Teacher from Grozny left mark in history

19 October 2018

The Presidential Library portal provided access to photographs depicting finalists of the “Teacher of the Year” contest visiting the building on Senate Square, 3. The photographs depicted their meeting with the President of Russia, a tour of the institution, and recording in the e-book of reviews Alikhan Dinaev, a teacher of social studies at the Kh. I. Ibragimov Mathematical School № 1 in Grozny. The moment he was presented an electronic library card was also depicted.

This guest of the Presidential Library - “Teacher of the Year - 2018” is a regular author to a number of newspapers and online publications about education. Thanks to his speeches in the media, he is not only a practicing teacher, but also a specialist who is capable of innovatively comprehending and updating the teaching process.

His teaching career started in his studentship. He studied with the specialization in "State and Municipal Administration" so passionate that classmates increasingly began to ask him to explain this or that topic to them: "Our teachers explain it too hard, you can tell in simple words what GDP or democracy is". And he explained, intelligibly and briefly. It turned out that he was good at it, because Alikhan is the fourth generation teacher.

School teaching in this family is a good and long-standing family tradition. “Mom has been a mathematics teacher for about 15 years, and her father also had teaching experience”, - said Alikhan at https://dinaev.com/teacher. - The grandfather, the hero of the Great Patriotic War, the defender of Leningrad and the liberator of Europe, was among the first teachers in a very small mountain village of Dyshne-Vedeno. He had a higher pedagogical education, which for the rural residents of Chechen-Ingushetia of those times was a great rarity and he also has been regularly published in the local press and remained in the memory of the villagers as a fiery speaker! ”Great-grandfather of Dinaev was not only a teacher, but also director of a rural school.

In the course of the preparation for the state exam, there were so many requests for help that Alikhan came up with the idea: “Why not record a video with an answer to a question on YouTube?” The very first video turned out to be so popular that Dinaev recorded almost 30 videos. Although more than six years have passed, they are still being watched.

After graduation, Alikhan has been working for five years at the Department of Political Science and Sociology, and then at the Department of Philosophy of the M. D. Millionshchikov Grozny State Oil Technical University.

“Unfortunately, I often had to see students who were poorly trained and completely unmotivated to study”, - continues Alikhan. - The roots of these problems, which for me is quite obvious, go to school. Here I understood an important thing. If I want to change education, society for the better, then I have to start with a school, not the university. It is in the school that the basis of the character of the person is built. Here the student forms his ideas about the world, about himself and, most importantly, about his abilities. Here are his expectations are formed”.

Since 2017, Alikhan Dinaev works in the Kh. I. Ibragimov  Mathematical School №. 1 in Grozny. “The sincerity of the children, their real emotions and experiences, joy, laughter, victories - all this carries away. While working at the university, I often thought: how can one work at school at all? While working at school, I started thinking about something else: how can you leave school at all? ”

The Presidential Library’s cooperation with the teacher of the year will continue: Alikhan Dinaev has been invited to give a video link from Grozny, from the A. Aidamirov National Library of the Chechen Republic, in an open lecture within the framework of the Knowledge of Russia video lecture. Thanks to the regional and international network of the Presidential Library, the broadcasting of Alikhan’s speech on the library’s website on Senate, 3, will available to hundreds of thousands of people. The photographs of the visit by the teacher of the year to the building enriched the Presidential Library digital collections, which means that they already became the property of Russian history.