The poetry festival near the monument to Alexander Pushkin was held in Minsk

4 June 2018

The poetry festival, timed to the Day of the Russian Language, was held in one of the most picturesque corners of Minsk on the bank of the Svisloch River near the monument to Alexander Pushkin. The admirers of the work of the famous Russian poet gathered here together, among whom teachers and students of the faculty of philology of the Belarusian State University were, including representatives of China and Turkmenistan.

The event was opened by Svetlana Goncharova-Grabovskaya, Doctor of Philology, professor, head of the Department of Russian Literature of the Belarusian State University, who noted that Pushkin holds a special place in Russian and Belarusian literature. Pushkin from childhood was one of the favorite poets of Yakub Kolas, one of the first and most significant of his works is the translation into Belarusian of Pushkin's poem "Poltava".

On behalf of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Minsk, the participants of the event were congratulated by the center's specialist Natalia Ipatieva with the Day of Russian Language. She noted that Pushkin made a valuable contribution to the treasury of advanced world literature, created world-class art works, became a symbol of Russian spiritual life.

The students of the faculty of philology read Pushkin's poems, which reflected a variety of topics. Admirers of the great poet's works gave him a tribute of memory and laid flowers.

The Presidential Library portal features an electronic collection "A. S. Pushkin (1799-1837)”. It included digital copies of books, articles, archival documents, abstracts of dissertations, video films, graphic and other materials devoted to the life and work of the poet and the state's activity in preserving the memory of him.

Among the materials of the collection there is a digital copy of the Charter, awarded by Emperor Alexander I to the Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, which played a significant role in the formation of Alexander Pushkin. A great place in the collection is held by articles from periodicals of the pre-revolutionary period, allowing to see how the attitude to the poet and his work has changed over time.


According to the portal