Sakhalin residents were told about consumer rights

18 March 2019

A round table on consumer rights was held at the Sakhalin Regional Universal Research Library on March 14, 2019. The meeting brought together Sakhalin citizens and specialists from the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in Sakhalin Region.

The participants of the event were told how to replace or return the goods of inadequate quality, explained the procedure for judicial and pre-trial protection of consumer rights.

Employees of the regional center of the Presidential Library presented an information stand with visual algorithms of citizen actions in a situation when his rights as a consumer of goods and services are violated.

On the website of the Presidential Library, the region is represented by the collection "Sakhalin Region: Pages of History". The development of the territory of Sakhalin Region, the only Russian region completely located on the islands, is represented by travel sketches, geographical and historical descriptions of the middle of the XIX - early XX century, as well as fragments of the 1929 newsreel.


Based on materials of