The Presidential Library will participate in the Third International "Magic Symphony" Music Festival

8 October 2018

October 16, 2018 the Third International “Magic Symphony” Music Festival for children with hearing impairments will be held in Saint-Petersburg during the Cross Year of Music of Russia and Austria.

The aim of the festival is a noble and significant task - to show that children with severe hearing impairments and even with congenital deafness can be returned to the world of sounds and that it is music that contributes to their harmonious development.

The event is organized by the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose and Speech of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Petersburg Concert and the parent association “I hear the world!”.

This event has already become a tradition in the cultural life of Russia and the near abroad and even more in the lives of children who have not heard anything before, but today, thanks to the possibilities of modern medicine, they have regained their ears and discovered many-sided talents.

Cochlear implantation (surgical hearing restoration) and subsequent hearing-speech rehabilitation gave the children who were born or have lost their hearing due to the disease, the opportunity to sing, dance, play musical instruments. And now, having overcome a thorny path, they are ready to share their achievements.

As part of the Third International "Magic Symphony" Music Festival, the Presidential Library will broadcast on its official portal the 2017 documentary film "Let the World Hear It", which is dedicated to the problem of rehabilitation of deaf people. The broadcast of the film will be available in the “Live broadcast” section on October 16 at 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00. The replay of the film is available on October 17 at 6:00, 8:00, 10:00. Duration - 39 minutes 16 seconds.

It stands to mention that in April 2017, the “Magic Symphony” Music Festival became the winner of the Best Social Project of Russia program, and in 2018 it entered the top 100 best regional projects on the initiative of the Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation on the rights of the child Vector CHILDHOOD-2018"".

The leading Russian otolaryngologists, specialists in hearing and speech rehabilitation, eminent teachers, representatives of the legislative and executive authorities pay great attention to the music festival and are always present on it. The guests of the festival will be famous artists who will perform in the festival program along with the finalists of the contest.

For the first time a chance to go on stage to gifted boys and girls with hearing impairments will be offered in 2013 at the Third International Piano Festival for Special People in Vienna. This is not accidental, considering that it was in Austria in 1977 that the world's first multichannel cochlear implant was invented and the first cochlear implant surgery was performed. Over the past five years, children with hearing impairments have already become laureates of international music festivals several times. And from year to year not only the number of participants increases, but also the geography of music contests expands: Austria, Poland, Belarus, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Russia ...