Traditional meeting of authors and readers of Rodina popular science and history magazine took place in the Presidential Library

28 December 2018

To discuss the materials of the Rodina magazine, to find out how they were created, how ideas were born, what the editorial board is getting ready - this is an opportunity for readers thanks to the traditional presentation of the latest issue of the popular science and history publication, which is held monthly in the Presidential Library. The video conference on the December issue was attended by the authors of the magazine, representatives of Rossiyskaya Gazeta, employees and guests of the libraries of Simferopol, Kaliningrad, Sverdlovsk and Voronezh.

The main theme of the December issue of the magazine was the symbol of the outgoing 2018 - a dog. In particular, a selection of historical plots tells about the favorites of Russian emperors, the famous Jim from Sergey Yesenin's poem, Vladimir Mayakovski’s dog Schene, the astronaut dog Zvezdochka, the hero of World War II Dzhulbars and many others. Four-legged friends are described in “Living with Rodina” column, which contains memories from the diaries of famous Russians, including writers Korney Chukovsky and Mikhail Prishvin, composer Sergei Prokofiev, polar explorer Ivan Papanin.

The reader of the December issue will visit the film sets of “White Bim Black Ear” and the new film of the Great Patriotic War “Illyinsky Frontier”, will see the rare portrait of Nicholas II returning from non-existence, he finds out that he connects the Russian city of Kasimov with the Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen, how the Soviet press saved from the death of eight Americans, and a lot of other interesting information. The traditional “Cuisine of Rodina” heading tells how the New Year was celebrated in the most famous and prestigious place among the creative intelligentsia of Moscow - the legendary restaurant of the Central House of Writers and also introduces the New Year's menu for customers.

Joseph Stalin, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Alexander Blok, lawyer Anatoly Koni, holder of five medals "For Courage" Alexey Voronov and others also became the heroes of the new issue of Rodina magazine.

Presentations of the latest issues of the Rodina popular science and history magazine traditionally has been held in the building on Senate Square from April 2017 within the framework of the cooperation agreement between the Presidential Library and the Rossiyskaya Gazeta, which was signed at the end of 2016. Organizations regularly hold joint events: multimedia exhibitions dedicated to Rodina, video lectures with the participation of the authors of a historical magazine. Digitized copies of the popular science publication enrich the electronic collections of the Presidential Library.