International seminar on infrastructure development held in Orenburg Region
The international seminar “Admission and providing service to visitors of specially protected natural areas: infrastructure development”, organized by the “Orenburgsky” State Natural Reserve, was held on August 1, 2018 in the N.K. Krupskaya Regional Research Library in Orenburg. The library provides extensive research coverage of the issues of steppe natural management, landscape, biological and soil diversity.
Heads and specialists of natural reserves from the regions of Russia, the USA and Kazakhstan attended the event. They shared expertise in organization of work with visitors, and discussed the alternative ways of the infrastructure development.
Orenburg Region is in the spotlight of the collection “Orenburg Region: Pages of History” accessible on the portal of the Presidential Library. It features studies, archival papers, photographs, maps and plans, which cast light on the geographical, socio-economic, socio-political and other aspects of the history of Orenburg Region between 13th – early 20th cc. The Charter of Orenburg Region is available, too.