Schoolchildren presented book exhibition dedicated to Mikhail Lomonosov in the Presidential library

22 March 2019

Today, March 22, 2019, an unusual exhibition and presentation was held at the Presidential Library, prepared by young students of educational institutions of St. Petersburg on the eve of the anniversary St. Petersburg International Educational Forum. It summed up the school project on the history of the book and typography “Books have their own destiny: the history of the book in the biographies of Mikhail Lomonosov of the XVIII – XXI centuries”.

The exhibition and presentation presented both books from the Presidential Library and publications from private collections. It should be noted that the concept of the presentation was developed by the schoolchildren themselves, they also selected publications for a wide display.

“It is very pleasant that not only adult researchers, but also the younger generation are interested in how the library is arranged and what rarities it keeps. We will definitely continue to develop cooperation with educational institutions in this direction”, - noted in his welcoming speech Ilya Bykovnikov, Director General of the Presidential Library.

The head of the project presented, the Deputy Director of Research of the Academy of Talents of St. Petersburg, the teacher of the year 2017 Ilya Demakov recalled that back in 2011, an exhibition entitled “The State of High Latitude” was prepared in the building on Senate Square and dedicated to Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. Part of the books then included in the exhibition was later digitized and formed the basis of the electronic collection “Mikhail Lomonosov (1711–1765)”, which is available to the public on the Presidential Library’s portal.  In 2019, within the framework of the project, two more rare publications were digitized and included in the national electronic depository fund.

School project on the history of books and typography “Books have their own destiny: the history of books in the biographies of Mikhail Lomonosov of XVIII – XXI centuries” was developed by the Academy of Talents and gymnasium № 116 of St. Petersburg with the support of the Presidential Library. Together, the partners formed a unique educational program that allowed students of grades 6–7 to get familiar with the history of books, learn about the technology of digitizing publications and others.