The Presidential Library will participate in the main literary holiday of the country
From May 31 to June 3, 2018, the Presidential Library traditionally, for the fourth time, will participate in the book festival "Red Square" in Moscow.
An access to all collections of the Presidential Library is open on the "E-book"/KNIGABAIT site, which today has more than 600 thousand items.
On the eve of the World Cup, sport holds an important place at the festival this year. June 1, at 11:00, the Presidential Library invited librarians from Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as those who are in the capital during the Book Festival to visit the "Library" site, where a practical seminar-presentation of new materials of the Presidential Library "Russian Sport" took place. The specialists of the Presidential Library told how to use collections’ materials when working with various groups of readers and presented the latest news on the 2018 FIFA World Cup: the Statutes of sports societies of the beginning of the XX century, books written by the founder of Russian football and the Olympic movement in Russia, George Duperron, and much more. The specialists of the institution also conducted consultations for all those wishing to connect libraries to the electronic collections of the Presidential Library.
June 3, for the first time on the “Non-fiction” site there will be held a presentation of periodicals from the Presidential Library's collections "My familiar unfamiliar magazines". Adults and children are invited to participate. Participants of the event will find out what they wrote about in the “Murzilka” in 1937 or in the magazine “Kostyor” for 1956. These and other children's publications in digital format from the Presidential Library collections are now available to everyone. Winners of the presentation game will receive as a prize a reprint of the journal of the last century for their home library.