Book Monuments and Rare Editions of the Sakhalin Region are on display in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

25 July 2018

From July 24 to September 10, 2018 the Sakhalin Regional Universal Research Library invites you to get familiar with the exhibition "Book Monuments and Rare Editions in Foreign Languages". It presents Western European literature of the XVII-XX centuries from the fund of valuable and rare documents of the regional library, which is part of the cultural heritage of the region.

The exhibition features two world-class book monuments: "The Life and Work of the Grand Elector of Von Brandenburg" by Samuel von Pufendorf in 1695 and the "Experimental Physiology" by Athanasius Kircher, published in 1680.

On the website of the Presidential Library Sakhalin Region is represented by the collection "Sakhalin Region: Pages of History". The development of the territory of the Sakhalin Region, the only Russian region completely located on the islands, is represented by travel essays, geographical and historical descriptions of the mid-XIX - early XX centuries, as well as fragments of newsreels of 1929.