The Presidential Library together with the Volgograd Regional Library arrange a videoconference dedicated to the Year of Theater in Russia

24 January 2019

The Presidential Library together with the M. Gorky Volgograd Regional Universal Research Library plan to hold on March 27, 2019 at 10:00 (Moscow time) an interregional research and practical videoconference "National theater: the past and the present", dedicated to the Year of Theater in Russia.

The purpose of the videoconference is to raise the level of awareness of the Russian youth about the history of the development of the dramatic art and to increase interest in the national culture.

The main idea of ​​the videoconference is to present in the address of the participants the brightest events from the history of the development of dramatic art in Russia, the most significant achievements of the national theater in the socio-cultural and historical aspect, and also to analyze the eventual interconnection of theater of history and history of theatre. Addresses of the heads of theaters or theater workers of Volgograd cultural institutions are welcome.

The following discussion areas are planned:

  • Chapters in history of dramatic art: events, facts, people;
  • The impact of history on the development of the stage;
  • The history of the theater in historical and cultural readings;
  • Theater in the socio-cultural context of the time;
  • Education by theater and in theater: ancient pedagogy of the scene;
  • Theater in the city and the city in the theater: a single cultural space;
  • Theatre activities in the context of the development of the region;
  • Advanced technology onstage.

To participate in the videoconference are invited leaders and employees of cultural institutions, teachers, representatives of public organizations, students of educational institutions of secondary and higher education, students of regular schools.

Regarding the participation in the event and requirements for execution of materials please contact the organizing committee of the videoconference: tel. (8442) 33–20–23, e-mail: