Exhibition “War. No Сomments” was opened in the Brest Fortress

25 June 2018

On the eve of the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow in the southeastern barracks of the Brest Hero-Fortress Memorial Complex, an exhibition of photographs of the war years "War Without Comments", presented by the news agency and radio "Sputnik Belarus" with the support of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Brest was opened.

The exposition consists of 40 little-known images from the archives of the Soviet Information Bureau, reflecting the way of photo correspondents of the agency together with the Red Army units from 1941 to 1945. There are unique ones among the presented photographs. The name "War. No Сomments" is symbolic. Comments are not needed. Here, every photograph of military photojournalists is a convincing evidence of crimes against humanity.

Opening the event, the director of the Brest Hero-Fortress Memorial Complex, Grigory Bysyuk, noted the importance and timeliness of the opening of this exposition precisely on the eve of the war, thanking the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Brest for the initiative to hold the exhibition in the museum and for the previously published edition of the Complete Meeting of Soviets the information desk.

First Deputy Chairman of the City Executive Committee Vadim Kravchuk stressed that four years have passed since the opening of the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Brest. "During this time, the RCSC has become a notable phenomenon in the cultural, educational and public life of the city. And today, thanks to the active work of the center, we have a unique opportunity to see for ourselves and to show to all guests of our city an exhibition of photographs of frontline correspondents who have captured the moments of those terrible years", - he said.

The head of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Brest, Elena Maslova, in her speech noted the importance of the presence at the event of representatives of four now independent states: Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Ukraine, formerly part of the Soviet Union. "Opening the exhibition on the eve of the Day of Memory and Sorrow, we remember that it was a war of annihilation, we should not forget about the suffering and hardships that fell to the lot of the Soviet people. And we, the heirs of the victorious people, must preserve and convey our attitude to the memory of this feat to the younger generation", - she said.

The Presidential Library portal features the electronic collection "Memory of the Great Victory". It includes official documents, photo and newsreels, wartime newspapers, books, agitation and propaganda publications, collections of articles, biographies, testimonies from participants in combat engagements and home front workers, their personal documents, images of combat and labor awards, monuments and memorials complexes, thoughts about the war of grandsons and great-grandchildren of veterans.


According to the portal http://rs.gov.ru.