New electronic collection of the Presidential Library marking the anniversary of the great Russian scientist Dmitri Mendeleev
In 2019 two significant dates are associated with the name of the prominent Russian scientist Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev: the Periodic table created by him celebrates its 150th anniversary, and on February 8, it marks 185 years since its birth. The Presidential Library has prepared a new electronic collection dedicated to the scientist, which was presented on February 6 as part of a webinar. The selection includes the works of Dmitri Mendeleev, correspondence, archival documents and studies concerning his scientific, educational, social activities, and much more.
The materials of the collection, which are available on the library’s portal, illustrate that the interests of Dmitri Mendeleev were much broader than the study of chemistry. He was engaged in research in the field of physics, meteorology, geology, instrument making, economics and even aeronautics, was one of the founders of modern metrology which is reflected in such works as The Basics of the Factory Industry, On the Conditions for the Development of the Plant Business in Russia, Where to Build Oil Plants, The Materials for Judging Spiritualism, etc.
Moreover, it is worth highlighting the publication "Dmitri’s Mendeleev's Cherished Thoughts" (1904), which became a kind of summing up of the life and work of a scientist, which raises topical issues that worried progressive Russian society at that time.
Meanwhile, B. G. Kuznetsov, author of the book Lomonosov. Lobachevsky. Mendeleev: Essays on Life and Worldview notes: "Whatever Mendeleev writes, he seems to be talking with a reader - a close friend. Absolute sincerity, extreme spontaneity, sharply individual manner, infinitely much personal - these are integral parts of Mendeleev’s works. At the same time - complete indifference to the form, along with the sometimes heavy, completely unpolished phrase - accuracy and inner strength of a bright and energetic language”.
Exploring Mendeleev’s works, it is possible not only to see the sharpness and strength of his mind, but also learn a lot about the personal life of a scientist - the above-mentioned work of B. G. Kuznetsov says: “There is a lot of subjective and even autobiographical in Mendeleev’s research works . “The study of water solutions” starts with a dedication to his mother, very heartfelt and briefly telling about her life. <...> The apology of the factory industry is reinforced by memories of childhood spent at the factory; obligatory stories about the Tobolsk gymnasium and the pedagogical institute are interspersed in the article on public education”.
An article from one of the issues of the Rodina popular science and history magazine, published in December 2016, which can also be “looked through” on the Presidential Library’s portal is devoted to early life of Dmitry Ivanovich. The material tells about the mother of the scientist Maria Dmitrievna, without whose efforts the youngest of her 17 children, favorite of Mitenka, could not get success and world recognition. It was she who saved her son from expulsion from the gymnasium: “The restless Mitya remained, as they would say now, “troubled child” in Tobolsk. All teachers noted his abilities, but he taught only favorite subjects. Foreign languages caused persistent hostility to the future creator of the Periodic table. In addition, he constantly fought offenders, defied teachers ... ”It was Maria Dmitrievna, who left everything, went with her son to Moscow and helped him enter the Pedagogical Institute. “Mitya will not forget anything. He will devote his first research work to his mother. He will always appreciate the fact that she did not break his character, forcing him to engage in unloved work. She believed in his vocation and tried her best to help. Always, even in old age, he will remember her touchingly, quite childishly: mama...” - the author of the material notes.
The history of the creation of the famous Periodic table, which glorified Mendeleev and over which he had been working for almost 40 years, we find in the book by O. N. Pisarzhevsky Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev. 1834–1907.
The Presidential Library’s e-collection involves many more interesting materials about the life and work of the great scientist, which sometimes opens from a very unusual side.