Guests from China took part in the discussion of the film "Chinese-Russian Book Way" in the Presidential Library

27 February 2019

The regular meeting of the Cinema Club focused on the theme "Libraries of China and Russia" was held in the Presidential Library. The program included the screening of the film “The Chinese-Russian Book Way”, made by the screenwriter Liang Longjiang, director Chen Xu. It is focused on important and specific areas of cooperation in the development of librarianship.

This is a story about a librarian from the Chongqing Public Library (China), who goes on a business trip to the Presidential Library (Russia, St. Petersburg). It is through his perception that the viewer learns about the history and cultural ties between China and Russia. Along with it the film also presents the history of the Chongqing Public Library, and the work which is carried out to preserve the national cultural heritage of China.

“This is the first Chinese documentary film reflecting Russian-Chinese cultural interaction through the prism of libraries”, - said the director of the Chongqing Library Zhen Jing in his video greeting. - The film received the highest award of the Year of Exchanges between the Chinese and Russian media from the State Administration for Broadcasting, Cinematography and Television of China. Taking this opportunity, on behalf of the Chongqing Library, I would like to thank the Presidential Library for the help and support provided during the filming”.

According to the film, the 40 millionth Chongqing is a city open to the world and its specialists would like to borrow the valuable experience of the Presidential Library in digitizing, storing and providing users with the accumulated wealth of books. The State Center for the Preservation of Valuable Ancient Folios in Chongqing is ready to work based on the experience of Petersburg colleagues. Therefore, a kind of film-manual shows all the key points of the transfer of a paper book into electronic format.

Specialists of the Presidential Library regularly meet with colleagues from China. The head of the Chinese delegation, who visited the Presidential Library in September 2018, the chairman of the People’s Political Consultative Council of Chongqing, Mr. Wang Jun, emphasized the importance of this cooperation: “The development of cultural direction is one of our priorities, and joint projects with the Presidential Library to this".

It seems that the upcoming presentation of the Chinese film at the meeting of the Presidential Library’s Cinema Club will also boost it. Spectators from two countries will gather to discuss it. None of the views remained indifferent to the phrase of the heroine of the film, who went through this difficult Chinese-Russian Book Way: “Although my trip is over, my heart remains here for a long time”.