Pitirim Sorokin's fellow countrymen handed over to the Presidential Library the “The Crisis of Our Time. Russia and the United States" book
On April 5, 2019 new volume from Pitirim Sorokin's Collected Works “The Crisis of Our Time. Russia and the United States” was donated to the Presidential Library by representatives of the Komi Republic. Sorokin was born on February 4, 1889 in the village of Turya, Yarensky district, Vologda province, which today is part of the Knyazhpogost district of Komi Republic.
The event is timed to the 130th anniversary of Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin (1889–1968), one of the classics of sociology, who had a great influence on its development both at home and during emigration to the United States.
In her welcoming speech, Elena Zhabko, Director for Information Resources of the Presidential Library, noted that in the Northern capital the name and career of Pitirim Sorokin have been known and honored for a long time, because he studied at the St. Petersburg University, taught there and spent in this city 15 years. In this connection, in 2009, a memorial plaque was installed on the facade of house № 31 on the 8th line of Vasilyevsky Island, where Pitirim Sorokin lived. Elena Zhabko thanked the presenters from Komi Republic, who published the complete edition of Sorokin’s works.
Collected Works of Pirim Sorokin “The Crisis of Our Time. Russia and the United States” after digitization will be posted on the library’s portal and will be available to millions of users.
The modern community is extremely in need of it, said a guest from Komi, director of the Sorokin Heritage Center, Olga Kuzivanova. The purpose of the center she heads is the wide dissemination of the ideas and works of a sociologist, an outstanding humanist.
The Presidential Library, for its part, also tries to present the Pitirim Sorokin’s oeuvre as widely as possible. In her speech, Director for Information Resources Elena Zhabko told about the collection “Pitirim Sorokin (1889–1968)” dedicated to a sociologist: it has about 130 storage units and will certainly be enriched. The works of Pitirim Sorokin presented in the collection, as well as modern studies, indicate that he became the founder of integral sociology and made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of social mobility.