"The great hard worker of the Russian land, crowned with heavenly glory": Alexander Nevsky in the Presidential Library collections

4 June 2018

On June 12 (May 30 old style) in 2018, the 798th anniversary of the birth of the holy Prince Alexander Nevsky, a warrior whose name became a legend after victories on the Neva at the mouth of Izhora and on the ice of Lake Peipsi, is celebrated; a diplomat who managed to find a language with the Horde and a reputable peacekeeper. The large-scale collection of the Presidential Library "Alexander Nevsky (1221-1263)", presented on the portal, features the rarest studies of scholars and theologians, essays and visual materials dedicated to the Grand Duke, the keeper of the Russian land.

May 30, 1220 in the family of Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich and Princess Feodosia, the son Alexander was born, of Novgorod (1236-1251), and then of Vladimir (1252-1263) Grand Duke. Pious parents raised him in the spirit of true Orthodox faith. "Children's amusements and worldly speeches did not occupy him. His favorite pastime was reading sacred books, singing church songs and secret prayers" - this describes the childhood and teenage years of the prince in the editions of the XIX century "Life and exploits of the holy and blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky" (1864) and "Holy Great Prince Alexander Nevsky: the memory of the king-peacemaker" (1898).

It was this pious, meek and pure prince who had to accept the challenge of dramatically developed circumstances that threatened the loss of independence of Rus’. I. Belyaev in his work "The Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky" (1840s) reports: "In the first year of the independent reign of Alexander in Novgorod, he faced a fateful struggle with the Tatars; Batu, subdued Ryazan and Vladimir princes, quickly walked to the limits of Novgorod, and after a fortnight of brutal siege Torzhok already took, a hackney of its inhabitants and moved Seliger way to Novgorod, devastating and destroying everything on the road". For the first time, the young prince thought about the need to negotiate with the Tatars, stop their raids on Russia - in fact, from the west, there was a danger not less.

Terrible enemies of Novgorod were the Swedes, who in 1240 led by Birger entered the Neva and reached the mouth of Izhora. The news of the enemies did not frighten the 20-year-old Alexander. In the publication "The first princes, peacekeepers of ancient Rus’: Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh and Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky" (1903) noted the main feature of the prince-commander: "Inspirational leader, he was able to inspire the people and the army. He was never embarrassed even by the fact that his military strength was insignificant in comparison with the strength of the enemy, and acted quickly, with a lively faith in his sacred cause and in the heroism of his heroes; his resolute and undaunted spirit was as if directly transferred to his militia".

There were a lot of enemies at the mouth of Izhora, the whole surface of the water was dark from enemy sloops. The prince, having finished the prayer and taking the blessing from St. Spyridon, left the St. Sophia Cathedral and addressed his squad and the Novgorod people with the words: "Brothers! God is not in power, but in truth!". For the victory won in 1240 the prince began to be called Nevsky.

By 1242 the Russian land was clamped from the east by the Tatar-Mongols, from the west - by the Teutonic Order. The raids of the latter became more frequent. "Livonians were persecuted cruelly", - writes M. Khitrov in the book "Holy Great Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky" (1899). - Sometimes the natives, driven to despair, tried to ask for peace, but each time received a ruthless answer: baptism or death! To the Finns and Latvians, and then to the Russians, a complete economic and spiritual enslavement was brought under the sacred banner of faith!"

Realizing in full the threat from the West, Alexander Nevsky showed the talent of a diplomat, having by this time managed to make peace with the most powerful enemy - the Golden Horde. And in this he was helped not only by the glory of a warrior and wise ruler, but also by a huge personal charm. "Batu, this cruel Batu, rude and unyielding", - we read in the study of M. Khitrov "The Holy Great Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky” (1899), - the terrible scourge of God, when he saw Nevsky before him, was surprised, and for the first time in his life he felt that respect, which involuntarily is inspired by the sight of the holy husband. Such a strong impression was made by the beauty and sanctity of Alexander in people arrogant in their greatness, in the princes of proud and arrogant".

It was not easy to restrain the ongoing onslaught from the West, supported by a fanatically-minded Roman papacy. Dangerous enemies remained German Knights-Crusaders, who decided that the right time had come to settle accounts with Prince Alexander Yaroslavich. Pskov already fell under their onslaught, the threat looms over Veliky Novgorod. Forgetting the old grievances, Prince Alexander Nevsky hurries to the aid of the Novgorodians - and wins the battle. All this can be found in the publications "The Battle of the Ice" by V. Mavrodin (1941), S. Krotkov "The Battle of Neva and the Battle of the Ice" (1900), S. Glyazer "The Battle of the Ice" (1941), in the books mentioned above.

From the edition “Holy Great Prince Alexander Nevsky and Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra: to commemorate the bicentennial of the monastery” (1913), one can learn that the Germans expected to easily cope with the Russians knowing their fighting system, but Alexander outwitted them. Infantry was ordered to retreat further to the ice, carrying the heavy cavalry of the knights. The Germans were trapped. Spring thin ice could not stand heavily armed soldiers. The battle was so fierce that, according to the chronicler, "it seemed that the whole lake was stirred and moaned heavily. I could not see the ice - everything was covered in blood".

In the history of military art this victory was of exceptional importance: the Russian foot in the main army encircled and defeated the knight cavalry and infantry knight detachments long before in Western Europe the infantry learned to gain the upper hand over equestrian knights. The victory in this battle set Alexander Nevsky among the best in the history of commanders.

"Prince Alexander Nevsky is a truly great hard worker of the Russian land, crowned with heavenly glory", - summarizes N. Voskresensky in the book "Holy, Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky". "It's not for nothing that all the true sons of our Fatherland in the space of more than six centuries were filled with feelings of reverential respect as a sufferer for the Russian land".

Thanks to such national leaders as Alexander Nevsky, Russia has become one of the most powerful states in the world.