Art-presentation of the book "Far Eastern Frontier of Russia"
On May 11, an art presentation of the book "The Far Eastern Frontier of Russia" took place at the Khabarovsk Regional Center with access to the Presidential Library resources operating on the basis of the Far Eastern State Scientific Library. The book is devoted to the activities of the Far Eastern Frontier District and tells the modern reader about the historical roots of the Far Eastern Border Guard and the formation of Russian statehood in the Far East. The event is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the border guard.
Art presentation is a stage production with the participation of the concert group of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Frontier Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region, where the collections of the Presidential Library are harmoniously included.
On the website of the Presidential Library the Khabarovsk Territory is represented by a collection: "Khabarovsk Territory: Pages of History". The proposed collection includes books on travels through the territory of the modern Khabarovsk Territory in the middle of the XIX century, archival documents devoted to the transport issue and relations with Russia's Far Eastern neighbors in the early XX century, as well as socio-economic and statistical materials of the Soviet period.