Members of the A. M. Gorky Perm Library taking a look at video advertising features

15 August 2018

August 14 members of the A. M. Gorky Perm State Regional Universal Library were lectured on video advertising features. The lecture was given by the Public Relations Specialist of the Science Center, explaining the concept of advertising, advertising text and video advertising, revealing its functions and features using the example of French and Russian video clips, and also described the features of communicative behavior and the paralinguistic categories of Russian and French advertising videos. Then the participants discussed the differences in advertising of different countries.

On the website of the Presidential Library Perm Territory is represented by the collection: "Perm Territory: Pages of History". The presented collection includes studies, essays, statistical materials and archive documents reflecting the administrative, socio-economic, demographic and ethnographic position of Perm Territory at the end of the XVIII - the first third of the XX century, as well as the acting Charter of the Perm Territory.