The Lermontov Penza Regional Library discovers Presidential Library’s resources

3 December 2018

Continuing cooperation with the Institute of Regional Development of Penza Region, the Lermontov Penza Regional Library is holding practice-oriented seminars for teachers of the humanities cycle, engaged in refresher courses. On November 30, in the training center, teachers of Russian language and literature learned about the electronic collections and the features of the Presidential Library’s portal.

Specialists of the electronic reading room told teachers how to use the resources of the Presidential Library to enrich the process of education in schools. Undoubtedly, the Russian Language collection can become the main source of additional materials for philologists.

The teachers studied in detail the structure of this collection. We looked at some documents on the history of linguistics in Russia and general issues of linguistics, etc.

Those who constantly develop themselves professionally will be interested in studies on the Russian language, as well as publications on practical study, didactics and methods of teaching the Russian language.

Specialists of the Presidential Library’s regional center, running on the basis of the Lermontov Regional Library, invited the participants of the seminar to come along with their students to video tutorials organized remotely at the Presidential Library to disseminate the latest teaching practices.

Despite the fact that the first stage of the “Russia in the Electronic World” Internet Olympiad for schoolchildren is completed in two days, the teachers were informed about this contest in which about 5–7 thousand students from all over Russia take part every year.

Using materials from collections telling about the life and work of Russian writers, one can prepare not just one lesson, but a whole cycle. The teachers had to feel themselves in the role of students and find some little-known interesting facts from the biographies of V. V. Mayakovski and I. S. Turgenev.

Then, the teachers were given a tour of the library with a visit to the newly opened hall of A. I. Solzhenitsyn.

The teachers unanimously noted that the use of materials from the Presidential Library’s portal and multimedia technologies will make the learning process more interesting and as productive as possible.

On the website of the Presidential Library, Penza Region is represented by the collection “Penza Region: Pages of History”. The collection includes archival documents, essays, studies and statistical materials covering demographic, geographical, socio-economic, socio-political and other aspects of the history of Penza Region of the late XVIII - first third of the XX centuries. The current charter of the region is provided.


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