Students of the Penza College of Architecture and Construction were introduced to the resources of the Presidential Library

12 October 2018

October 11, 2018 the Penza Regional Center of the Presidential Library, running on the basis of the M. Y. Lermontov Regional Library, introduced students of the College of Architecture and Construction to the resources of the Presidential Library as well as presented them library cards.

Pupils learned about the history of books and the first Russian book printer Ivan Fyodorov. The Presidential Library collection contains a large amount of materials about the life and work of the master, for example, the collection “Ivan Fyodorov, the first printer” by A. S. Orlov (1935), the book “The first Russia’s book printer Ivan Fyodorov” by N. P. Gerva (1910), the publication “Ivan Fyodorov, Russian first printer” by A. S. Petrushevich (1883).

On the website of the Presidential Library, the Penza Region is represented by the collection “Penza Region: Pages of History”. The collection includes archive documents, essays, studies and statistical materials covering demographic, geographical, socio-economic, socio-political and other aspects of the history of Penza region of the late XVIII - first third of the XX century. The current Charter of the region is presented.