Marshal Ustinov has been recalled in the Presidential Library

25 October 2018

Dmitry Fedorovich Ustinov was awarded 11 Orders of Lenin. Participants of the video lecture from the series “Knowledge of Russia”, dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding Soviet statesman and military figure, Marshal of the Soviet Union, Minister of Defence of the USSR in 1976–1984, learned about this and many other things from D. F. Ustinov’s life.

On October 25, 2018, students and teachers of military and civilian educational institutions gathered in the building on Senate Square, 3 in St. Petersburg, as well as cadets, young soldiers and, of course, veterans, Soviet and Russian state, party and public figures, colleagues of Dmitry Fedorovich, people by knowing him personally via teleconferencing in the Reserve Center of the Presidential Library in Moscow and at library sites in Samara (marshal’s homeland), Izhevsk, Tula and Voronezh institutions (in particular, D. F. Ustinov’s BOENMEKH and "Naval Academy"). The event was held with the support of the Ministry of Defence of Russia.

Acting Director General of the Presidential Library, Valentin Sidorin, in his welcoming remarks, noted that D. F. Ustinov not only made a great personal contribution to maintaining our country's defense capability, but also gave a start in life to many people.

The meeting participants recalled Ustinov not only as a military and senior official, but simply as a man, invariably noting his decency, willingness to provide support, help with advice.

The speech of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Corporation of Rosobschemash, the ex-minister of general mechanical engineering of the USSR, the ex-deputy chairman of the defense council of the USSR Oleg Baklanov was very emotional: “My birth father died when I was five years old. Me father then was Dmitry Fedorovich ... He was a real man, brilliant by nature”.

The chairman of the Moscow City Council of Veterans, the ex-secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Vladimir Dolgikh, noted Ustinov’s enormous contribution to the organization of weapons production during the Great Patriotic War.

The president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov, who was adjutant to the Minister of Defence of the USSR D. F. Ustinov, emphasized that Dmitry Fedorovich became People's Commissar of Arms of the USSR just two weeks before the beginning of World War II, at the age of 32. After the war, Ustinov "dragged on himself huge nuclear projects, the rocket and space industry, the army, and five more ministries related to defence".

In Samara, they told that they were very proud of their countryman and they still remember him, in particular, local schoolchildren regularly participate in the “March of Ustinov”.

In Izhevsk they reported that he regularly visited the local arms factory and even had an office there. He was engaged not only in defense issues: for example, he was the initiator of the organization of an automobile plant in the capital of Udmurtia.

In Tula, they noted that Dmitry Ustinov is still recalled by gunsmiths. Not everyone was able to organize, during the Great Patriotic War, evacuation to the Urals of a huge weapon production in just three months, so that the army did not feel the lack of weapons during the move.

The event at the Presidential Library was held on the eve of Dmitry Fedorovich Ustinov's 110th anniversary (1908–1984), which falls on October 30, 2018.