The final stage of "Russia in the Electronic World" Interactive Contest launched

19 March 2019

March 19, 2019 the third and final stage of the Annual Interactive Olympiad for schoolchildren "Russia in the Electronic World" in history, social studies and the Russian language launched. It will run until March 21 inclusive.

According to Director General of the Presidential Library Ilya Bykovnikov, the number of participants in the Olympiad is increasing every year. This means that children are not only attracted to those areas offered by the Presidential Library, in addition, they have the opportunity to choose in which disciplines, fields and areas it will be more interesting to work in the future.

In total, 352 students from 48 regions of Russia and the Republic of Belarus reached the finals of “Russia in the Electronic World” Olympiad. The list is in the lead of Tyumen Region - 65 schoolchildren of the region successfully coped with the tasks of the first two qualifying stages.

By tradition, the final stage of the Olympiad is held in the building of the Presidential Library in St. Petersburg on Senate Square, 3, and in the branch of the Presidential Library in Tyumen, on the basis of the Mendeleev Tyumen Regional Research Library. In addition, the finalists of the Interactive Contest meet each other at 24 sites: Blagoveshchensk, Khabarovsk, Novosibirsk, Salekhard, Moscow, Rostov-on-Don and many other cities of our country, as well as the Russian Center of Science and Culture in the Republic of Belarus.

The final stage of the interactive Olympiad "Russia in the Electronic World" includes the implementation of four tasks. In history and social studies, the first task is an essay on the proposed topic, in the Russian language - dictation. The second task is an analysis of the text. The third is a bibliographic search for literature on the proposed topic in the Presidential Library’s collections, which today has more than 770 thousand items. Within the framework of the fourth assignment, the guys should write an essay on the basis of the proposed topic and bibliographic search. Contests are held in two shifts: the first from 08:00 to 11:15, the second - from 12:00 to 15:15 (Moscow Time).

The knowledgeable jury appraises the knowledge of schoolchildren, which consists of reputable scientists and university professors of St. Petersburg. Winners and prize-awardees receive privileges when entering higher educational institutions - partners of the Presidential Library, the list of which is already updated on the website of the Olympiad, and they will also be awarded with memorable prizes and gifts from the Presidential Library.