Quests for schoolchildren in Kemerovo

2 July 2018

The question: what to do for schoolchildren? often arises during the summer breakout. The specialists of the Kemerovo Regional Center of the Presidential Library, acting on the basis of Fedorov Kemerovo Research Library, have got an answer: they offer a series of quests, where students can participate, as well as anyone who feels like it.

The popularity of quests in Russia is growing: these intellectual and entertaining games have captured both young and adults. To the 100th anniversary of the city, Kemerovo residents prepared a game called “KEMKVEST”.

In the process of the quest, participants pass through a variety of stations. The first is the Electronic Reading Room of the Presidential Library, where the staff tell at great length about funds and collections of the library. The collection "Kemerovo Region: Pages of History" is of particular interest. Then the schoolchildren are invited to participate in an interactive game dedicated to the history of Kemerovo, with the help of which children can test their knowledge of their native city. The level of complexity of questions is chosen by participants independently, you can play both individually and in a team. In the course of the game, schoolchildren get familiar with the work of the legal and regional departments of the library, collect the arms of the city and learn interesting facts about Kemerovo.

All the participants of the quest receive prizes and, based on the responses, a lot of positive emotions!