village Tsoego Vladimirsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 380. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.M. and K.M. Mionchinsky villages of Dubryanin Ostriev, Pereveredov of the Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 381. Delo redemption of land plots temporarily liable to peasants Faustina Mikhalevich part of the village Mikitich Dubensky county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 382. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Mlodetsky small town Verba Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 383. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Mlodetsky village of the Column of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 384. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Mlodetsky village of Belogorodka, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 385. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Mlodetsky village of Krylov, villages of Varkovichi, Wetlands, Konyushek, Zhornov of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 386. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Mlodetsky village of Krylov, Wet, Zhornova, Konyushek and the town of Varkovichi in the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 387. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Mlodetsky village of Zhornov, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 388. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to peasants Kazemir of the Mlodetsky part of the village of Mlodava of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 389. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Mlodetsky village of Krylov, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 39. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KM. Grabbe of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 390. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.S. Myaskovsky part of the Ulbarov village of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 391. The case for the main and additional redemption acts on the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KM. Myaskovsky (in the possession of Ulyanitskaya) part of the village Ulbarova Dubensky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 392. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants of Klimentiny Myaskovsky part of the Ulbarov village of Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 393. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants T.I. and F.I. Myaskovsky part of the Ulbarov village of Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 394. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants BP. Of the village of Bolshikh Dorogostai in the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 395. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.S. Nagrodzsky village of Rogozny, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 396. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporary peasants of minors Mikhail and Jozef of the Nagrodzsky part of the village of Rogozma of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 397. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants AR. Neighof-Lei village of Suyma of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 398. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Antonina Rafailovna Neighof Lei in the village of Suyma in the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 399. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants AR. Nejgof-Lei of the village of Moshchinitsa in the Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 4. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KA. Baikovsky part of the village Zashkevich Vladimirsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 40. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AG. Groznoy village of Izovo, Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 400. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants Kaspar Mikhailovich and his wife Jozef Novitski of the village of Zalibovka of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 401. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.E. Ovsya part of the village Ulbarova Dubenskiy district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 402. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PG. Oirzhinsky part of the village Stolbtsa Dubensky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 403. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants LF Opatovich part of the village of Plyashevoy-Kozinskaya, Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 404. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants LK Orzheshko of the village of Bakorin in the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 405. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Otkinovskogo village of Redkova Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 406. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.L. Pavlovsky village of Malaya Moshchanytsia, Dubensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 407. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.L. Pavlovsky village of Malaya Moshchanytsia, Dubensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 408. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants M.M.Pavlovskaya village of Podluzhya Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 409. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants М.М. Pavlovskaya village of Pasheva, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 41. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants OI, KI, SI. and M.I. Grushitsky village Mikitich of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 410. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Paletsky village of Bolshie Dorostai in the Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 411. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AO. Paradovo village of Palchi in the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 412. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants ZG. Pereyatchevicha part of the village of Bolshiy Dorogostai (Pugachevka), Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 413. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants ZG. Peretyatkovicha part of the village of Bolshiy Dorogostai in the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 414. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Kalikhet Peretyatkovich of Tereshevo village of Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 415. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.K. Piotrovsky settlements Perekal and Okhmatovo of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 416. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed by peasants O.O. Piontkovsky part of the village Lysina of Dubensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 417. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.O. Piontkovsky village of Susikova, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 418. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.S. Piotrushevsky village of Pereimilya, Dubensky district, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 419. The case of the redemption of land plots by the temporary peasants of Fyodor Konstantinovich Beaver Piotrovitsky village Voynik Dubensky County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 42. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants EF Gulevichi village of Novy Dvor Vladimirsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 420. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants LR Podgorodenskoye village Zhornits and a settlement Seliber Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 421. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants LR Podgorodenskoy village Nosovich Dubensky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 422. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Otto of the Pongovsky part of the village of the Podlozets of the Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 423. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. and B.A. Radziwills of the village of Metenna and the village Letchany of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 424. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. and B.A. Radziwill villages of Bubica, Oder and Lithuania of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 425. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the princes VA. and B.A. Radziwiłł village of the Didic village of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 426. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the princes VA. and B.A. Radziwills of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 427. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the princes VA. and B.A. Radziwills of the village of Metenna and the village Letchany of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 428. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the princes VA. and B.A. Radziwill village of Turchin village, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 429. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the princes VA. and B.A. Radziwill village of Goryanovka village, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 43. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants K.A.Guleleich village of Dazhva Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 430. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the princes VA. and B.A. Radzivils of the village of Moshchanytsia, Dubensky district, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 431. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the princes VA. and B.A. Radzivils of the Oderad village of the Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 432. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of the princes VA. and B.A. Radziwills village Dubits Dubensky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 433. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Ratsiborovskoy village of Nosovitsy and settlement Zamchyska of Dubensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 434. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants BL Rogozinsky part of the village of Volkovoi, Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 435. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Rokosov village of Tsurkov, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 436. The case for an additional act on the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Rokosov village of Tsurkov, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 437. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary lodging by peasants Ts.A. and S.A. Rosovetsky part of the village of Mikitich, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 438. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Rutkovskiy part of the village Lysina of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 439. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Ivan Savitsky, the village of Bolshaya Moshchinitsa in the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 44. The case on the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants Ts.V.Gurovsky villages of Zabolotka, Serdatich and Raculino Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 440. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants Ivan Savitsky part of the village Stupna of Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 441. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants PL Sveshnikov village of Belogorodka, Dubensky district, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 442. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Apolonia Skarshevskoy village Bolshie Dorogostai (Turkish Mountain) Duben County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 443. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Apolonia Skarshevskoy village Dorogostay Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 444. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants VL. and E.L. The Skarshevsky parts of the village of Bolshikh Dorogostai (Turkish Mountain) of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 445. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants of Peter Skomsky village Podlisets of Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 446. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants of Peter Skomsky village Podlisets of Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 447. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Skrzynets village of Stroklov and the village of Stroclovskaya of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 448. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.P. Skrzynetsky 2-part village of Zlachevki, Dubensky district, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 449. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KL. Sliven village of Molina, Dubensky district, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 45. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants OA. Gur village of Veshnitsa, Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 450. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Valeria Slivinskaya of Stupna village of Dubensk district of the Volyn province and the issuance of a redemption loan by the landlord Valeria and Victoria Slivinsky on a common basis
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 451. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the Sobotnitsky part of the village of Bolshiy Dorogostai of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 452. The case on the redemption of land plots of temporary counterators of the Countess Ts.I.Soltan village Bilchi Dubensky County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 453. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VS. Sosinovsky part of the village of Bolshaya Moshchinitsa, Dubensky district, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 454. The case of an additional act on the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VS. Sosinovsky part of the village of Bolshaya Moshchinitsa, Dubensky district, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 455. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.K. Strashevsky part of Mikitich village and Zagorets of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 456. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.K. Strashevsky village of Bolshiy Zagortsev, Dubensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 457. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants R.Ya. Stroynivsky village of Torgovits and Likhachevki village of Dubensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 458. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Mikhail and Jozef Stroinovsky part of the village Podlozets Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 459. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants LB Strupchevsky village of Koryt, Dubensky district, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 46. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VM. Gutovsky village of Sukhodoli and the village of Degtevo of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 460. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PG. Studzinskogo part of the village Podlozcev Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 461. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Tarnovo villages Malye Zhabokryk, Tarnovka and others of the Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 462. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants Eveliny Teodorovicheva part of the village Moshkova Dubensky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 463. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants RA. Timan of the village of the Red Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 464. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable by the peasants of Vitalia Torgovo village Rogozna of Dubensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 465. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Ludwik Trelevsky village Piriatina Dubensky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 466. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Yu.N. Turkevich village of Turia in the Dubensk district of the Volyn province and the case of the extradition of landowner Yu. Turkevitch to a redemption loan on a general basis
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 467. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Tushovsky part of the village Stavits of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 468. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Tuszowa village Stavitz of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 469. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NF Tushinsky part of the village of Perelilovki of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 47. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VM. Gutovsky village of Mokrets in the Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 470. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VN. Ulyanitsky part of the village of Slykovo, Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 471. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants of Catherine Frankovskaya part of Ulbarova village of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 472. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NA. Frankivsk village Volitsa-Zbytinskaya Dubenskiy district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 473. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NA. Frankivsk village Kostyanets, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 474. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporarily liable peasants of Major N.A. Frankivsk village of the Forgotten Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 475. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Joachim Khalits of the village of Turkoviche of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 476. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PK. Khiminskaya village of Lipa in the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 477. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants of Count B.A.Khodkevich Sela Kosarev and the village of Bozhevich Dubensky County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 478. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants of Count B.A.Khodkevich village of Bozhevich Dubensky County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 479. The case on an additional act of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants of Count BAKhodkevich village of Kosareva Dubensky County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 48. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants V.M.Gutovsky village of Food and Village Melnikov Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 480. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants of Karl and Vladislav Khodkevich in the village of Horupanya of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 481. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants Karl and Vladislav Khodkevich of the settlement of Václavik of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province (an additional act)
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 482. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Karl and Vladislav Khodkevich in the village of Bolshaya Ilovitsa in the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 483. The case of an additional act on the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants KM. and V.M. Hodkiewicz of the town of Muravitsa with a mug of the Circle of the Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 484. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants RO. Khrushchevsky part of the village Lysina of Dubensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 485. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporary peasants of Prince E.M. Chetvertinsky villages Bolyatina, Novostava, Kolmov, Volitsa and the town of Lobachevka in the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 486. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Prince IE Svyatopolk-Chetvertinsky village Volitsa Dubenskiy district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 487. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants Marcelia and Klimentin Chizhovsky villages of the Korolin of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 488. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.E. Chudovsky village of Maleva, Dubensky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 489. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Schepkovo village of Borbina, Dubensky district, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 49. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VM. Gutovsky village Degteva of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 490. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Ekkelt of Koblin village of Dubensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 491. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.L. Yukovsky village of Ivankovtsa, Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 492. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants of the Yavorskaya part of the village of Eggs of the Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 493. The case of redemption of land put on the temporary-based peasants K.M.and Yu.B.Javorovsky villages Korytn Dubensky County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 494. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Z.A.Yankovo ​​village Sistryatina Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 495. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.D.Acrossous, Piglovsk and Dubetsky three parts of the village of Smolyva Dubensky County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 496. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants K.V.Beaver and A.V.Utrtar Village Route Greadoki Zalozhskaya Dubensky County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 497. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporarily obligated peasants A.P.Vlodzhimir and Kunitskaya part of the village of Oneyshkovets Dubensky County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 498. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. Karvitsky, Slivinsky, Bakinovskaya, Savitsky, Isupov, Vronovsky, Svetoslavsky and Stempkovsky nine parts of Stupna village of Dubensky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 499. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Kazimierz Mlodetsky, Zhigotska and Volanskaya three parts of the village of Mlodava in the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 5. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants LF Belinsky village of Matov, Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 50. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Yu.F. Dvernitsa settlement Budyatich of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 500. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of Alexander Mshansky, Levitsky and Zalesskaya village of Mirogoshchi and the village of Lipy in the Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 501. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of the landowners Alexander Iosifovich Mshansky, Evgenia Yakovlevna Levitskaya and Yadvigi Ivanovna Zalesskaya village Mirogoshchi and the village of Lipy in the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 502. The case of redemption under an additional act of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Sventoslawski and Stempkovsky parts of Stupno village of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 503. The case of redemption of basic land and additional redemption certificates of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of the Stempkovsky and Sventoslavsky parts of the village of Moshchany in the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 504. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IS, IS. Stempkovsky and Sventoslavsky parts of Stupno village of Dubensk district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 505. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Tushovsky and Lyaskovo part of the village of Knerut, Dubensky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 506. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Khamets of the village of Kamianets of the Dubensk district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 507. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants V.P.Abramovich village of Ryakov and Savkikovka Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 508. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants K.I.Aleksandrovich Sellia Burakova Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 509. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants of the heirs of Paul, Antonina and Margarita Aleksandrovsky village of Davydovka Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 51. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants O.B. Dzevulsky 2-part village Vysotsk Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 510. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner Ye.G. Annenkov village of Gatyshchei of Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 511. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.A.ARSHENEVSKY VILLAGE CROSSNY Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 512. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants L.N.And R.L.Baranov's parts of the village of Korani Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 513. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Princess V.D. Baratova village of Glubochka of Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 514. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants of Mountsland Ignatievich and Climinee Grigorievna Bachkovsky Villages of Dippovka with Sloboda Berrynika Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 515. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants F.K.Belinsky village of the idle Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 516. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Yu.V.Benevsky part of the village of Austrian Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 517. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants D.S.and O.S.Byzhinsky villages Galchina, fence, Garapovka, Andrushoveki, Minkovtsev and Flasawing of the Zhytomyr district of Volyn province.
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 518. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants F. F.Biskupian village Boskak Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 519. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Maria Borutskaya part of the village of Barasha Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 52. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants of Sofia Dzedeschitskaya and Louis Potoyskaya village of Shelvovo Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 520. The case of redemption of land put on the temporary-bound peasants M.I.Bocharkovsky villages of Rudni Gatkovka and Rudney Stone of Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 521. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants S.E.Budkovskaya part of the village of Volosova Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 522. The case of redemption of land put on the temporary-bound peasants B.I.Baaryzhinsky village Troops Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 522. The case of redemption of land plots by the temporary peasants of Ivan and Stanislav Burzhinsky village Burkovtsy Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 523. The case of redemption on an additional act of land plots by the temporary peasants Anton Valevsky village of the Beat of Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 524. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.D. Karasina village of Pilips of Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 525. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants V.I.Velgorsk village Zlobich Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 526. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants V.I.Velgorsk village of Johnovka Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 527. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.A.Vitushinsky part of the village of Singur Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 528. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary-bound peasants O.M.Vishnevsky Village of the Quran Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 529. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants G.I.Vychitsky village Shcherbin Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 53. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants E.L. Dmohovsky part of Skrygalov village of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 530. The case of redemption of land put on the temporary-bound peasants M.I.Voloskchensky village Selenchina Zhytomyr County of the Volyn province and about issuing a landlord Voloskhenko redeemed loan on a general basis
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 531. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants I.F.Veins of Village Village Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 532. The case of the redemption of land plots by the temporal peasants of Osipa FRANTERIUCHI HELLS OF THE VILLAGE OF VOLICES Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 533. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants V.P.Otrzhikovsky (Varaksina) village Pilips of Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 534. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary-bound peasants S.A.Puppet Zhytomyr district of the Puppet Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 535. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary-bound peasants S.A.Otrzhikovskaya village Rachiek Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 536. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants K.I.Vestosir part of the village of Old-Slobodishche of the Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 537. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants K.A. Gardlinsky Semenovki and the Rogo Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 538. The case on the redemption of land plots by the temporal peasants I.M.Gedroys village of Village of Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 539. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants of Ksaver, Adam, Alexander, Elena and Filitans of the Gzovskaya part of the village of Stone Brod of Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 54. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants K.O.Drierve part of the village of Village Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 540. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants S.I.Gizheu village Liascia Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 541. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants of Ivan-Krani Ivanovich Gihelotsky village of Gogol Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 542. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.-N.F.Gizytsky Village Likhoselki and Nosovki Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 543. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.-N.F.Gizytsky village of milk Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 544. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.-N.F.Gizytsky village of the Unless Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 544. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I. Gizytsky village of the Umbilical Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 545. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants A.V.Glembotsky town of Chernyakhov Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 546. The case on the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants I.-k.I.Glembotsky Village Pleshovka Zhytomyr County of Volyn Province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 547. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants A.V.Glembotsky Sellia Trokovich Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 548. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants A.V.Glembotsky village of Nekraschi Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 549. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants A.V.Glembotskoy village Trokovichi Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 55. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KO Dřevecké village of Turopin, Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 550. The case on the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants O.M., L.O., E.O.and other glemotsky villages of Zoroko Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 551. The case of the redemption of land plots by the temporary peasants of Stanislav and Adelia Glembotsky village Chernyakhov Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 552. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants S. and A. Glembotsky village of Pekarschina Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 553. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Elizabeth Gogan village of Church region Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 554. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Valerian Gogol Sala Volosova Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 555. The case on the repurchase of land put on the temporary-based peasants L.I.Gogol Sala Volosova Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 556. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Nikolai Gogol part of the village of Volosov Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 557. The case of the redemption of land plots by the temporal peasants of the lieutenant head of the village of Grabovka Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 558. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants T.Z.Gorshkovsky village Shneerki Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 559. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants RV. Grembets village of Karani Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 56. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants K.O.Drazhevsky village Blessed by Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 560. The case of redemption of basic land and additional redemption certificates of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Felitsia Grzhibinskaya village Pisok Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 561. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VN. Grokholskoy village of Skakovka and the villages of Khmelnitsy and Moshkovtsy of the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province and the extradition to merchant Tereshchenko on the general basis of a redemption loan on the purchased estate Groholsk
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 562. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VN. Groholsky township Chervonnaya Zhytomyr county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 563. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants Mikhail Grushetsky part of the village of Barashi Zhytomyr Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 564. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Gulevich part of the town of Yanushpola Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 565. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Dmitry Davydovsky of the village of Pilipa Zhytomyr county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 566. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Danilevich part of the village of Singur Zhytomyr Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 567. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.K. Dakhovskoy farm Vranglivka Zhytomyr county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 568. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily obligated peasantsigin M.B.and LBDzzyalnskiy Sils with a sketch of Zheleznyak Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 569. The case on the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Countess M.B.and LBDzzyaln village Palace of Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 57. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Caesarius of the Drzewiecki part of the village of Borisskich of the Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 570. The case on the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Countess M.B.and LBDiana's Denyashesky village with a bait of Guto Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 571. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Regina Didkovskaya village Kiselevki Zhytomyr Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 572. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Dobrovolsky village Volosova Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 573. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants F.E. Dobelevsky part of Pisok village of Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 574. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants NV. Dobrzhitsa village Small Korovtsi and the village of Fedorovka Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 575. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants NV. Dobrzhitsky part of the village Malykh Korovinets of the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 576. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Dobrovolskoy village of Luki Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 577. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V. Dovgert of the village of Bolshiy Gorbashi in the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 578. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KO Dunaevsky part of the village Kireevka Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 579. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AO. Yezhovsky village Pisok Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 58. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Drogayevsky village of Osmilovichi, Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 580. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Yezerskoy village Lisovshchiny Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 581. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Yezerskoye village Gorodynets of Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 582. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.Sh. Yezerska part of the village of Singur Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 583. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary lodging by peasants BN, TsN, DN. Ezerskie village of Strebizh of the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 584. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily obligated peasants Ts.V. Zhelensky part of the village of Yasnogorod and the village of Sadki of the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 585. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Ye.G. Zhukotyn village Kireevka Zhitomir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 586. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KG Zhukotyn village Kireevka Zhitomir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 587. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Mikhail Zavadsky of the village of Dobro-Kut in the Zhytomyr county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 588. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Zalessky village Kovalenki Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 589. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. and S.L. Zalenskih village Bobritsa Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 59. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.V. Drogayevsky part of the village of Serdyatich of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 590. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.V. Zalusky part of Nedzelish village of Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 591. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Felitsia Ivanovo town of Piatka and Rudny-Pyatetskaya farm or Novaya Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 592. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants GA. Ilinsky village of the High Pechy of Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 593. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants GA. Ilinsky part of the village of Jasnogorod Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 594. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants L.V. Kalensky village Toporish of Zhitomir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 595. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants L.V. Kalensky village Toporish of Zhitomir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 596. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.P. Kalitovich village Malo-Bratalov Zhytomyr county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 597. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.P. Kalitovich part of the village Maly Bratalov Zhytomyr Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 598. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Paul Kalitovich part of the village of Malo-Bratalov Zhytomyr Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 599. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Yu.S. Kalitovich of the village of Toporishch of the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 6. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to peasants Dionisy Belsky village Bodlecheva Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 60. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Zholtovsky village of Kulgan, Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 600. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Paul and Antonina Kalitovich villagers Malo-Bratalov Zhytomyr Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 601. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.F. and E.I. Kalusov village Volosovo Zhytomyr county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 602. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants LK Kaminsky village Mauschinovka Zhytomyr county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 603. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Kamensky village of Ruzhka, Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 604. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Kamenskoe village Zherebok Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 605. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KG Kachkovskogo of Pulin town of Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 606. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner GA. Kvilecki village of Bolshoy Tatarinovka of the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 607. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants EF Kozlovka part of the village Kroshni Zhytomyr county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 608. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Koliubyakinoi part of the village of Piski in Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 609. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants ZP, KP, F.P. and A.P. Korbutov Khutor Korbutov Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 61. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants ML. Zholtovsky part of the village Skrygalov Vladimirsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 610. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Korchevsky village of Korchevka, Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 611. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants and Т.В. Korcev village Tyutyunnik Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 612. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VF, AF. Kostetskiy villages of Rudny-Bartkova Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 613. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Krayevsky part of the village Kireevka Zhytomyr county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 614. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants GD.Krakow Village of the Quran Zhytomyr County of the Volyn Province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 614. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A. Kretkovsky part of the village of Volosov Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 615. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KS Krushevsky village of Slavovo Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 616. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Krushinsky village Andriyashevki Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 617. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA, SA. and O.A. Kuklinsky villages Baryatina Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 618. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants NN. Kulikovo village of Ren Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 619. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants LF Kulishevskoy village Kroshni Zhytomyr county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 62. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants F.I.Georgel Parts of the village of Honest Cross of Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 620. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.M. Kulchitsky village Zorokova Zhytomyr county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 621. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NP. Kurelenkov villages of Luci and Siriki of the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 622. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants N.I. Kurilenkov village of Lutsi and Siriki of the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 623. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants N.I. Kurilenkov village of Tartak and the Morochinsky farm in the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 624. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VF Kurilovicha village Korchevki Zhytomyr county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 625. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of the landlord KL. Kurovsky village Novopolyu Zhytomyr county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 626. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. and VA. Kurovskoye village Vorova Zhytomyr county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 627. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. and VA. Kurovsky villages of Vorovo, Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 628. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants landowner A.V. Ledochov village Zhurbinets Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 629. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Count A.V. Ledochowski villages: Excavated Grave, Zakusulivka and the town of Kodni Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 63. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Zagursky village Bran of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 630. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the Count Apolon Vikentievich of the Ledochovsky settlement The Excavated Grave of the Zhytomyr county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 631. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Count Apolon Vikentievich Ledochovsky village Zakusulivka Zhytomyr county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 632. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by peasants Count Apolon Vikent'evich Ledochovsky of the town of Kodnya in the Zhytomyr county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 633. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the Count of Karl Ledochovsky of the village of Solotvyn in the Zhytomyr county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 634. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Mechislav, Karl, Joseph and Anna Ledokhovsky villages of Solotvyn Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 635. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.E. Lesnov village Ozadovki Zhytomyr county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 636. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.E. and G.E. Lesnivsky villages of Slipchiny Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 637. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IL. Leschinsky part of the village of Siomak Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 638. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants of landowners and A.F. Liskovatsky part of Stetkovets village of Zhitomir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 639. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Joseph, Stanislav, Fadeia, Elodia Laskevich, the village of Pavolok, Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 64. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.A.Gorgeous villages Woom-friendly, Brugov, Long, Borisiskovich and the township of the Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 640. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.K. Lyubetskiy part of the village of Maly Vratalov in Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 641. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants М.М. and A.I. Lyasotsky villages Vyshchikus Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 642. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants VL. Mazaraki town of Raigorodka Zhytomyr county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 643. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. and A.I. Mazaraki of the village of Stepka Janushpolskaya of the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 644. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable by the peasants of Olga and Alexander Mazaraki of the village of Gorodishche of Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 645. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Augustus and John Mazevsky part of the village Avratina Zhytomyr county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 646. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.E. Malinovskaya village Motovilovka Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 647. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KG and K.O. Merzhievsky villages of Kmetetsh of the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 648. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KG and K.O. Merzheevsky villages of Turovce (Elerovka) of the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 649. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KL. Mechnikovsky village of Dovzhik Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 65. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants A.V.Gorgeous village Pydiden and others. Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 650. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Mikulich village of Grinivets in Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 651. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Milev village Stotkovtsa Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 652. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants LF Miller village Kroshni Zhytomyr county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 653. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Felix Mikhalovsky part of the village Volosova Zhytomyr county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 654. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.I. Morzhitsky part of the village Lyakhovets Zhytomyr county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 655. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants PP. Moskaleva village of Sidachevki, Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 656. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Adolf Mostovsky village Novoselki Zhytomyr county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 657. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.V. Mochulsky village Divochki Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 658. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Anton Mroczkowski's estate Lyakhovets Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 659. The case of the redemption of land for temporary liable peasants LL Mrovchinskoy villages Andreeva and Rudny Stirting Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 66. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants A.V.Gorgeous village of Pyatkore, Pulgan and others. Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 660. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants. Musin-Pushkin settlement of Bolshoy Tatarinovka Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 661. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VP. Myaniv village of Seltsa, Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 662. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VP. Myanivsky villages of Brazhinki, Marjanovka and Rosovki of the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 663. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KA. Myanovsky town of Pražev in the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 664. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to peasants Anton Myaskovsky village Korchenka Zhytomyr county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 665. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Myaskovsky part of the village of Babushek and the village of Racek of the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 666. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants SF. Myaskovsky village Babushek Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 667. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants SF. Myaskovsky part of the village Babushek Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 668. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner Andrew Nevmerzhitsky village Stolpov Zhytomyr county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 669. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants GA. Nebylivsky villages Vertekievka Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 67. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants A.V.The clerk of Ladran and village Buzhan Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 670. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants L.Sh. Nevmerzhitsky village of Antopol, Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 671. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants L.Sh. Nevmerzhitsky village of Antopol (Boyarka) of the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 672. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Lyutsiana Nevmerzhitsky village Lesnoy Rudny Zhytomyr county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 673. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants L.Sh. Nevmerzhitsky village Kulok with the farms of the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 674. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Aloziya Nevyarovsky part of the village of Kamenny Brod of the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 675. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Nevyrovsky village of Kamenny Brod of Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 676. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants TL. Nevyarov village of Ryzhan, Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 677. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants T.F. Nevyrovskaya village of Rudny Shlyakhovskaya of the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 678. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary-bound peasants T.F.Nevarovskaya village of Rudni-shy Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 679. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants F.L. Neuman village of Paramovki, Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 68. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Zagursky village Pulganov of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 680. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants F.L. Neuman village Malyh Goroshek Zhytomyr county Volyn province and the extradition of Neuman repurchase loans on a common basis
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 681. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants F.L. Neuman of the village of Rudny Goroshkovskaya of the Zhytomyr county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 682. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Countess A.F. Nirod of Byster village of Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 683. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Countess A.F. Nirod Khutor farm of the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 684. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Countess SF. Nirod village Troshi Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 685. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants PL Novatsky part of the village of Kamenny Brod in Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 686. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants N.T. Novoveysky village Belok and Rudny Belotsky Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 687. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants N.T. Novoveysky town Ushomir, Ushytsy village, Bondarevki with the settlement Yanushpol, Ryshevka and Pugachevka Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 688. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.O. Novoveyskaya village of Grushek of the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 689. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants Novoeveiskaya E.I. the village of Kruchenets in the Zhytomyr county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 69. The case of the redemption of land plots by the temporary peasants of Petrunnels of the Zaionachkovskaya village of Kalyatina Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 690. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Novoveyskaya village of Davydovka of the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 691. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants of Nicholas and Emilia of the Novoe Vine villages of Rudny Moshni and Rudny Ushomirska of the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 692. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Obermana village of Glubochka, Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 693. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Obukhov village of Ivankov, Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 694. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants FA. Ogrodzinsky part of the village Avratina of the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 695. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. and his wife Fekla Ozharovski village of Siumaki Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 696. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Olizar of the village of Shchevenov with the Sakhmi settlement of the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 697. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Count K.L. Olizar of Studenits village of Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 698. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants landowner L.V. Opotsky village of Kalinovka Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 699. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.V. Oransky village of Rey Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 7. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PF, F.F. and L.F. Belyaev village of Stavochek of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 70. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants of Maria Zalevsky and Fekla Svottaria part of the village of Pereshki Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 700. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KD. and V.D. Oskerkov of Krasnopol village of Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 701. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants VD. Oskerkov of Krasnopol district of Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 702. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants RN. Ostashevskaya part of Avratina village of Zhitomir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 703. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.Ya. Peglovsky township of Janushpol Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 704. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.P. Penkovsky part of Nikonovka village of Zhitomir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 705. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants LF Peretyatkevich of Pisok village of Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 706. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Petrovsky part of the village Selyanshchiny Zhytomyr Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 707. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants O.I. Piontkovsky village of Katerinovka of Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 708. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Piotrovskaya village Khizhinets Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 709. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Piotrovsky village of Great Bratalov of Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 71. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary-bound peasants Ya.O.Delivered village of rates and villages of Petrovsky Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 710. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants GI. Piotrovsky part of the village Khizhinets Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 711. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants EA. Piotrovsky village Korovinovka Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 712. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KA. Piotrovsky part of the village Driglova Zhytomyr Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 713. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KA. Piotrovsky hamlets Pokostovki and Zheleznyaki, villages of Kikti and other Zhitomir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 714. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Piotrovsky village Stotkovtsa Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 715. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Piotrovsky village of Malaya Kirbashi Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 716. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily owed by peasants OG. Piotrovskaya village of Mikhailovka, Zhitomir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 717. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants GM, LM. and V.M. Piotrovsky village of Mikhailovka, Zhitomir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 718. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Kh.S. The carpenter's part of the village of Nezdelishch of the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 719. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Podgorskoy village Slabodysh Zhytomyr county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 72. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants Ya.R.Calicky village of Ovlichima Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 720. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants SB. Podgorodenskoy village Vysokoye Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 721. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Polubinskaya village Turchinovka Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 722. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ludwik Polyanovsky of Leshchin town of Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 723. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LN. Polyanovsky village Leshchin Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 724. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.O. Polyanovsky part of the village Skolobova Zhytomyr county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 725. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable by the peasants of Vladislav Polyanovskaya of the village of Skolobov in the Zhytomyr county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 726. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Sophia and Adolfina Polyanovsky part of the village Skolobova Zhytomyr Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 727. The case on the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants VL.Potock village of the Chelny Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 728. The case on the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Vikence Pototsky Village Novogoroshkovskaya Buda (rate) of the Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 729. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Sh.S.and M.I.Pototsky villages of the domination of the Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 73. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.F. Zaleski village Rusovichich of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 730. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants of Ivan Prgezmatsky village Slobodka Yanushpol Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 731. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants O.I.Pruhinsky villages Gordyshevka and the starrel of the Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 732. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants V.A.Radziwill village of Krasnostek Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 733. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Anelia Racibor's part of the village of Barash Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 734. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants G.A.Rzhevos village Didkovitz with a farm Lutai Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 735. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants G.A.Rzhevian village Tubysk Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 736. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants V.A.Roman-Korsakov village of Lemesha Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 737. The case of the redemption of land plots by the temporal peasants R.A.Richter Parts of the village of Burakova Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 738. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants I.F.Rodevich village Usolus Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 739. The case of redemption of land put on the temporary-bound peasants B.I.Rozhnyatovsky village Garnishovka Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 74. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.L. Zbykovskaya part of the village Stavochki of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 740. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants of Joseph of the Rozhnyatovsky village Gornystovka Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 741. The case of the redemption of land plots by the temporal peasants of Yuzefi Romishevskaya farm Stepok Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 742. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.I.Rommer village of Large solits of Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 743. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal lesmen F.A.Rudnitsky village of Shuman Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 744. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants Fadey A. Rudnitsky village of Big Moshkovs Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 745. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal lesmen F.A.Rudnitsky village of New Boiler's Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 746. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants M.A.Rudnitskaya part of the village of Yasnograd Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 747. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants LA, T.A.and V.A.Trees village of Scherbin Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 748. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants F. F.Rykal Farm Genichevka Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 749. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants V.F.Savitsky village Badymovka Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 75. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.O. Zelinsky part of Vysotsk village of Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 750. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants by B.F.Savinskaya part of the village Steletkovs Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 751. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants M.M.Salisa Village Vacepold and Golovin Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 752. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Salis M.M.Villages of the Zhitomir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 753. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants E.D.Sanotskaya Village Gords with a crockery of the Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 754. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants E.D.Sanotskaya village Student woman with a bait of the city of Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 755. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants E.S.Senitskaya village Karpovtsy Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 756. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.I.Serbinovich Village Budy-Ryry Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 757. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.I.Serbinovich Village of the Rudney Zhytomyr County of the Volyn Province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 758. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.I.Serbinovich village Ryzhman Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 759. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporarily obligated peasants A.P.Slovak Village Drainnik Zhytomyr County of the Volyn Province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 76. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Zelitskaya part of the village of Izova, Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 760. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants K.I.Wedshit village Barash Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 761. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants L.K.Falcon part of the village of Volosova Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 762. The case on the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants R.I.Sokolovsky village Polovtsovka Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 763. The case of redemption of land plots by the temporary-bound peasants of children of the Sokolovsky village Polovtsovka Zhytomyr district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 764. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants D.E.And E.F.Stankevichy village Nikonovich Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 765. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants G.L.Stubnitsy village of Krapivna Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 766. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants G.L.Stebnitskaya part of the village of Stone Brody Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 767. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants of Kastana and Ludwik Stubnitsy village of Rudni-Zomorny Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 768. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.A.Pleelnitsky village of Mikhalenok Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 769. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants I.Ya.Construction village of Rudni-Baranovskaya Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 77. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants A.Ya. Ziolkovsky village Rogovich of Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 770. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Yu.F.Slingovskaya village of Guliana Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 771. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants Yakov, Anton, Mary, Anna and Julia Stemovsky villages Dasha and Terenitsa Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 772. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants of the juvenile Slavic Slobods of the Bahanovka Zhytomyr district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 773. The case of the redemption of land plots of temporary peasants of Mary, Yuri, Anna, Yakov and Anton Svynovsky villages of Rudniezza Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 774. The case of redemption of land plots by the temporary alternate peasants Adolf Surin village of Volosov Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 775. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants S.I.Surin village of Small Brutalova Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 776. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.K.Sukovsky village of Sosnovy Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 777. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants M.A.Schabitsky part of the village of Yankstsa Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 778. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants A.N.Tereshchenko farm Buimer Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 779. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants A.N.Tereshchenko farm Buimer Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 78. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Ivanitsky village Ostrovok of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 780. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants A.N.Tereshchenko village of Novaya-Kotelny Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 781. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants A.N.Tereshchenko village of Novaya Kotelny Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 782. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants N.A.Tereshchenko, the former estate of Counts D.S.and O.S.Berginsky, the place of Andrushevka Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 783. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants N.A.Tereshchenko village Arapovka Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 784. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants N.A.Tereshchenko village Galchin Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 785. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants G. B.Tolpashevich part of the village Steletkovs Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 786. The case of the redemption of land plots of temporary counted peasants V.G., E.V., al. Tretyak villages flat Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 787. The case of redemption, on an additional act, land plots by temporary peasants M.M.Trizyaka village Volosovka Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 788. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants M.M.Trizyaka village hails of the Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 789. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants S.I.Tripolsky village Volosova Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 79. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.F. Kasinsky township Ozryuchich and a settlement Molchanov Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 790. The case of redemption of land plots by the temporal peasants Anna Tripolskaya village of Knyazhina Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 791. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporarily obligated peasants A.P.Trotsky Village of the Zhytomyr County County Volyn Province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 792. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants R.N.Ulynitsky part of the village of Sonyjor Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 793. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Yu.V.Fashovich Village Drainnik Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 794. The case on the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants F.V.Filipov part of the village of Tyutynik Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 795. The case of the redemption of land plots by the temporal peasants of Barona N.A.Firms village Bartkovaya Rudnya Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 796. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.A.Frankivsk selection of the lemishes of the Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 797. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.B.Hamz village Podolyan Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 798. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants S.I.Chlopic village of Minhirovsky Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 799. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of the landowner IF. Cichock villages Turchanki, Kovalevka and Krasnorechki Zhitomir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 8. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of the landowner KG Berno part of the village Masheva of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 80. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants M.Ya. Kasinskaya Vladimirsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 800. The case of a redemption of land plots by temporary peasants of the Faddey Tsihotsky villages of Nebit and the filling Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 801. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants Theophile of the Shabolovskaya village of Agatovka Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 802. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants A.F.Shaululi village of Salam Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 803. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.K.Shaululi village Buki Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 804. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.K.Shaulinsky part of the village of Bukov Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 805. The case on the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants F.E.Wools (Shershthet) villages of the Zhytomyr County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 806. The case on the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants F.E.Scherette (wool) villages of the Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 807. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants F.K.Shiman, Stefan and Barutskaya 8 parts of the village of wets of the Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 808. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants A.F.Schmidt de Berg village of Kontavshchina Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 809. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants A.F.Schmidt de Berg village of Cyanka Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 81. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Kashov village of Rusnova, Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 810. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants E.A.Schmidt Village of the Singer Zhytomyr County of Volyn Province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 811. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.K.Schmidt Village of the Singer Zhytomyr County of Volyn Province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 812. The case on the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.O.Shawelberg village Ivanovich Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 813. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants KKShaululi village of Dubrina Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 814. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants KKShaulinsky village of Salov Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 815. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.K.Yuryevich Village of Ivanankov Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 816. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Maria Yanevich Village Berezovka Zhytomyr district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 817. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Edward Yanovsky part of the villages of the Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 818. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants V.G.Yanovsky village Singur Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 819. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants KKYastrzhembsky village of Galiyevka and camping high rowing of the Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 82. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Kashovskoy village Bubnov, Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 820. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants V.I.Bioletsky and A.I.Relatives of the Village of the Zhytomyr district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 821. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.D.Varaksina village of Rachiek Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 822. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Nikolai Dobrynin, Nevmerzhitsky and Polyanovsky part of the town of Leshchin in the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 823. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.K. Izdeba and K.K. Vyhovsky village of Osinki, Zhitomir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 824. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants FR Kamensky, P.I. Kozlovsky-Ruzhitskaya, V.I. Zhuravlevicheva, A.F. Kulishevskaya and LF Miller of Kroshni village of Zhitomir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 825. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами графинь Л.К. Красицкой и И.К. Тарновской селений Голоток и Демчин Житомирского уезда Волынской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 826. The case of the redemption of land for temporary liable peasants Countess L.K. Krasitskaya and I.K. Tarnovo village of Malaya Tatarinovka of the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 827. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Kupriyan Levitsky and Ignaty Rozhitsky 2 parts of the village of Gorodysh Zhytomyr Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 828. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Leonidy Mrovchinskaya and Yulia Kalinskaya of the village of Styrt of Zhitomir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 829. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants E.L. Nevmerzhitskaya and N.P. Dobrynina in the village of Leshchin in the Zhytomyr county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 83. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants F. Kashovski village Mogilno Vladimir county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 830. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants SL. Obukhovich and E. Nevmerzhitskoy village Leshchin of Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 831. The case on the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants M.F.Praghum and A.I.Polyanovskaya village Skolobov Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 832. The case on the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants M.F.Prazhmovskaya and S. and A. Polyanovskiy parts of the village of Boyrekki Radetskaya and the villages of the Boyrics of the pine Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 833. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary-bound peasants P.I.Ruzhitsky and V.I.Zhuravlevich village crumbling Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 834. The case of the redemption of land put on the temporary-bound peasants Eleanora Sveikovskaya and Elizabeth Prgezzietsky village of the Maly Voltice Zhytomyr district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 835. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the landowners Heinrich and Severin Tolpushkevich and Baranovsky village Stetkovets Zhitomir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 836. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Count Heinrich Rzhevusky, Ya.G. Tsitserska and M.G. Czap township of Old Chudnov and Novy Chudnov of the Zhytomyr county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 837. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants of Sofia and Carolina Bardetsky village Novich Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 838. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.V.Bachinsky village of Sosovanovka Zaslavsky County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 839. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.I.Bayizim village of Peyzima Zaslavsky County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 84. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Kashovskoye village Novoselok of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 840. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants K.I.Bayizm village of Great Kamenz Zaslavsky County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 841. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.I.and I.I.Babyov village of Small Calenich Zaslavsky County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 842. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.D.Bernatovich Parts of the village of Pork Zaslavsky County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 843. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Yu.F.Bohutskaya Town of Labunas Zaslavsky County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 844. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.Z.Varun-Secret of the farm of the confusion of the Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 845. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary lodgings by peasants of VO's heirs. Volodkovsky villages of Kochanovka and Syagrov of Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 846. The case of the redemption of land put on the temporary peasants Eleanora of the Wonsevich village of Pekhy Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 847. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.I. Vysotsky village of Guta Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 848. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.I. Vysotsky village of Guta Horovetska Zaslavsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 849. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AE Gadom village of Rashnevki, Zaslavsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 85. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Kermer of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 850. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.K. Garnish part of the village of Svinna Zaslavsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 851. The main redemption institution of the Ministry of Finance. Fund The main redemption institution of the Ministry of Finance. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AD, AI, ND and N.D. Neplyuev village of Pominov, Tverskoy district of Tver province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 852. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants of Peter and Karl Grembeckiy in the place of Labunya of the Zaslavsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 853. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.M. Groholsky villages Gubchi and Portinets Zaslavsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 854. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.M. Groholsky Sloboda Kupiny Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 855. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LM. Grohol village of Lotovka, villages of Gayvoronets, Savarts and other Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 856. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LM. Groholsky village Kornilovka Zaslavsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 857. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LM. Grohol village Karpilovka Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 858. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LM. Groholsky under the additional act on the estate consisting of village Onyshkovtsy, Zaslavsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 859. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LM. Grohol village Zelinec Zaslavsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 86. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M. and P. Kleroven of the Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 860. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants ML. Grohol village of Lotovki, Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 861. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of the landowner M.L. Grohol village of Savarty Zaslavsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 862. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of the landowner M.L. Groholsky village Gayvorontsy Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 863. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants ML. Groholsky farm Zobilki Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 864. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.K. Gumetsky part of the village of Mikulina Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 865. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Clement Diatolovich of the village of Poninki (Staraya Guta) of Zaslavsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 866. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Domaradsky village of Kurganivka of Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 867. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants of Joseph, Apollo, Clementine Domaradz villages Kurganivka Zaslavsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 868. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Zolkiewski village Moskvityanovka Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 869. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Zolkiewski village Moskvitinovki Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 87. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Komarnytsya village Kolpytova, Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 870. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants S.O. Zhukovsky part of the village Malyi Matsevich Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 871. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Zavadsky villages Konotop and Shkarovka-Velikaya Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 872. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PK. Zvolinskaya village of Bolkun Zaslavsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 873. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Dorota and Victoria Ivanovskih village Titkova Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 874. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yadwiga Izhitsa village Soszek Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 875. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily lodged by peasants of Ivan Kaspersky village of Sosanovka of Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 876. The case of the redemption of land for the temporarily lent peasants Feofil Klopotovich village Lavrynovets Zaslavsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 877. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Nikolai Kozubsky part of the village of Krachanovka of Zaslavsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 878. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.P. Kologrivovo village of Velikaya Berezni of Zaslavsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 879. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Sh.P. Konopatskoye village Lavrynovets and the village of Starye Beyzymy in the Zaslavsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 88. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants M. Komarnitskogo Kolpatova village of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 880. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Kraevskoy village Syagrov Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 881. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KS Krasu village Rashtovki Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 882. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Krashenava village Penkov Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 883. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants LK Krukovsky village of Krachanovka of Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 884. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KA. Kulchitsky part of the place Labunya of Zaslavsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 885. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NA. Kulchytsky village of Krachanovka of Zaslavsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 886. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Kulchytsya village of Krachanovka of Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 887. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. and I.I. The villages of Kuchovki and Malek in the Zaslavsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 888. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants BP. Lada village Maly Matsevichi Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 889. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Ippolit and Victoria Ladov settlements Maly Macevichi Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 89. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.O. Kosinskaya village of Rokitnica of Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 890. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Anton Levitsky, under an additional act on the estate, consisting of the village of Rylovka Zaslavsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 891. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Anton Levitsky village Rylovki Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 892. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Levitsky village Rylovki Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 893. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AI, VI, II, LI, SI. and E.I. Levitsky villages Rylovki Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 894. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants A.Sh. Lisovsky part of the place Labunya Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 895. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KL. Likhtan village Medvedovki Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 896. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Lozinsky part of the place Labunya Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 897. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants to the heirs of the landowner K.T. Liasota village Kapustina, according to an additional ransom act, Zaslavsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 898. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants Karl and Clementine Lyasotov villages Lisinets and the village of St. Krinitsa Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 899. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Sofia, Kazimierz and Klimentiny Lyasotov of the village of Napadovki of the Zaslavsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 9. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Bernatovich village of Rylavitsy, Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 90. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Kraevsky villages of Mirkov and Verkhostov of the Vladimir district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 900. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Joseph and Jozef Makhchinsky part of the village of Svinna Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 901. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.M. de Mezer village of Drachy Zaslavsky uyezd of Volyn gubernia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 902. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporarily obligated peasants of Cecilia Mikulich of Sulzhin village and the village of Futoty of Zaslavsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 903. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.P. Nartova village of Seredinets of Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 904. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.P. Nartova villages of Brikuli and Penek of Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 905. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by peasants Grigory Nenadkevich village Krachanovka Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 906. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Z.I. Nipanich village Rozhichnoy Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 907. The case of the redemption of land allotments by the Chiesheviks of Sredzinsky in Z.I. Nipanich village Rozhichnoy Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 908. The case of the redemption of land allotments Z.I. Nipanicha by the Chinsheviks of the village of Belokrenichya, Zaslavsky Uyezd, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 909. Business chinshevo about the redemption of land allotments Z.I. Nipanicha village Traulina Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 91. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants L.K.Dyztitskaya estates POROMOVA and BARNIOVA Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 910. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Z.I. Nipanicha village Traulina Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 911. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Z.I. Nipanicha of the village of Berezina of Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 912. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Z.I. Nipanicha village Ustianivka Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 913. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants D.K. Ovsyanoi village Markovtsy Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 914. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Ostashevsky settlements Pyshki and Maidana-Vidly of Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 915. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants D.K. Papinsky part of the town of Labun Zaslavsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 916. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants FR Parnevsky part of the village Nuchpal Zaslavsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 917. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants RF. Perunsky part of the village of Krachanovka of Zaslavsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 918. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants O.N. Popovsky village Medvedovki Zaslavsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 919. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by peasants Count IA. Pototsky village Belopolya Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 92. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily lodged by the peasants Countess F.F. Krasic village Ovadnoy Vladimir county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 920. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by peasants Count IA. Pototsky village Chernyatinki Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 921. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by peasants Count IA. Pototsky village Belopolya Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 922. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by peasants Count IA. Pototsky village Yunachek of Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 923. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Count Pototsky IA. settlements of Bulaevka of Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 924. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by peasants Count IA. Pototsky village Zhilinets Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 925. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Countess M.R. Pototsky village of Kremenchuk of Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 926. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Countess M.R. Pototsky village of Leschan Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 927. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами графини М.Р. Потоцкой селения Клементович, Плещин, деревни Лучники, местечка Шепетовки и селения Сосновки с деревней Жилинцы Заславского уезда Волынской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 928. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Countess M.R. Potocki village of the Great Chernyatyn and Orekhovka
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 929. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Countess M.R. Potocki villages Chetyrboka, Zakrinichya, Bubbles of Great, Verbovets of Zaslavsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 93. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants Martsely and Ludwiki of the beautiful villages of Zvinyachi and Holonoevo Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 930. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Countess M.R. Pototsky village of Small Bubbles and the village of Fedorovka of Zaslavsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 931. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Countess M.R. Pototsky village of Pleshnoy Zaslavsky uyezd of Volyn gubernia
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 932. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Countess M.R. Potocki village Mokievets Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 933. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Countess M.R. Pototsky villages Medets, Novy Selo, Volitsa of the Tatar Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 934. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Countess M.R. Pototsky village Sakhnovets Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 935. The case of redemption, according to an additional redemption act, of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Countess M.R. Potocki on the estate, consisting of the village Lenenkoets Zaslavsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 936. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable by the peasants Countess Maria Romanovna Pototskaya village Vasilieva Grebli and the village Pleshchina Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 937. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Countess MR Potocki of the village of Klementovichi of Zaslavsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 938. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Countess MR Potocki of the village of Zhilinets of Zaslavsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 939. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Countess MR Potocki of the village of Zhilinets of Zaslavsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 94. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Lev Kurchinsky part of the village Mogilno Vladimir county Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 940. The case of the redemption of land plots by the temporary-bound peasants of the Countess M. R. Pototskaya village Dankovets and Ulashanovka Zaslavsky County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 941. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants GI, RI or. Przhilu village of Butovoets of Zaslavsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 942. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Prushinsky game of Sudymontov of Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 943. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Prushinsky game of Sudymontov of Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 944. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Sigismund Radziminsky villages Kulesh, Gnoynichek, Shishkovets, Shelvova and Zavdyntsa Zaslavsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 945. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants D.I. Rozhansky part of the village of Krachanovka of Zaslavsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 946. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants RR Roman part of the village Nuchpal Zaslavsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 947. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Evarista Roscishevsky settlement Maydan Labunsky Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 948. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants RF. Rudnytsky town of Labunya, Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 949. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.R. Rudnytsky part of the place Labunya Zaslavsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 95. The case on the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants F.V.Kuchinsky part of the village of Rivne Vladimir County of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 950. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.V. Rudnitskoy part of the place Labunya Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 951. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Valery and Kamilla Rytarovsky part of the village of Svinna Zaslavsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 952. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko village Gubilets Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 953. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko of the village of Barbarovka with the village of Ocherstinka of Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 954. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko villages Shchurovsky, Tyszkiewicz, Ivanovka village, etc. Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 955. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko village Romanov Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 956. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko village Zakruzets Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 957. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko settlements: Krasovki, Toporychek, Ternovka, Vaskovets, Sosnovki, Kuchmanovka, Malaya Bisovka of Zaslavsky Uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 958. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince Sangushko RV. Sosnovki village of Zaslavsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 959. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko of the settlements of Siumak, Puzyrka and Dyakova of Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 96. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.O. Kushelevsky part of the village Biskutich-Shlyahetsky Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 960. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko town of Zaslava with the villages of Zaslavsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 961. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko villages Minkovets and Peremysl Zaslavsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 962. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko settlement Beleva Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 963. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko villages Zhukova, Yanushevki, Zubavschiny, Bachmanovka Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 964. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko village of Putrinets of Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 965. The case for an additional redemption act, the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants to the estate of Prince RV. Sangushko settlement of Zubary Zaslavsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 966. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko settlement Beleva Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 967. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko village Priputney Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 968. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko village of Mokrza of Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 969. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko of the village of Shchurovets of Zaslavsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 97. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants BF. Kuchin village Seltsa, Vladimir county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 970. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko village Minkovets Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 971. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko village Vaskovets Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 972. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko village Krivoluki Zaslavsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 973. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko village Mirutina Zaslavsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 974. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko hamlet Klimovki Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 975. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko village of Przemysl village of Zaslavsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 976. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko village of Zubovshchina in Zaslavsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 977. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko village Ulashanovka Zaslavsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 978. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko village Smorshchiek Zaslavsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 979. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko village Ternovka Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 98. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.D. Kuchin village Tumichyov Vladimir county of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 980. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko settlement Beleva Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 981. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko settlement of Morachevka, Zaslavsky county, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 982. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko settlement of Mirutina Zaslavsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 983. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko settlement Romanin Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 984. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko settlement of Romanov Zaslavsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 985. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko village Khutora Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 986. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko village of Przemysl village of Zaslavsky county of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 987. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko village Sosnovki Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 988. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko village of Krapivnoye, Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 989. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily ruled by the peasants of Prince RV. Sangushko village of Krivorudki Zaslavsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 99. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants R.L.Lucky Vladimir district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 990. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants L.Ya. Svenetsky part of the village of Rashtovki of Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 991. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants EF Sobeschanskoy part of the town of Labuni Zaslavsky Uyezd in the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 992. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Kastan-Alexandra-Kazimir Dmitrievich Sokolovsky of the village of Zhabcha of the Zaslavsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 993. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants FA. Scopovsky village Konotop Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 994. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants. Stempovo village Sosyanovka Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 995. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants K.A.Stetsky town of Labuni Zaslavsky district of the Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 996. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. and A.P. Stetskih settlements of the Big Medvedovka of Zaslavsky uyezd of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 997. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants landowner Maria Teodorovich of the village of Koskov, Zaslavsky Uyezd, Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 998. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KA. Khrzhanovsky village of the Good Vine of Zaslavsky district of Volyn province
РГИА. 577 / 7 / 999. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Yu.K. Chaplina part of the village Nuchpal Zaslavsky uyezd of the Volyn province
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