Schoolchildren argued on tolerance in the Presidential Library

23 November 2018

The Presidential Library hosted the final event dedicated to the International Day for Tolerance: Open dialogue "The Word "We" contains one hundred thousand "I"", organized by the municipal council of the municipality "Sennoy Okrug".

Author's projects dedicated to the International Day for Tolerance have been implemented by the “Sennoy Okrug” Municipality for four years. In 2015, 2016 and 2017, pupils from the schools of the “Sennoy Okrug” took part in festivals aimed at studying the history and culture, traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia and the world. For the work in the field of prevention of interethnic and interethnic conflicts, the municipal entity “Sennoy Okrug” has become the winner of the Competition of the Council of Saint Petersburg municipalities for the prevention of crime for three years in a row.

In October 2018, on the initiative of the head of the” Sennoy Okrug” municipal district, Nataliya Vladimirovna Astakhova, and on the basis of their own methodological materials, in five schools disputes were held "The Word "We" contains one hundred thousand "I"", which involved pupils of 8–11 grades, the head of the municipality "Sennoy Okrug" deputies and teachers. In the framework of disputes, children and adults discussed why the topic of tolerance was so relevant today, whether tolerance has boundaries, whether the environment contributes to the formation of a tolerant outlook, in which cases each of us is intolerant. In all schools disputes turned out to be not similar to each other, but everywhere very important and really topical issues related to tolerance in the broadest sense were addressed.

The final event, timed to the International Day for Tolerance, - Open dialogue "The Word "We" contains one hundred thousand "I"", was attended by the head of the municipal formation "Sennoy Okrug" Natalia Astakhova, deputy chairman of the municipal council Alexei Soloveichik, deputies and district employees and also the pupils and teachers of the Second St. Petersburg gymnasium and schools №. 229, 241, 243, 256, which showed themselves most clearly.

The highlight was the launch into the sky of balloons with a symbolic message to mankind: based on of the Open Dialogue of the Youth Declaration on Tolerance.