A record number of participants from Tyumen Region reached the finals of "Russia in the Electronic World" Olympiad
From March 19 to March 21, 2019, the third and final stage of the annual interactive Olympiad for schoolchildren "Russia in the Electronic World" in history, social studies and the Russian language will be held. 352 students from 48 regions of Russia reached the finals. The list is in the lead of Tyumen Region: a record number of pupils from the region went through to the final third round - 65 schoolchildren, and nine of them reached the finals in several disciplines at once. In total, 2989 students participated from Tyumen Region in the interactive Olympiad "Russia in the Electronic World" in history, social studies and the Russian language in the 2018/2019 school year.
The final round of the Olympiad is traditionally held full-time. Due to the large number of finalists from 14 municipalities of the south of Tyumen Region, the third round will be held in the region at several sites simultaneously: in the Mendeleev Tyumen Regional Research Library, on the basis of which the Tyumen branch of the Presidential Library, in gymnasium № 16 of Tyumen, as well as in Zavodoukovsk secondary school № 2.
On March 19, at 8:00 am, an internal stage on the subject “History” starts at these sites. On March 20, students will complete tasks on the subject "Social Studies". The next day, March 21, the curators of the event will meet the finalists on the "Russian language" discipline. Face-to-face conducting of the third round in all three disciplines includes the following steps: welcoming speech by the Director General of the Presidential Library to the participants of the Olympiad at remote sites, viewing a video presentation on how to work with resources in the electronic reading room, counseling by staff, and completing assignments for the final (full-time a) stage.
Last year, Elena Masleeva, a student of Novoseleznevskaya Secondary School of the Kazan District of Tyumen Region, won the third degree in the Russian Language discipline. Her work is represented in the selection of the best works of the Olympiad on the project’s website. In 2016/2017 school year, two pupils of Tyumen Region won prizes in the discipline "Social Studies" - students from Tobolsk became pupils of I and III degrees. In the Russian language discipline from Tyumen region, two pupils also became prize awardees: diplomas of the I and III degrees went to the city of Zavodoukovsk and Borovsky workers settlement. We are confident that this year the participants from Tyumen Region will again not be left without deserved awards.