The Presidential Library collections have been enriched with digital copies of publications provided by the State Library of Yugra

28 May 2018


The State Library of Yugra has provided the following publications:

- Marx K. The Archive of Marx and Engels / edited by V. Adoratsky; [foreword: A. Leontiev]; The Institute of Marx-Engels-Lenin at the Central Committee of the CPSU (b). M., 1933-1982. V. 3 (8). L., 1934. VII, [1], 424 p., 2 inc. l. Fax. : ill., Fax.

- Memories of Marx / [edition of the collection and the preface of M. S. Zorky; illustrations of N. N. Zhukov]. M., 1940. 205, [3] c., 15 inc. p. il.

The cooperation between the Presidential Library and the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area has been developing since 2013. The Presidential Library portal features a collection "Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra: Pages of History". The proposed collection includes studies, essays, official documents, archival, statistical, visual and audio materials describing the administrative, socio-economic and cultural situation of the territories from the end of the XVIII to the beginning of the XXI century that are part of the modern Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra. The current Charter of the region is also presented.