The Presidential Library and "Russian Railways" - for passengers of "Sapsan", "Lastochka" and "Allegro"

27 June 2018

In order to develop partnership relations the Presidential Library and “Russian Railways” have signed a cooperation agreement to help citizens in receiving information on the history of Russia, the theory and practice of Russian statehood and the issues of the Russian language as a state language.

Relations between the two organizations are developing successfully thanks to the contribution of both sides to the creation of a rich information and educational environment for passengers.

This June, a video about the joint musical and educational project of the Presidential Library and the International Festival of Classical Music "Palaces of St. Petersburg" under the title "The Music of Russian Statehood" was launched in “Sapsan” train carriages. The video presents multimedia concerts telling about the music of the reign of Russian emperors. And even earlier, roadside service specialists posted materials from the Presidential Library's collections on the official website of the “Sapsan” Media Center. As a result, every passenger has the opportunity to work independently with their electronic gadget with unique electronic content. Now passengers can dedicate four and a half hours of the road, connecting Moscow and St. Petersburg, to the fascinating world of Russian history.

The Presidential Library offered the passengers of “Sapsan” to choose films, video tours and books. If desired, you can, for example, walk in the format of a video tour at the unique exhibition of the Presidential Library "Distributing sound and patriotic thoughts. Projects of socio-political publications in Russia".

Passengers of the train were able to learn a lot of unexpected and interesting things. Let us say, that Catherine the Great published magazines, where she was both the editor-in-chief and the main correspondent. It was worthwhile for the empress to read Radishchev's "Journey from Petersburg to Moscow", as she cried out in anger: "He's a rebel more than Pugachev!" And later her great-grandson, Grand Duke Constantine, expressed his views on glasnost: "I was even more convinced what important significance recently state journals and newspapers acquired in the affairs <...>, having a great influence on public opinion".   

In addition to video tours, the Presidential Library has offered passengers of “Sapsan” the documentary films created by its film crew: “Stolny Gorod”, “The Exploration of the Arctic and the Northern Sea Route”, “The House of the Romanovs. 400th anniversary of the Zemsky Sobor of 1613". The last video introduces a collection dedicated to the House Romanovs. The collection includes about 900 items. They are official documents, memoirs, diaries, business and personal correspondence, fragments of newsreels, etc. "Diary of Emperor Nicholas II (1890-1906)" is among the rarities.

In the "Sapsan" train carriages on plasma screens, documentaries "Space Chairmen", "Tsar and President", "Russian Fleet off the coast of America" ​​and other films of the Presidential Library have been shown for several years already. Thanks to the cooperation, the library specialists were able to prepare for the 120th anniversary of the West Siberian Railway an electronic collection "West Siberian Railway", represented on the portal of the Presidential Library.

In addition, the Presidential Library has joined the project  "Russian Railways" "The Most Beautiful Country", which contains a series of documentary films "Russia from the train window", ten of which are presented on the portal of the library: "Journey through “Murmanka”", "Southern Primorye" , "Caucasus", "Northern and Polar Urals", and etc.

Expanding cooperation, the Presidential Library proposes to place its audiovisual content on the monitors not only in “Sapsan”, but also other high-speed trains - “Lastochka” and “Allegro”. Do not forget the commuter and suburban trains. On the screens in other carriers of the railway stations and in the intra-train Internet network, historical information of interest to passengers will be also posted. In the future, the Presidential Library and “Russian Railways” plan to expand joint educational work and offer passengers new rare books, documentaries, video tours from the unique electronic storage facility at the Senate, 3.