Novosibirsk Regional Library and Library Society are implementing a large-scale project “Children are Reading”

28 January 2019

The Novosibirsk Library Society, together with the Novosibirsk State Regional Research Library, are implementing a large-scale project “Children are Reading” with the support of the Presidential Grants Foundation.

The main objective of the project is to stimulate reading of the younger generation of the region through the production of videos, the main characters of which will be students of 4–9 grades of educational institutions of Novosibirsk Region and the city of Novosibirsk. Each video will be devoted to the book that was most liked by the students from the list offered by the library. In the future, videos will be broadcasted on the websites of partners and project participants.

Educational organizations of Novosibirsk Region and the city of Novosibirsk have shown great interest in the project, and the library receives applications for participation in large numbers.

On the website of the Presidential Library, it is available to “look through” the collection “Novosibirsk Region: Pages of History”. The proposed collection includes books, periodicals, archival documents and graphic materials reflecting various aspects of the history of Novosibirsk Region of the period of the 18th - first half of the 20th century (geographic, administrative, territorial, economic, etc.), as well as the current Charter of Novosibirsk Region.

Based on materials of