The historical materials of the Presidential Library tell of Alexander Pushkin’s childhood and youth

9 June 2018

June 6, 2018 marks the 219th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, the great Russian poet, prose writer, playwright, publicist, founder of the realistic trend in Russian literature and the creator of the modern Russian literary language.

The Sakhalin Regional Universal Scientific Library recalls this significant date. The Presidential Library portal features the unique electronic collection "A. S. Pushkin (1799-1837)", which includes digital copies of books, articles, archival documents, graphic and other materials dedicated to the writer.

The famous work of V. V. Veresayev "Pushkin in life", made up of memoirs of the poet's contemporaries, features extracts from various primary sources collected over many years. Pushkin is shown here in different periods, in different moods, in all the contradictions of his complex character.

On the website of the Presidential Library the Sakhalin Region is represented by the collection "Sakhalin Region: Pages of History". The development of the territory of the Sakhalin Region, the only Russian region completely located on the islands, is represented by travel essays, geographical and historical descriptions of the mid-XIX - early XX century, as well as fragments of newsreels of 1929.