Literary evening in commemoration of 190th anniversary of the birth of Leo Tolstoy held in Astana

27 September 2018

Pupils of the school–lyceum № 27 under the guidance of the teacher Ye. A. Skokova held the literary evening “Pages of Leo Tolstoy’s Life” in commemoration of 190th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian writer. The event took place at the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Astana on September 26.

On the stage of the Russian Center of Science and Culture schoolchildren cited words of Russian poets and writers about Leo Tolstoy and recited poems dedicated to him. Children unveiled the facts about the writer’s life and career.

V. L. Nefyodov, Head of the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Astana, greeted the attendees and gave the letters of thanks, certificates and books to organizers, who had arranged the evening.

The electronic collection “Leo Tolstoy (1828 – 1910) is available on the portal of the Presidential Library. It is built up to mark the 190th anniversary of the birth of Leo Tolstoy – novelist, enlightener and thinker. The extensive collection presents the writer’s oeuvre, including first magazine publications of novels “War and Peace” and “Anna Karenina”, pedagogical articles and essays, correspondence, accounts of his contemporaries, research works, photographs and other materials, which give an insight into the writer’s versatile personality and cast light on the key aspects of his activities and the attitude of the Russian society towards him.


Based on the materials of portal