The Cosmonautics Day in the Presidential Library united those fascinated by space from all over Russia

12 April 2018

Today, on April 12, 2018, the traditional conference-webinar "Cosmonautics Day in the Presidential Library" was held in the Senatskaya Square building, dedicated to a landmark event in the history of mankind - the first manned flight into space.

From the side of the International Space Station the participants of the event were greeted by the Russian crew of the ISS: the commander of the 55th expedition Anton Shkaplerov and flight engineer Oleg Artemyev. They noted that this is a very important holiday for our country, because it was Russian engineers who launched the first artificial Earth satellite, Yuri Gagarin first conquered interstellar space, and today domestic rocket carriers and space ships deliver cosmonauts for work on the ISS.

The guest of the Presidential Library the pilot-cosmonaut Hero of the Russian Federation Pavel Vinogradov joined the greetings. He noted the importance of the traditional event of the Presidential Library, when on the Cosmonautics Day amateurs and professionals of the space industry from all over the country are united in one place, share their experience and impressions.

The activities of the Presidential Library, the electronic library of the XXI century, are closely connected with the theme of space. In 2017, a session with the ISS took place in the Senatskaya Square building, when the cosmonauts took part in the event and answered the questions of a large audience on the air. A year ago, a reprint of the book "Space rocket trains" by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky was returned to the Presidential Library from near-earth orbit. The publication, which was issued in 1929 and printed from an electronic copy of the publication from the Presidential Library, was sent to the ISS in late 2016 by agreement with the Russian Federation of Cosmonautics.

An electronic copy of the work of the founder of theoretical astronautics, dedicated to the development of intergalactic space on the principle of space travel on planets, is included in the new digital collection "K. E. Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935)", presented in the public domain on the portal of the Presidential Library. It included publications that introduced the life and work of the scientist, his works on the theory of air and star navigation, rocket science, astronomy, physics, biology, as well as philosophical and sci-fi works.

Selection of "K. E. Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935)”, in turn, became part of the large-scale basic collection of the Presidential Library "Open Space", which is constantly updated with new exclusive materials. Among them - a selection of 15 theoretical works by such famous researchers as A. Fersman ("Chemical elements of earth and space" in 1923), J. Perelman ("Interplanetary Travels" in 1935), J. Messer ("Star Atlas for heavenly observations" in 1901), etc. Here are memorable issues of newspapers on April 12, 1961, books on space exploration, including those written by astronauts themselves, publicists investigating this topic. In addition, these are postcards, medals, photographs, newsreel footage, giving a complete picture of the first launches of rockets and conquerors of outer space.

The conference-webinar "Cosmonautics Day the Presidential Library" was attended by cadets of the A. F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy, students of the D. F. Ustinov Baltic State Technical University "VOENMEKh", the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, representatives of the North-West Interregional Public Organization of the Federation of Cosmonautics of the Russian Federation and the Youth Public Organization "MIR".

The guests and employees of the V. Y. Shishkov Altai Regional Universal Scientific Library, the N. N. Muravyov-Amursky Amur Regional Scientific Library, the Sakhalin Regional Universal Scientific Library, the Herzen Kirov Regional Universal Scientific Library, the Pushkin Omsk State Regional Scientific Library, the Pushkin Tomsk Regional Scientific Library, as well as the N. K. Krupskaya Moscow Regional State Scientific Library joined the event via video-conferencing mode.