Presidential Library held the meeting of participants of “Diversification of Radio-Electronics Industry” conference

20 September 2018

To mark the upcoming opening of 17th “Diversification of Radio-Electronics Industry” conference, the Presidential Library held the gala evening for its participants.

The grand opening of the conference took place on September 20, 2018. The event is held September 20 – 21, St. Petersburg (Korablestroiteley Str., 14). The conference has been organized by the territorial committee (head organization - JSC “Avangard”) under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and St. Petersburg City Administration.

The discussion focused on urgent issues of the current state and development of radio-electronics industry in Russia. Participants of the event are discussing the ways of bringing radio-electronic products to domestic and international market. The conference also highlights enhancement of the information security of the state as a priority of development of radio-electronic means of communications and data transmission, development of the market of devices to promote digital technologies, the need for standardization as the basics of the technical regulation of the industry, and cooperation between state agencies.

The conference has brought together officials of the Government of the Russian Federation Directorate, the State  Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, regions of Russia, Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, Ministry of Finance of Russia, Ministry of Defense of Russia, Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Energy of Russia, Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Roscosmos and Rostec state corporations and other agencies, as well as CEOs of major radio-electronics enterprises in Russia.

It is worth noting that the status and the equipment of the Presidential Library enable it to regularly hold events of any level and format - official meetings of statesmen and politicians of Russia and foreign countries, conferences, round table discussions, seminars, lectures, concerts, presentations, exhibitions, public discussions, working meetings etc.