Informal conference "Library: by clicking and responding to the challenge of time" was held in Sverdlovsk Region

7 September 2018

September 6-7, 2018 the V. G. Belinsky Sverdlovsk Regional Universal Research Library hosted a non-conference of library bloggers. The topic of the meeting was "Library: by clicking and responding to the challenge of time". Participants of the non-conference were employees of cultural institutions working in the field of Internet communications. The meeting considered such issues as promotion of the personal brand and interaction with the audience in social networks. In addition, as part of the event sessions, master classes and meetings of representatives of the regional centers of the Presidential Library have been organized.

On the website of the Presidential Library, Sverdlovsk Region is represented by the collection "Sverdlovsk Region: Pages of History". Statistical materials, studies, essays and photographs of the XIX - early XX century feature geographical, demographic, socio-economic and socio-political aspects of the history of the region.