Facts and figures – the Presidential Library is being updated
"In 2017, the personal composition of the institution has been significantly updated, a large-scale modernization of information systems has been carried out", - we read in the annual report of the Presidential Library, the full version of which is available at https://www.prlib.ru/.
"The Presidential Library continued further equipment, in cooperation with "Main Research Computing Center of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation" it has completed the launch of the updated portal", - said Alexander Kolpakov, the President's Manager of the Russian Federation. He stressed: "It is very important to have constant feedback from people: users of resources, participants in events, academic and expert community".
The Presidential Library continues to improve the quality of complex work on the selection, digitization, description, placement and storage of documents from various federal, departmental and regional sources. In 2017, the Presidential Library, a nationwide digital warehouse, reached 600,000 items (more than 60 million scans): materials on the history, theory and practice of Russian statehood, and the issues of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation. A feature of the electronic collection is the presence in it of archive documents, which constitute more than half of the collections.
In 2018 it is planned to increase the number of museum resources due to photographic content: photographs of museum exhibits, photo documents from museum collections. Since 2017, the institution has begun to archive documents from the information and telecommunications network of the Internet.
Interdepartmental, interregional and international network of remote electronic reading rooms of the Presidential Library continues to be actively disseminated. As early as in 2017, the centers of remote access to the information resources of the Presidential Library were opened in all 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and successfully functioned in 28 countries of the world, uniting 460 libraries, museums, administrative bodies, mass media, Russian centers of science and culture abroad.
Mobile scanning complexes of the Presidential Library, along with permanent scanning centers in the library building on Senate Square and in the Russian State Historical Archive, are housed in five academic and cultural institutions of St. Petersburg: the Military History Museum of Artillery, the Engineer and Signal Corps, the State Russian Museum, the St. Petersburg State University, the Russian Geographical Society, since 2017 - in the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The Presidential Library continues to develop actively as the largest multimedia multifunctional (cultural, educational, academic, information-analytical) center.