The project of the Tyumen branch of the Presidential Library "HEROI 72" was held in the schools of the Tyumen region

3 May 2018

From April 25 to May 3, 2018, the project of the Tyumen branch of the Presidential Library "HEROI 72" was held. 38 teams of pupils from 7-11 grades of schools of the city of Yalutorovsk, Zavodoukovskiy urban district, Tyumen and Sladkovsky municipal districts of the Tyumen region took part in the project.

Schoolchildren were waiting for three days of exciting assignments and a stubborn struggle of teams in the online quest.

The project included not only online puzzles, but also creative tasks. So, during the passage of the quest the team took a thematic photo with a monument of an outstanding personality, and also prepared a draft: it was necessary to draw a sketch of the monument to an outstanding contemporary figure and think over the location for the installation of the monument.

April 27, the participants, who completed all the creative projects, started the tasks of the final day of the online quest. Senior pupils had to feel themselves heroes: do a good deed and capture the process in the photographs. The last task was assigned to the teams for five days, after which the results of the quest were summed up on May 3.

In the Zavodoukovskiy urban district 1st place was taken by the team "Legion" of Secondary School № 2 in Zavodoukovsk, 2nd place - the team "Higher League" of the Padun School named after the honored teacher of the RSFSR school I. E. Khrebtov, 3rd place - the team "Peresvet" School №. 2 in Zavodoukovsk.

In the Sladkovskiy district the seats were distributed as follows: 1st place - the “Light” team of the Sladkovskaya SOSH, the 2nd place - the team "Starateli" DDT "Galaktika", the 3rd place - the team "Stimul" of the Sladkovskaya SOSH.

In the Tyumen region, the team "Drive" of the branch of the Bogandinskaya secondary school № 1 became the winners of the quest, the team "The Heirs of the Victory" of the Kulakovo SOSH took the 2nd place, the "Patriots" team of the Chervishevskaya SOSH took the 3rd place.

In the city of Yalutorovsk the 1st place was taken by the team "Gagariny" school № 3, and the second place - the team "Memory" School № 4.

The winners of the project will be awarded diplomas.

The main results of the online quest "HEROI 72" were 23 realized charity projects as a final assignment, as well as positive feedback from the guys and their desire to participate in new projects of the Tyumen branch of the Presidential Library.