The music of love to the Great City was performed in the Presidential Library

25 May 2018

May 25, 2018 the Presidential Library as part of the cultural program of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum hosted a charity concert “Music of Love. Dedication to St. Petersburg”.

The concert on the eve of the 315th anniversary of the birth of St. Petersburg was held in favor of children left without parental care. It is organized by the Konstantinovsky International Charitable Foundation and the Elena Obraztsova Cultural Center.

"I thank the Elena Obraztsova Cultural Center and the Konstantinovsky International Charitable Foundation for organizing the concert, the funds from which will be used to train the Trusts of the Parental Bridge Foundation for the basics of the vocals, the stage movement and the basics of articulation", - it is said in the greeting word of the Plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in the North-West Federal District Alexander Beglov. "Even if these outstanding musicians and artists do not grow out of these children, such knowledge and skills will help them understand and love a great wonderful world - the world of art".

According to Director General of the Konstantinovsky International Charitable Foundation Gennady Yavnik, the audience will not only admire the skills of the honored performers, but also take part in the implementation of the new interesting cultural and educational project "We Play a Fairy Tale" of the St. Petersburg Charity Fund "Parental Bridge".

The program of the concert-dedication to the Great City included the works of Prokofiev, Rimsky-Korsakov, Khachaturian, Verdi, Puccini, Chopin, Saint-Saens, de Falla, Leoncavallo and other composers. Masterpieces of the world musical classics were performed by the soloist of the Mariinsky Theater, People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Galuzin (tenor), People's Artist of Russia Sergei Roldugin (cello), laureate of international contests, winner of the special prize of the Elena Obraztsova International Young Opera Singers Natalia Timchenko (soprano). The laureate of international contests, concertmaster of Elena Obraztsova International contests of young opera singers and young vocalists Maria Chernova accompanied the concert.

Performances of young laureates of international contests Diana Kazanlieva (soprano), Yana Ayvazyan (soprano), Sophia Kiprskaya (harp), Dmitriy Myachin (piano), Mikhail Kasheutov (guitar), Yegor Svezhentsev (guitar) and students of the A. Y. Vaganova Russian Ballet Academy took place as well.