New Year's performance for children of compatriots held at the Russian Cultural Center in Beijing
The Russian Cultural Center in Beijing hosted a traditional New Year’s performance for children of compatriots living abroad, employees of Russian foreign institutions and local citizens interested in the Russian language and culture.
This year more than 150 children attended the event. It was organized in two stages: a matinee for preschoolers and afternoon performance for children over seven years old.
The main part of the celebration was held in the Great Hall of the Russian Cultural Center, decorated with garlands, snowflakes, stars and New Year's posters.
The organizers prepared for children a theatrical performance based on Russian folk tales, and the program for older children based on collaborative games, quizzes and competitions.
All participants received New Year's gifts – Russian sweets from the Russian Cultural Center in Beijing
The Presidential Library’s portal provides access to the electronic collection “New Year and Christmas in Russia”. The collection includes the main statutes and studies related to these winter holidays, their description in historical sources, award sheets, greeting letters, ancient and modern calendars, pre-revolutionary and Soviet postcards
Based on materials of http://rs.gov.ru