The Presidential Library materials tell about "Tikhvin and Its Relic"

1 July 2018

The Cross procession "The Way of the Blessed Virgin" at the places of the phenomenon of the icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God will take place this year for the third time. According to the legends, before the miracle-working image appeared in Tikhvin, the Orthodox saw the face of the Mother of God in seven different places.

The Cross procession will begin on June 30 in Kronstadt, and this is symbolic. Kronstadt was also called "New Tsarigrad", it was in Tsarigrad (Constantinople) that the icon was kept until 1383. Pilgrims, after having walked more than 200 kilometers, will visit the holy places of the Leningrad region: Church of St. Alexander Svirsky, Permission-Oyat Nunnery, Nikolsky Monastery, Church of St. Basil the Great, Intercession Tervenichesky convent, hermitage of the Mother of God "The Inexhaustible Cup" Protection Church in the village of Gorka and Tikhvinsky Vvedensky Maiden Monastery. The last point of the procession will be the Tikhvin Bogorodichny Assumption Monastery, where pilgrims will arrive on the day of the celebration of the phenomenon of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God on July 9.

To register and learn the latest news about the Cross procession, please, visit

The Presidential Library and the Tikhvin Diocese are linked by long-term fruitful cooperation. Among the implemented joint projects: video lectures, exhibitions, the opening of a children's multimedia studio "In the beginning was the Word" for pupils of Sunday schools parishes of the Diocese of Tikhvin and correctional schools, as well as many others. The Presidential Library digitized and donated electronic copies of ancient manuscripts and church services donated to the collections of the library of the Russian Academy of Sciences as a gift to the Tikhvin Eparchy. In addition, today in the building of the Tikhvin Spiritual and Educational Center the remote electronic reading room is successfully functioning, where everyone has access to the unique library of the Presidential Library, numbering more than 600 thousand items.

The Presidential Library portal features the thematic collection "Orthodox Russia. Monasteries and Icons". The selection includes materials from the XIX and early XX centuries that describe the history of individual Orthodox monasteries located on the territory of Russia and especially revered icons. Among them there are such rare editions, as "Historical and statistical description of the first class of the Tikhvin Mother of God of a large monastery, consisting Novgorod diocese in the city of Tikhvin" (1859), "Tikhvin and Its Relic: the city description, Tikhvin large monastery and remaining there Relic" (1888 ) of the year and many others.