Classes on paleographic processing of handwritten documents in the Republic of Altai

9 April 2018

Since April 3, 2018 the Altai Regional Center of the Presidential Library, which is operating on the basis of the V. Y. Shishkov Altai Regional Universal Scientific Library, hosts a project to teach reading ancient manuscript documents. Within the framework of the project, practical classes, which consist in the palaeographic processing of manuscript documents of the XVII-XVIII centuries, are held. The pupils will learn to read and comprehend handwritten documents, translate them into modern Russian. The documentary basis of the lessons is made up of unique sources from the Presidential Library. This line of activity became possible with the support of the expert pedagogical community of the region and the State Archive of the Altai Territory.

At the first lesson, the readers of the Presidential Library worked on the site of the Altai Regional Center with the historical monument of 1710 - "The Civil Code with moral teachings" with the notes of Peter I. Under the guidance of the scientific employee of the Altai State Pedagogical University Vadim Borodaev, the audience studied the civil font of the XVIII century and translated into modern language four hand-written inserts of a typographical copy of the ABC.

On the website of the Presidential Library the Altai Territory is represented by the collection "Altai Territory: Pages of History". The proposed selection includes studies, essays, surveys and reports reflecting various aspects (geographical, socio-economic, socio-political, etc.) of the history of the region of the late XIX - first third of the XX century, as well as the current Charter of the Altai Territory.